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The ideal project to supervise your Elixir application


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Deployex is a lightweight tool designed for managing deployments in Elixir applications without relying on additional deployment tools like Docker or Kubernetes. Its primary goal is to utilize the mix release package for executing full deployments or hot-upgrades, depending on the package's content, while leveraging OTP distribution for monitoring and data extraction.

Deployex acts as a central deployment runner, gathering crucial deployment data such as the current version and release package contents. The content of the release package enables it to run for a full deployment or a hot-upgrade. Meanwhile, on the development front, your CI/CD pipeline takes charge of crafting and updating packages for the target release. This integration ensures that Deployex is always equipped with the latest packages, ready to facilitate deployments.

Deployex is currently used by Calori Web Server and you can check its deployment.

Deployment Architecture

Upon deployment, the following dashboard becomes available, offering access to logs for both Deployex and monitored applications, along with an IEX terminal."

Running with no monitored apps

The Path for 1.0.0

The Deployex project is still very new and requires the addition of numerous features to become a comprehensive deployment solution. Below are some of the features it can incorporate:

  • Execute migrations before full deployment
  • OTP Distribution monitoring for health checks [optional]
  • Full deployment rollback functionality

Getting Started

Running the application

You can kickstart the setup with the following commands, the default number of replicas is 3:

mix deps.get
iex --sname deployex --cookie cookie -S mix phx.server
[info] Initialising deployment server
[info] Running DeployexWeb.Endpoint with Bandit 1.5.3 at (http)
[info] Access DeployexWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:5001
[info] Initialising monitor server for instance: 1
[info] No version set, not able to run_service
[info] Initialising monitor server for instance: 2
[info] No version set, not able to run_service
[info] Initialising monitor server for instance: 3
[info] No version set, not able to run_service
[watch] build finished, watching for changes...
Erlang/OTP 26 [erts-14.1.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [ds:10:10:10] [async-threads:1] [jit]

Interactive Elixir (1.16.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)


Done in 434ms.
[error] Error while trying to connect with node: :"myphoenixapp-1@hostname" reason: false

Now you can visit localhost:5001 from your browser. You should expect the following dashboard:

Empty Dashboard

PS: The error message in the CLI is due to no monitored app is available to be deployed. If you want to proceed for a local test, follow the steps at Running Deployex and Monitored app locally. Also, it is important to note that the distribution will be required so this is the reason to add -sname deployex in the command.

How Deployex handles monitored application Version/Release

The Deployex app expects a current.json file to be available, which contains version and hash information. This file is mandatory for full deployment and hot upgrades.

Version file (current.json)

Expected location in the storage folder:

# production path
# local test path

Expected Json format:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "hash": "local"

Once the file is captured, the deployment will start if no app is running or if the current app is running with a version that differs from the current.json file.

Release package

Expected location in the storage folder:

# production path
# local test path

Environment Variables

Deployex application typically requires several environment variables to be defined for proper operation. Ensure that you have the following environment variables set when running in production where the ones that have a default value available are not required:

DEPLOYEX_SECRET_KEY_BASE 42otsNl...Fpq3dIJ02 aws secrets -/- secret key used for encryption
DEPLOYEX_ERLANG_COOKIE cookie aws secrets -/- erlang cookie
DEPLOYEX_MONITORED_APP_NAME myphoenixapp system ENV -/- Monitored app name
DEPLOYEX_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT prod system ENV -/- cloud env name
AWS_REGION us-east2 system ENV -/- the aws region
DEPLOYEX_PHX_HOST system ENV -/- The hostname for your application
DEPLOYEX_PHX_PORT 5001 system ENV 5001 The port on which the application will run
DEPLOYEX_PHX_SERVER true system ENV true enable/disable server
DEPLOYEX_STORAGE_ADAPTER local system ENV s3 storage adapter type
DEPLOYEX_MONITORED_APP_PORT 4000 system ENV 4000 the initial port for starting the monitored apps
DEPLOYEX_MONITORED_REPLICAS 2 system ENV 3 Number of replicas to monitor

For local testing, these variables are not expected or set to default values.

Production installation

If you intend to install Deployex directly on an Ubuntu server, you can utilize the installer script provided in the release package. For an example of monitored app, please see the setup for the Calori Web Server. The installer script requires a JSON configuration file, an example of which can be found here. This JSON file can also export environment variables specific to the monitored applications.

Currently, the release and installation process supports Ubuntu versions 20.04 and 22.04. However, you have the option to manually compile and install Deployex on your target system.

Production Secrets Requirements

Deployex is currently using AWS secrets to fecth its secrets using config provider. The following secret manager name pattern is expected in AWS (It is important to note that this name is expected to not contain "_"):


and the following secrets are expected:

DEPLOYEX_SECRET_KEY_BASE 42otsNl...Fpq3dIJ02 aws secrets secret key used for encryption
DEPLOYEX_ERLANG_COOKIE cookie aws secrets erlang cookie

Running Deployex and Monitored app locally

For local testing, the root path used is /tmp/{monitored_app}. Follow these steps:

Create the required storage folders:

export monitored_app_name=myphoenixapp
mkdir -p /tmp/${monitored_app_name}/dist/${monitored_app_name}
mkdir -p /tmp/${monitored_app_name}/versions/${monitored_app_name}/local/

Go to the application you want to deploy/monitor and create a release. In this example, we create a brand new application using and added the library Jellyfish for testing hotupgrades.

Creating an Elixir phoenix app (default name is myphoenixapp)

mix local.hex
mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix myphoenixapp --no-ecto
cd myphoenixapp

Add file in the release folder to configure the OTP distribution

vi rel/
# Add the following lines:

# Set a default Erlang cookie value if not provided by ENV VAR.
# This default is temporary; update it using AWS secrets and config provider.
[ -z ${RELEASE_COOKIE} ] && export RELEASE_COOKIE="cookie"

# save the file :wq

The next steps are needed ONLY for Hot upgrades

Add Jellyfish library ONLY if the application will need hotupgrades

def deps do
    {:jellyfish, "~> 0.1.2"}

You also need to add the following lines in the mix project

  def project do
      compilers: Mix.compilers() ++ [:gen_appup, :appup],
      releases: [
        myphoenixapp: [
          steps: [:assemble, &Jellyfish.Releases.Copy.relfile/1, :tar]

Open the config/prod.exs and replace the static manifest for a live reload

#config :myphoenixapp, MyphoenixappWeb.Endpoint,
#  cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json"
# Since the application is using the Hot upgrade, the manifest cannot be static
config :myphoenixapp, MyphoenixappWeb.Endpoint,
live_reload: [
  patterns: [

Generate a release

Then you can compile and generate a release

mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=prod mix assets.deploy
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
No appups, nothing to move to the release
* assembling myphoenixapp-0.1.0 on MIX_ENV=prod
* using config/runtime.exs to configure the release at runtime
* hot-upgrade copying release file to /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/rel/myphoenixapp/releases/myphoenixapp-0.1.0.rel
* building /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.0.tar.gz

Move the release file to the distributed folder and updated the version:

cp _build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.0.tar.gz /tmp/myphoenixapp/dist/myphoenixapp
echo "{\"version\":\"0.1.0\",\"hash\":\"local\"}" | jq > /tmp/myphoenixapp/versions/myphoenixapp/local/current.json

Running Deployex and deploy the app

Move back to the deployex project and run the command line with the required ENV vars.

NOTE: All env vars that are available for deployex will also be available to the monitored_app

export SECRET_KEY_BASE=e4CXwPpjrAJp9NbRobS8dXmOHfn0EBpFdhZlPmZo1y3N/BzW9Z/k7iP7FjMk+chi
export PHX_SERVER=true
iex --sname deployex --cookie cookie -S mix phx.server

[warning] HOT UPGRADE version NOT DETECTED, full deployment required, result: {:error, :no_match_versions}
[info] Requested instance: 1 to stop but application is not running.
[warning] No previous version set
[info] Ensure running requested for instance: 1 version: 0.1.0
[info]  # Starting /tmp/deployex/varlib/service/myphoenixapp/1/current/bin/myphoenixapp...
[info]  # Running instance: 1, monitoring pid = #PID<0.779.0>, OS process id = 11211.

You should then visit the application and check it is running localhost:5001. Since you are not using mTLS, the dashboard should look like this:

No mTLS Dashboard

Note that the OTP-Nodes are connected, but the mTLS is not supported. The mTLS can be enabled and it will be covered ahead. Leave this terminal running and open a new one to compile and release the monitored app.

Updating the application

Full deployment

In this scenario, the existing application will undergo termination, paving the way for the deployment of the new one. It's crucial to maintain the continuous operation of Deployex throughout this process. Navigate to the myphoenixapp project and increment the version in the mix.exs file. Typically, during release execution, the CI/CD pipeline either generates the package from scratch or relies on the precompiled version, particularly for hot-upgrades. If you've incorporated the Jellyfish library and wish to exclusively create the full deployment package, for this test you must follow the steps:

  1. Remove any previously generated files and generate a new release
cp myphoenixapp
rm -rf _build/prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix assets.deploy
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
Generated myphoenixapp app
No appups, nothing to move to the release
Check your digested files at "priv/static"
No appups, nothing to move to the release
* assembling myphoenixapp-0.1.1 on MIX_ENV=prod
* using config/runtime.exs to configure the release at runtime
* hot-upgrade copying release file to /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/rel/myphoenixapp/releases/myphoenixapp-0.1.1.rel
* building /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.1.tar.gz
  1. Now, keep Deployex running in another terminal and copy the release file to the distribution folder and proceed to update the version accordingly:
cp _build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.1.tar.gz /tmp/myphoenixapp/dist/myphoenixapp
echo "{\"version\":\"0.1.1\",\"hash\":\"local\"}" | jq > /tmp/myphoenixapp/versions/myphoenixapp/local/current.json
  1. You should then see the following messages in the Deployex terminal while updating the app:
[info] Application instance: 1 is running
[info] Application instance: 2 is running
[info] Application instance: 3 is running
[info] Update is needed at instance: 1 from: 0.1.0 to: 0.1.1.
[warning] HOT UPGRADE version NOT DETECTED, full deployment required, result: []
[info] Requested instance: 1 to stop application pid: #PID<0.912.0>
[warning] Application instance: 1 with pid: #PID<0.912.0> being stopped by reason: :normal
[info] Ensure running requested for instance: 1 version: 0.1.1
[info]  # Starting /tmp/deployex/varlib/service/myphoenixapp/1/current/bin/myphoenixapp...
[info]  # Running instance: 1, monitoring pid = #PID<0.1019.0>, OS process id = 29793.


For this scenario, the project must first be compiled to the current version and subsequently compiled for the version it's expected to update to. The current.json file deployed includes the git hash representing the current application version. In this local testing phase, it suffices to compile for the previous version, such as 0.1.1, and the subsequent version, like 0.1.2, so the necessary files will be automatically populated.

  1. Since the application is already compiled for 0.1.1, change the mix.exs to 0.1.2, apply any other changes if you want to test and execute the command:
MIX_ENV=prod mix assets.deploy
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
Generated myphoenixapp app
You can find your generated appups in rel/appups/myphoenixapp/ with the .appup extension
Check your digested files at "priv/static"
You can find your generated appups in rel/appups/myphoenixapp/ with the .appup extension
* assembling myphoenixapp-0.1.2 on MIX_ENV=prod
* using config/runtime.exs to configure the release at runtime
* hot-upgrade copying release file to /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/rel/myphoenixapp/releases/myphoenixapp-0.1.2.rel
* building /Users/testeves/Workspace/Esl/myphoenixapp/_build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.2.tar.gz
  1. Now, copy the release file to the distribution folder and proceed to update the version accordingly:
cp _build/prod/myphoenixapp-0.1.2.tar.gz /tmp/myphoenixapp/dist/myphoenixapp
echo "{\"version\":\"0.1.2\",\"hash\":\"local\"}" | jq > /tmp/myphoenixapp/versions/myphoenixapp/local/current.json

You can then check that deployex had executed a hot upgrade in the application:

[info] Update is needed at instance: 1 from: 0.1.1 to: 0.1.2.
[warning] HOT UPGRADE version DETECTED, from: 0.1.1 to: 0.1.2
[info] Unpacked successfully: ~c"0.1.2"
[info] Installed Release: ~c"0.1.2"
[info] Made release permanent: 0.1.2
[info] Release upgrade executed with success at instance: 1 from: 0.1.1 to: 0.1.2

you can check that the version and the deployment status has changed in the dashboard:

No mTLS Dashboard

Enhancing OTP Distribution Security with mTLS

In order to improve security, mutual TLS (mTLS for short) can be employed to encrypt communication during OTP distribution. To implement this, follow these steps:

  1. Generate the necessary certificates:
cd deployex
make tls-distribution-certs
  1. Copy the generated certificates to the /tmp folder:
cp ca.crt /tmp
cp deployex.crt /tmp
cp deployex.key /tmp
  1. Create the inet_tls.conf file with the appropriate paths, utilizing the command found in rel/

test -f /tmp/inet_tls.conf || (umask 277
 cd /tmp
 cat >inet_tls.conf <<EOF
  {server, [
    {certfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/deployex.crt"},
    {keyfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/deployex.key"},
    {cacertfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/ca.crt"},
    {verify, verify_peer},
    {secure_renegotiate, true}
  {client, [
    {certfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/deployex.crt"},
    {keyfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/deployex.key"},
    {cacertfile, "${DEPLOYEX_OTP_TLS_CERT_PATH}/ca.crt"},
    {verify, verify_peer},
    {secure_renegotiate, true},
    {server_name_indication, disable}
  1. To enable mTLS for deployex, set the appropriate Erlang options before running the application in the terminal:
ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_optfile /tmp/inet_tls.conf -setcookie cookie" iex --sname deployex -S mix phx.server
  1. Ensure that myphoenixapp also utilizes the same options and certificate by updating rel/
cd myphoenixapp
vi rel/
# Add the following line
export ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_optfile /tmp/inet_tls.conf"
# save the file :q

After making these changes, create and publish a new version 0.1.3 for myphoenixapp and run the deployex with the command from item 4. After the deployment, you should see the follwoing dashboard:

mTLS Dashboard

ATTENTION: Ensure that the cookie is properly set


Accessing deployex logs

# production
tail -f /var/log/deployex/deployex-stdout.log
tail -f /var/log/deployex/deployex-stderr.log
# local test
# not available when running as dev env

Connecting to the deployex IEX CLI

export RELEASE_COOKIE=cookie
# production
/opt/deployex/bin/deployex remote
# local test
# not available when running as dev env

Accessing monitored app logs

export instance=1
export monitored_app_name=myphoenixapp
# production
tail -f /var/log/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}-${instance}-stdout.log
tail -f /var/log/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}-${instance}-stderr.log
# local test
tail -f /tmp/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}-${instance}-stdout.log
tail -f /tmp/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}/${monitored_app_name}-${instance}-stderr.log

Connecting to the monitored app IEX CLI

export instance=1
export monitored_app_name=myphoenixapp
export RELEASE_NODE_SUFFIX=-${instance}
export RELEASE_COOKIE=cookie
# production
/var/lib/deployex/service/${monitored_app_name}/${instance}/current/bin/${monitored_app_name} remote
# local test
/tmp/deployex/varlib/service/${monitored_app_name}/${instance}/current/bin/${monitored_app_name} remote

How Deployex handles services

Full deployment

Deployex operates by monitoring applications and versions using folders and files, treating the monitored app as a service. The deployment process involves several steps to ensure smooth transitions:

  1. Download and Unpack the New Version: The new version of the application is downloaded and unpacked into the new service folder, ready for deployment.
  2. Check if the release contain a hot-upgrade or full deployment: Deployex will check the release file received and if it is a full deployment, goes to the step 3 .
  3. Stop the Current Application: The currently running application instance is stopped to prepare for the new deployment.
  4. Delete the Previous Service Folder: The previous service folder, containing the previous version of the application, is deleted to make space for the new version.
  5. Move the Current Service: The current service folder, representing the current version of the application, is moved to the previous service folder. Simultaneously, the new service folder is moved to become the new current service folder.
  6. Start the Application: Finally, the application is started using the version now residing in the current service folder, ensuring that the latest version is active and operational.

By following this process, Deployex facilitates deployments, ensuring that applications are updated while minimizing downtime.

For the test environment:


For production environment:



For this scenario, there will be no moving files/folders since the target is to keep the current service folder updated. The sequence is:

  1. Download and Unpack the New Version: The new version of the application is downloaded and unpacked into the new service folder, ready for deployment.
  2. Check if the release contain a hot-upgrade or full deployment: Deployex will check the release file received and if it is a hot-upgrade, goes to the step 3 .
  3. Execute the Hotupgrade checks and verification Deployex will try to run the hotupgrade sequence and if succeeds, it makes the changes permanent. Inc ase of failure, it tries to execute a full deployment with the same release file.