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juliantenney committed May 2, 2012
1 parent 32e04c5 commit a80e37e
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 18 deletions.
69 changes: 51 additions & 18 deletions modules/xerte/parent_templates/Nottingham/data.xwd
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
<idLabel label="PageID Label" type="TextInput" language="true"/>
<modeLabel label="Mode Label" type="TextInput" language="true"/>

<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>
<itemHeight label="Menu Item Height" type="NumericStepper" min="25" max="35" step="1" width="100" defaultValue="25" optional="true"/>
<itemSpacingX label="Horizontal Spacing" type="NumericStepper" min="10" max="30" step="1" width="100" defaultValue="10" optional="true"/>
<itemSpacingY label="Vertical Spacing" type="NumericStepper" min="5" max="35" step="1" width="100" defaultValue="5" optional="true"/>
Expand All @@ -128,6 +129,7 @@
<buttonLabel label="Button Label" type="TextInput"/>
<buttonWidth label="Button Width" type="NumericStepper" min="100" max="300" step="10" defaultValue="120" width="100"/>

<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>
<narrationNavigate label="Navigate on narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
Expand All @@ -137,17 +139,23 @@
<category><![CDATA[<category name="category name"/>]]></category>

</categories><category menuItem="Category" icon="icGroup" remove="true">

<category menuItem="Category" icon="icGroup" remove="true">

<name label="Category" type="TextInput"/>

<item><![CDATA[<item name="item"/>]]></item>

</category><item menuItem="Item" icon="icBullet">

<item menuItem="Item" icon="icBullet">
<name label="Item text" type="TextInput"/>
</item><buttonQuestion menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Stimulating Question" hint="Poses a stimulating question to the learner, with feedback available through a button." icon="icComment" thumb="thumbs/stimulus.jpg" remove="true">

<buttonQuestion menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Stimulating Question" hint="Poses a stimulating question to the learner, with feedback available through a button." icon="icComment" thumb="thumbs/stimulus.jpg" remove="true">

<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<instruction label="Instruction" type="TextArea" height="50"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1622,15 +1630,15 @@
<afterScore label="you scored n out of m MARKS" type="textInput" language="true"/>
<onCompletion label="Completion Text" type="textInput" language="true"/>

<narrationNavigate label="Navigate on narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narrationNavigate label="Navigate on narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

</customHotspots><delicious menu="Misc" menuItem="Delicious Bookmarks" hint="Include Delicious bookmarks in your presentation." thumb="thumbs/delicious.jpg" icon="icDelicious" remove="true">

<delicious menu="Misc" menuItem="Delicious Bookmarks" hint="Include Delicious bookmarks in your presentation." thumb="thumbs/delicious.jpg" icon="icDelicious" remove="true">

<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<text label="Instructions" type="textArea" height="300"/>
Expand All @@ -1642,8 +1650,11 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

</delicious><cRedirector menu="Connectors" menuItem="Redirector Connector" hint="This page redirects the project flow to a specified page, use it at the end of a sequence of none connector pages to return to the main flow of the learning object." thumb="thumbs/connectorRedirector.jpg" remove="true">

<cRedirector menu="Connectors" menuItem="Redirector Connector" hint="This page redirects the project flow to a specified page, use it at the end of a sequence of none connector pages to return to the main flow of the learning object." thumb="thumbs/connectorRedirector.jpg" remove="true">
<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" type="TextInput"/>
<destination label="Destination Page ID" type="TextInput"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1675,7 +1686,9 @@
<tip label="Image Tooltip" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<listToClip label="Output Check List" options="Don't send Page Title and IDs data to clipboard,Send Text Title and IDs List to Clipboard (Developer mode only),Send HTML Title and IDs Table to Clipboard (Developer mode only)" type="ComboBox" data="no,text,html" defaultValue="html" width="380" optional="true"/>

</cRedirector><orient menu="Text" menuItem="Orientation" hint="A page for orienting users before they begin working with the content" icon="icPageWhiteInfo" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/orient.jpg">

<orient menu="Text" menuItem="Orientation" hint="A page for orienting users before they begin working with the content" icon="icPageWhiteInfo" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/orient.jpg">

<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<goalsHeader label="Goals Header" type="TextInput"/>
Expand All @@ -1691,8 +1704,11 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

</orient><quiz menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Quiz" icon="icPageWhiteGear" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/quiz.jpg" hint="Use the quiz to present a formative assessment comprising a series of single answer or multiple answer multiple choice questions.">

<quiz menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Quiz" icon="icPageWhiteGear" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/quiz.jpg" hint="Use the quiz to present a formative assessment comprising a series of single answer or multiple answer multiple choice questions.">
<name label="Quiz Title" type="textInput"/>
<order label="Question Order" options="sequence,random" type="comboBox" data="sequence,random" defaultValue="random" width="120"/>
<numQuestions label="Number of Questions" type="TextInput" width="120"/>
Expand All @@ -1708,6 +1724,7 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Enter a unique ID so that Connector Pages can find this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

<question><![CDATA[<question prompt="Here is a prompt" type="Single Answer" />]]></question>
Expand All @@ -1722,7 +1739,9 @@

</quiz><quizLanguage menuItem="Display Text" remove="true" max="1">

<quizLanguage menuItem="Display Text" remove="true" max="1">

<quesCount label="{i} of {n} questions" type="textInput"/>
<feedbackLabel label="Feedback Label" type="textInput"/>
Expand All @@ -1744,7 +1763,9 @@
<restartBtnTip label="Restart Button Tip" type="textInput"/>
<restartBtnWidth label="Restart Button Width" type="NumericStepper" min="100" max="250" step="10" width="100" defaultValue="100"/>

</quizLanguage><question menuItem="Question">

<question menuItem="Question">

<prompt label="Prompt" type="TextArea" height="100"/>
<type label="Question Type" options="Single Answer,Multiple Answer" type="ComboBox" data="Single Answer,Multiple Answer" defaultValue="Single Answer" width="120"/>
Expand All @@ -1754,7 +1775,9 @@
<option><![CDATA[<option text="here is an option" feedback="feedback for this option" correct="false"/>]]></option>

</question><QRcode menu="Misc" menuItem="QR Code" hint="A page for generating and presenting QR codes. You can also add an optional sound to this page." label="Page Text" icon="icQRCode" thumb="thumbs/QRcode.jpg" type="text" height="300" remove="true">

<QRcode menu="Misc" menuItem="QR Code" hint="A page for generating and presenting QR codes. You can also add an optional sound to this page." label="Page Text" icon="icQRCode" thumb="thumbs/QRcode.jpg" type="text" height="300" remove="true">

<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<url label="Type or Paste a URL" type="TextInput"/>
Expand All @@ -1766,6 +1789,7 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>
<align label="Align Text" options="Left,Right,Hide text" type="ComboBox" data="Left,Right,Hide text" width="100" defaultValue="Hide text" optional="true"/>

</QRcode><chart menu="Charts" menuItem="Basic Chart" hint="A page for basic charts. You may choose from line, bar, stacked bar or pie charts, and add several series of data to the chart" icon="icChart" thumb="thumbs/charts.jpg" remove="true">
Expand All @@ -1780,16 +1804,19 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>

<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

<series><![CDATA[<series name="Series Name" data="label|data" colour="0xFF0000"/>]]></series>

</chart><series remove="true">
<series remove="true">
<name label="Series Name" type="TextInput"/>
<data label="Chart Data" headers="X,Y" newRow="label,data" type="DataGrid" height="190" width="390" columns="2" editable="1,1" colWidths="195,195" controls="1" rendererOptions="none,none"/>
<colour label="Colour" type="colourPicker" defaultValue="0xFF0000"/>
</series><slideshow menu="Navigators" menuItem="Slideshow" hint="Presents a sequence of pages of related text and graphical content navigated with two arrow controls." icon="icPages" thumb="thumbs/slideNav.jpg" sortChildren="true" remove="true">
<slideshow menu="Navigators" menuItem="Slideshow" hint="Presents a sequence of pages of related text and graphical content navigated with two arrow controls." icon="icPages" thumb="thumbs/slideNav.jpg" sortChildren="true" remove="true">
<name label="Page Title" type="TextInput"/>
<text label="Text" type="TextArea" height="250"/>
<panelWidth label="Panel Width" options="Small,Medium,Large,Full" type="ComboBox" data="Small,Medium,Large,Full" defaultValue="Medium" width="100"/>
Expand All @@ -1804,6 +1831,8 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

<nestedPage><![CDATA[<nestedPage name="name" text="Content for the pane" align="Top"/>]]></nestedPage>
Expand All @@ -1820,6 +1849,8 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>

</rss><jing menu="Media" menuItem="Jing Movie" hint="A page for incorporating Jing movies. Jing provides a convenient - and free - way of displaying screen captures in your presentation." icon="icLightbulb" thumb="thumbs/jing.jpg" remove="true">

Expand All @@ -1830,5 +1861,7 @@
<playNarration label="Auto-play narration" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="false" optional="true"/>
<narration label="Narration" type="media" optional="true"/>
<pageID label="Page ID" defaultValue="Unique ID for this page" type="TextInput" optional="true"/>
<hideFromMenu label="Hide from menu" defaultValue="true" type="ComboBox" options="True,False" data="true,false" optional="true"/>


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