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Extension Sources

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Developer tool for managing additional sources to load SketchUp extensions from.

How to Use

Extension Sources Dialog

Add the path to where your extension source is located from the Extension Sources dialog.

These paths are added to SketchUp's Ruby $LOAD_PATH.

Paths can be managed from within this dialog. Toggling the path will control whether the sources will be loaded or not. The order of which the sources are added to the $LOAD_PATH can also be rearranged by dragging and dropping the selected items in the list.

The paths are shared among all installations of SketchUp where Extension Sources is installed.

If you have a lot of sources they can be quickly filtered by using the quick filter textbox.

Extension Sources Scanner Dialog

To quickly add multiple sources Extension Sources can scan and analyze a given directory's sub-directories and look for the signature of extension sources. It will look for Ruby files with Sketchup.register_extension accompanied by a support folder of matching name.

The scan might take a few seconds or minutes, depending on your file system and harddrive speed.

Extension Sources DialogMore… () › Scan for Paths…

From the scan results the desired sources can be selected. The toggle switch will control whether the source path will be loaded or not.

Note that paths already added to Extension Sources will not appear in the scan results list.


  • SketchUp 2017 and newer
  • Windows, macOS

Known Issues

Drag and drop irregularities

In SketchUp 2017 - SketchUp 2022.0 the HTML Drag and Drop API isn't fully working. In these versions workarounds has been applied which will exhibit some deviance from the normal drag and drop behaviour. For instance, it's not possible to cancel a drag and drop by pressing ESC. The drag and drop cursor might also not reflect it's correct state. This is fixed in SketchUp 2022.1.

Drag and drop target indicator

In SketchUp 2017 to SketchUp 2020 there is no visual indicator to exactly where the item will be dropped. This is due to limitation (bug?) in these SketchUp versions.


bundle exec rake test
bundle exec rake test TEST=tests/standalone/model/extension_source_test.rb
bundle exec rake test TEST=tests/standalone/model/extension_source_test.rb TESTOPTS="--name=/test_enabled.*/ -v"


List undocumented code

bundle exec rake undoc
bundle exec yard stats --list-undoc


The following graph visualizes the hierarchy of the various components. Higher levels can depend on lower levels, unless limited by an direct-only dependency indicator (arrow).

app only deals with controller and system.

controller coordinates view and model.

utils can be used by anything.

Anything below the dashed line marked SketchUp can be use outside of SketchUp. The unit tests between these two layers are separated.

│       app       │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │ ┌─────────────┐
│ │ controller  │ ← │    view     │
│ └─────────────┘ │ └─────────────┘
│ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │   system    │ │
│ └─────────────┘ │
┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ SketchUp
│      model      │
║      utils      ║