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Release Tests Chrome Web Store Chrome Web Store


This addon is still in development and bugs might occur. If that happens, try to reload the site.

🚀 How it works

This extension shows statistics for games. Use the extensions icon in your browser in the top right corner to adjust the settings.

  • First three numbers are the wins/loses/draws of the player
  • Percentage in brackets is the average accuracy of the player
    • Accuracy is only available on reviewed games
    • Hover over the stats to see information how many games the average is based on


preview preview preview



⚙️ Installation

Add the extension to your browser: Chrome Web Store

Manual installation:

  • Download the latest release zip from here
  • Go to your browser and type chrome://extensions/ in the search bar
  • Enable developer mode in the corner
  • Drag and drop the zip file into the browser window

🪲 Bugs

  • Hiding your own stats only hides the bottom stats, currently not depending on the username
  • Sometimes the stats flash up when visiting a game link
  • Chess data is fetched for the current month. At the start of a month, the stats don't show accurate game data

If you find any other bugs, please open an issue here

💻 Run locally


  • Node.js version 17 or higher
  • pnpm installed globally npm install -g pnpm


  • Clone/fork/download the project
  • run pnpm install to install all dependencies
  • run pnpm run build to build the extension
    • Files will be exported to the dist directory
    • You can also run pnpm run dev to start the vite dev server to view the options page, but some things f.e. reading the settings will not work
  • do the manual installation steps above and select the dist directory

💯 Code Coverage Report

Code Coverage Report served with github pages