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Service Context

Thiago Bustamante edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Service Context

A Context object is created to group informations about the current request being handled. This Context can be accessed by service methods.

The Context is represented by the ServiceContext class and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
request express.Request The request object
response express.Response The response object
next express.NextFunction The next function. It can be used to delegate to the next middleware registered for the processing of the current request.
language string The resolved language to be used to handle the current request.
accept string The preferred media type to be used to respond the current request.

See Types and languages to know how the language and accept fields are calculated.

The @Context decorator can be used on service method's arguments or on service class properties to bind the argument or the property to the current context object.

A Context usage example:

 class TestService {
   context: ServiceContext;

   sayHello() {
      switch (this.context.language) {
         case "en":
            return "Hello";
         case "pt":
            return "Olá";
      return "Hello";

We can use the decorator on method arguments too:

 class TestService {

   sayHello(@Context context: ServiceContext) {
      switch (context.language) {
         case "en":
            return "Hello";
         case "pt":
            return "Olá";
      return "Hello";

You can use, also, one of the other decorators to access directly one of the Context property. It is a kind of sugar syntax.

  • @ContextRequest: To access ServiceContext.request
  • @ContextResponse: To access ServiceContext.response
  • @ContextNext: To access
  • @ContextLanguage: To access ServiceContext.language
  • @ContextAccept: To access ServiceContext.accept
 class TestService {

   sayHello(@ContextLanguage language: string) {
      switch (language) {
         case "en":
            return "Hello";
         case "pt":
            return "Olá";
      return "Hello";