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Thiago Bustamante edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 1 revision


The Server class is used to configure the server, like:

let app: express.Application = express();
app.listen(3000, function() {
  console.log('Rest Server listening on port 3000!');

Note that Server receives an express.Router instance. Then it configures all the routes based on the decorators used on your classes.

So, you can use also any other expressjs feature, like error handlers, middlewares etc without any restriction.

Registering Services

When you call:


The service will expose all services that can be found in the imported module into the express router provided. But it is possible to choose which services you want to expose.

import * as express from "express";
import {Server} from "typescript-rest";
import {ServiceOne} from "./service-one";
import {ServiceTwo} from "./service-two";
import {ServiceThree} from "./service-three";

let app: express.Application = express();
Server.buildServices(app, ServiceOne, ServiceTwo, ServiceThree);

It is possible to use multiples routers:

Server.buildServices(adminRouter, ...adminApi);
Server.buildServices(app, ServiceOne);

And it is, also, possible to use glob expressions to point where your services are:

const app = express();

const apis = express.Router();
const admin = express.Router();

Server.loadServices(apis, 'lib/controllers/apis/*');
Server.loadServices(admin, 'lib/controllers/admin/*');

app.use('apis', apis);
app.use('admin', admin);

That will register all services exported by any file located under lib/controllers/apis in the apis router and services in lib/controllers/admin in the admin router.

Negation is also supported in the glob patterns:

  Server.loadServices(app, ['lib/controllers/*', '!**/exclude*']); 
  // includes all controllers, excluding that one which name starts with 'exclude'

And it is possilbe to inform a base folder for the patterns:

  Server.loadServices(app, 'controllers/*', `${__dirname}/..`]); 
  // Inform a folder as origin for the patterns