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Noticed (and committed) previously that the QR code page had stopped …
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…working due to one of the external sites used. This is a 1.8 XOT fix and I have a similar fix for 1.7. That previous revision was since overwritten by a set of revisions committed by Julian so this is the fix re-applied. I also need to contact University of Southampton as the fix is using their site to generate the QR code now.

git-svn-id: 912cdd6b-5c7d-d5a7-a2ba-d0f0cdb91641
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ronm123 committed Jul 16, 2012
1 parent 4b5a4f0 commit 1fe4d46
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -1 +1 @@
<PG title="QR Code" name="QRCodes"> <SCR name="getPageID"><![CDATA[pageIcon = icon.parentNode.clip();if (rootIcon.projMode == "dev"){ // Page Wizard pageIcon.templateData = pageIcon.extXML.toObject(); pageIcon.templateData = pageIcon.templateData.pageWizard[0];} else { // Toolkits myXML = new XML(extXML.firstChild.childNodes[rootIcon.getPageIndex() - pgOffset]); pageIcon.templateData = myXML.toObject();} rootIcon.setTitleText(templateData.learningObject[0].name); // handle multiple page data definitions in a project if (rootIcon.projectPageIndex == undefined){ rootIcon.projectPageIndex = 0;}// check if this page has a definition for the current project index and default to 0 if notif (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[rootIcon.projectPageIndex].name == undefined){ projPI = 0;} else { projPI = rootIcon.projectPageIndex; } if (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].narration != undefined){ narration = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].narration; rootIcon.broadcast('showAudio');}]]></SCR> <DIS h="490" w="770" tabIndex="-1" id="panel" name="panel" x="15" y="15" type="ext" url="templatePath + 'common/whitePanel.swf'"><![CDATA[]]></DIS> <INT name="loadPanel" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onLoad" icon="panel" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="exit"><![CDATA[align = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].align;if (align == 'Left'){panel._width = 440;panel._height = 474;panel._x = stageWidth - panel._width - 20;} if (align == 'Right'){panel._width = 440;panel._height = 474;panel._x = 20;}]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <DIS id="myurl" name="myurl" x="0" y="0" w="400" h="10" type="text"><![CDATA[]]></DIS> <SCR name="loadthetext"><![CDATA[pastedurl=pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].url;if (templatePath.indexOf('modules/xerte') == -1){ myurl.readFile(""+pastedurl);} else { myurl.readFile(_level0.site_url + 'rss_proxy.php?rss=' + ""+pastedurl);}]]></SCR> <INT name="loadurl" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onReadFile" icon="myurl" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="exit"><![CDATA[//ok to move on]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <SCR name="getqrcode"><![CDATA[if (templatePath.indexOf('modules/xerte') == -1){ mytext='<a href="'+myurl.fileData+'">'+myurl.fileData+'</a>'; qrcodelink=myurl.fileData; qrcodelink=""+qrcodelink;} else { mytext='<a href="'+myurl.fileData+'">'+myurl.fileData+'</a>'; qrcodelink=myurl.fileData; qrcodelink=""+qrcodelink;}]]></SCR> <DIS toolTip="{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].tip}" scrolling="auto" id="graphic" name="graphic" x="200" y="70" type="ext" url="qrcodelink"><![CDATA[{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].tip}]]></DIS> <INT name="loadImage" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onLoad" icon="graphic" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="calculate"><![CDATA[align = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].align; p = graphic._width / graphic._height; maxWidth = 410;//was 465 maxHeight = 410; graphic.constrain(maxWidth, maxHeight); if (align == 'Hide text' | align==undefined){ urlX=210; urlY=20; textX = 20; textY = 20;textWidth = 0;}if (align == 'Left'){panel._width = graphic._width + 20;panel._height = 474; panel._x = stageWidth - panel._width - 20; graphic._x = 360; urlX=370; urlY=20; textX = 20; textY = 20; textWidth = stageWidth - 80 - graphic._width;} if (align == 'Right'){panel._width = graphic._width + 20;panel._height = 474; panel._x = 20; graphic._x = 30; urlX=30; urlY=20; textX = graphic._width + 60; textY = 20; textWidth = stageWidth - 80 - graphic._width;}]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <SCR name="sound"><![CDATA[if (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].sound != undefined){ //check for a literal path sndURL = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].sound; if (sndURL.indexOf('http') == 0){ sndURL = "'" + sndURL + "'"; } icon.nextSibling.attributes.controls = panel._x +',' + (panel._y+panel._height - 20) + ',' + panel._width;} else { if (icon.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SND'){ icon.nextSibling.removeNode(); }}]]></SCR> <SND name="sound" type="ext" url="{sndURL}" play="0" loop="0" wait="0" /> <DIS scrolling="auto" id="textBlock1" h="450" name="text" x="textX" y="textY" w="textWidth" type="text"><![CDATA[{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI]}]]></DIS> <DIS w="600" textSize="36pt" scrolling="auto" id="textBlock" h="410" name="showurl" x="urlX" y="urlY" type="text"><![CDATA[{mytext}]]></DIS> </PG>
<PG title="QR Code" name="QRCodes"> <SCR name="getPageID"><![CDATA[pageIcon = icon.parentNode.clip();if (rootIcon.projMode == "dev"){ // Page Wizard pageIcon.templateData = pageIcon.extXML.toObject(); pageIcon.templateData = pageIcon.templateData.pageWizard[0];} else { // Toolkits myXML = new XML(extXML.firstChild.childNodes[rootIcon.getPageIndex() - pgOffset]); pageIcon.templateData = myXML.toObject();} rootIcon.setTitleText(templateData.learningObject[0].name); // handle multiple page data definitions in a project if (rootIcon.projectPageIndex == undefined){ rootIcon.projectPageIndex = 0;}// check if this page has a definition for the current project index and default to 0 if notif (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[rootIcon.projectPageIndex].name == undefined){ projPI = 0;} else { projPI = rootIcon.projectPageIndex; } if (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].narration != undefined){ narration = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].narration; rootIcon.broadcast('showAudio');}]]></SCR> <DIS h="490" w="770" tabIndex="-1" id="panel" name="panel" x="15" y="15" type="ext" url="templatePath + 'common/whitePanel.swf'"><![CDATA[]]></DIS> <INT name="loadPanel" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onLoad" icon="panel" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="exit"><![CDATA[align = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].align;if (align == 'Left'){panel._width = 440;panel._height = 474;panel._x = stageWidth - panel._width - 20;} if (align == 'Right'){panel._width = 440;panel._height = 474;panel._x = 20;}]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <DIS id="myurl" name="myurl" x="0" y="0" w="400" h="10" type="text"><![CDATA[]]></DIS> <SCR name="loadthetext"><![CDATA[pastedurl=pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].url;if (templatePath.indexOf('modules/xerte') == -1){ myurl.readFile(""+pastedurl);} else { myurl.readFile(_level0.site_url + 'rss_proxy.php?rss=' + ""+pastedurl);}]]></SCR> <INT name="loadurl" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onReadFile" icon="myurl" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="exit"><![CDATA[//ok to move on]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <SCR name="getqrcode"><![CDATA[if (templatePath.indexOf('modules/xerte') == -1){ mytext='<a href="'+myurl.fileData+'">'+myurl.fileData+'</a>'; qrcodelink=myurl.fileData; qrcodelink=""+qrcodelink;} else { mytext='<a href="'+myurl.fileData+'">'+myurl.fileData+'</a>'; qrcodelink=myurl.fileData; qrcodelink=""+qrcodelink;}]]></SCR> <DIS toolTip="{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].tip}" scrolling="auto" id="graphic" name="graphic" x="200" y="70" type="ext" url="qrcodelink"><![CDATA[{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].tip}]]></DIS> <INT name="loadImage" perpetual="0"> <RES name="onLoad" type="event" eventName="onLoad" icon="graphic" erase="1" exit="1"> <SCR name="calculate"><![CDATA[align = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].align; p = graphic._width / graphic._height; maxWidth = 410;//was 465 maxHeight = 410; graphic.constrain(maxWidth, maxHeight); if (align == 'Hide text' | align==undefined){ urlX=210; urlY=20; textX = 20; textY = 20;textWidth = 0;}if (align == 'Left'){panel._width = graphic._width + 20;panel._height = 474; panel._x = stageWidth - panel._width - 20; graphic._x = 360; urlX=370; urlY=20; textX = 20; textY = 20; textWidth = stageWidth - 80 - graphic._width;} if (align == 'Right'){panel._width = graphic._width + 20;panel._height = 474; panel._x = 20; graphic._x = 30; urlX=30; urlY=20; textX = graphic._width + 60; textY = 20; textWidth = stageWidth - 80 - graphic._width;}]]></SCR> </RES> </INT> <SCR name="sound"><![CDATA[if (pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].sound != undefined){ //check for a literal path sndURL = pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI].sound; if (sndURL.indexOf('http') == 0){ sndURL = "'" + sndURL + "'"; } icon.nextSibling.attributes.controls = panel._x +',' + (panel._y+panel._height - 20) + ',' + panel._width;} else { if (icon.nextSibling.nodeName == 'SND'){ icon.nextSibling.removeNode(); }}]]></SCR> <SND name="sound" type="ext" url="{sndURL}" play="0" loop="0" wait="0" /> <DIS scrolling="auto" id="textBlock1" h="450" name="text" x="textX" y="textY" w="textWidth" type="text"><![CDATA[{pageIcon.templateData.QRcode[projPI]}]]></DIS> <DIS w="600" textSize="36pt" scrolling="auto" id="textBlock" h="410" name="showurl" x="urlX" y="urlY" type="text"><![CDATA[{mytext}]]></DIS> </PG>
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