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  • Understand, and judge the advantages and disadvantages of the medical visualization algorithms, as well as their applicability to a specific medical problem.
  • Propose suitable solutions to a problem, backed by sound knowledge of the underlying theory and the practical possibilities.
  • Design, implement, test and discuss these solutions, consisting of a number of medical visualization algorithms.

Introduction (L1)

  • Medical Imaging
  • General Intro Vis
    • 3 goals of Vis (Communicate, analyze, explore)
    • Vis Pipeline

Basic Concepts (L1-2)

  • Definition Image => digital images; Sampling and Quantization Intro (L1)
  • Beyond Scalar Images: Vector fields (Tensors, High Dim?) (L1)
  • Basics of Image Analysis (L1)
    • Fourier Transform
      • Basic image processing in the fourier domain
      • Convolution
  • Sampling <= FT (L1)
    • Aliasing
  • Interpolation (L2)
    • perfect reconstruction using sinc
    • truncation artifacts <= FT
    • other interpolation kernels
      • nearest
      • linear
      • cubic
      • b-spline
    • bi/trilinear


  • cardio-vascular disease (L3) <= MPR/CPR
    • Stenosis
    • Aneurysms
  • Virtual colonoscopy (L5) <= VolVis
  • Blood Flow Analysis. (L6) <= FlowVis
  • Brain/Connectome Analysis (L7) <= Tensor Vis

Modalities (L3,6)

  • X-Ray (L3)
  • CT (L3)
    • Reconstruction <= FT
    • Hounsfield Units
  • MRI (L6)
    • K-Space <= FT
    • DW MRI

Volume Visualization (L2-5)

  • mpr/cpr (L3)
    • Application: Angiography/CVD
  • marching squares/cubes (L2)
    • Phong shading
    • gradient
  • DVR (L3-5)
    • MPR
    • Compositing
    • Transfer functions
    • Pre/Post classification
    • Illustrative
    • Application: virtual colonoscopy

Vector Field Visualization (L6)

  • Vector Field Integration
    • streamlines/pathlines/streaklines
    • integration methods (Euler/RK)
  • Application: Blood flow w/ PC-MRI

Diffusion Tensor Visualization (L7)

  • scalar fields (fractional anisotropy ...)
  • glyphs
  • tensor lines
  • Application: brain strucutral connectivity

(Imaging) Cytometry

  • high-dimensional data
  • visualization of hd data
    • direct (PCP/SPM)
    • indirect (dimensionality reduction)
  • Application: immunology research, immunotherapy


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