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Alfonso J. Ramos edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 4 revisions

There are a few things that are beyond the scope of my work:

  • I cannot provide Generic Variance.
  • I cannot extend reflection (I recommend to use Mono.Cecil)
  • I cannot add some methods such as String.Join(string, IEnumerator<string>), I'll provide helper methods instead. Whenever possible this helper methods are going to extension methods to minimize the changes needed in code. For a list see below.
  • I cannot improve the Garbage Collector. Try using Mono as a back-end.
  • I will not include backports of Reactive Extensions or any other code not in the BCL, but I may provide similar functionality.
  • I have no intention to backport GUI libraries.
  • I cannot modify EventHandler<T> to remove the generic constraint that's present in .NET prior .NET 4.5. For workaround see below.
  • I cannot modify OperationCanceledException to add support to CancellationToken. For workaround see below.
  • I cannot modify HashSet<T> on .NET 3.5 to allow casting to ISet<T>
  • In the type IGrouping<TKey, TElement> TKey is covariant from .NET 4.0 onward, I cannot make it covariant in .NET 3.5.

These features are not planned to be added or improved:

  • Environment.SpecialFolder
  • Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem
  • ServiceInstaller.DelayedAutoStart

The following are the notable methods that has been added to existing types:

  • Comparer<T>.Create was added in .NET 4.5, use ComparerExtensions.ToComparer instead.
  • Enum.HasFlag was added in .NET 4.0, use EnumHelper.HasFlag instead.
  • Stream.CopyTo was added in .NET 4.0, use StreamExtensions.CopyTo instead.
  • String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace was added in .NET 4.0, use StringHelper.IsNullOrWhiteSpace instead.
  • String.Concat and String.Join has new overloads in .NET 4.0, use StringHelper.Concat and StringHelper.Join instead.
  • Stopwatch.Restart was added in .NET 4.0, use StopwatchExtensions.Restart instead.
  • StringBuilder.Clear was added in .NET 4.0, use StringBuilderExtensions.Clear instead.
  • Some methods were added to Task in .NET 4.0, use TaskEx instead. TaskEx has been made available in all .NET versions and is kept consistent with OmerMor/AsyncBridge and the Async CTP.

Note 1: the class ReadOnlyCollection exists since .NET 2.0, it takes a IList<T> instead of ICollection<T> and does not implement IReadOnlyCollection<T> which was added in .NET 4.5 - the class ExtendedReadOnlyColletion<T> aliviates these problems.

Note 2: I have tryied porting to Portable Class Library... the limited reflection left no clear path to port Linq.Expressions and the changes in the threading model would require a rewrite of most of the threading related code.


  • The classes added in .NET 4.5 that require EventHandler<T> without the generic constraint may get backported using Theraot.Core.NewEventHandler<T>. Avoid using EventHandler<T> explicitly in those cases.
  • The classes added in .NET 4.0 or .NET 4.5 that require OperationCanceledException.CancellationToken et al. may get backported using Theraot.Core.NewOperationCanceledException. Avoid creating this exceptions yourself.