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Newman/Postman collection generator

This module will bring your postman/newman experience to a next level

NPM Version


npm i newman-collection


The only feature this module brings is simplified minimalistic JS-like creation of the collection file.

Newman is a tool developed by a postman team which can run existing collections . Having postman-collection SDK available we can already generate collections on the fly, however working with this library directly developer experience was not that great. Behind the idea of this module I have personal experience of working with Express.js (get/post/head/put/delete and other https methods), fetch Web API-like headers declaration and finally writing scripts as Javascript not like strings

Same code with postman SDK will take more lines:

const { Collection, Item } = require("newman-collection");
const newman = require("newman");

let oCollection = new Collection([
  // test GET
  new Item("Test GET request")
    .pm.test("This is test A", () => {;
    .pm.test("This is test B", () => {;
  // test POST
  new Item("Test POST request")
    .headers({ "Content-Type": "text/plain" })
    .pm.test("body should be same", () => {"data", "test");
  // test auth
  new Item("Test basic auth")
    .auth.basic({ username: "postman", password: "password" })
    .pm.test("Must be authenticated", () => {"authenticated", true);
  collection: oCollection.collection,
  reporters: ["cli"]

Interface auth

method description
basic({username,password}) Provides basic authentication. Do not use secret data in your code but use {{secret}} variables instead.

class Collection

method description
constructor( collection?: CollectionDefinition , items?: Item ) To create an instance you can provide collection definition from postman SDK. In addition to this list of items can be provided also
constructor( items*?: Item ) You can omit definition part providing just array of items
set items(items: Item) { A setter method is also availabe to set items later
auth Returns auth interface. Please see section above. When using auth on the collection level credentials will be applied to all requests in the collection

class Item

method description
get/post/head/options/put/delete/patch (url:string) these are factory functions for Request of a certain type
auth See auth section

interface Request

method description
body(body:string|object) Sets body, converts to JSON if needed
headers(headers: object) Sets request headers in a similar to fetch API way
auth.basic({username,password}) Provides basic authentication. Do not use secret data in your code but use {{secret}} variables instead.
on.prerequest(callback:Function) This function along with test script also is probably the main purpose of this module creation. It is extremely not convenient to work with a collection file editing script as string data, not a code.
on.test(callback:Function) test script writer, same as prerequest
pm.test(description, callback) Even more simplified way of creating test scripts. This is what it does:
will create JSON like this:
and finally in the console we can have this:
auth see auth section


You can always use these classes to build your own recipies and then reuse them across your scenarios

const { Collection, Item } = require("newman-collection");

// Odata login: fetching X-CSRF-Token for future reusing it in the collection with embedded test
class OdataLogin extends Item {
  request(...args) {
    return super
      .headers({ "X-CSRF-Token": "fetch" })
      .pm.test("Token must be fetched", () => {;"x-csrf-token");

// Odata call, CSRF token provided + expects json back
class OdataCall extends Item {
  request(...args) {
    return super.request(...args).headers({
      "X-CSRF-Token": "{{x-csrf-token}}",
      Accept: "application/json"

Important links:

Newman API - CLI/Node.js postman collections runner

Postman SDK - Model this extension is built on top of

Postman Sandbox API Reference (pm.)

Postman Echo Test Service
