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Simple Ruby server for Stripe Donations, designed for Heroku.


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heroku-stripe-donate: Simple backend server for Stripe based donations

Lets say you have a website, and you'd like to accept donations through it. Stripe is a pretty nifty service to accept donations from all around the globe.

Unfortunately, like many people, it's much more convenient for me to not have to run an application server to handle backend requests for things like donations. Most of the content on my pages are static and this is unlikely to change, and I'd rather not shove in and maintain a server backend to handle requests for only this one dynamic aspect.

This application solves that - it's a precanned Ruby application (designed to run on Heroku), that accepts POST requests from frontend servers, charges people via Stripe, and that's all.

The idea is you can sign up for a free heroku account, start this server, and then host a static page (anywhere you want, even on another Heroku application) that makes requests to it for donations. That way you can leave it alone and you don't have to run your own server on-site.

NOTE: This server has only been tested with Credit Card and Bitcoin payments through Stripe's (awesome) checkout.js project.


Starting the server

Clone the repo, create an app.

$ git clone
$ cd heroku-stripe-donate
$ heroku create donate-MYAPP
Creating donate-MYAPP... done, stack is cedar-14 |
Git remote heroku added

Now add your Stripe publishable/secret keys to the STRIPE_KEYS configuration variable. This variable takes the format "PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY:PRIVATE_STRIPE_KEY"

$ heroku config:add STRIPE_KEYS="pk_test_XXXXXXXX:sk_test_XXXXXXXX"
Setting config vars and restarting donate-MYAPP... done, v3

Now push, and your server will start up:

$ git push heroku master

Your server is started. Now you need to make your frontend POST charge requests to the server; see below for more.

NOTE: Your web dyno will spin down after a certain amount of time. You might like to use my heroku-ping application to keep it alive.


Once the server is started, there are 3 URLs it makes available:

  • /pubkey.js - a JavaScript file that contains a single variable named stripe_pubkey, containing your publishable Stripe key.

  • /charge - a POST endpoint that you send Stripe tokens to, so the Stripe API can charge them. Note that this endpoint

  • /ping - making a GET request here only responds with a 200 HTTP status and has no other effect. It is meant to be used by heroku-ping or another application to keep your Dyno alive.

The basic idea is that you include on your page to get access to your public key, and then you use that key to make a request to via an API like checkout.js. NB: the server automatically sets outgoing CORS headers, so browsers are happy with making external XMLHttpRequest calls that would normally violate SOP.

The reason you include pubkey.js is so that you can switch API keys easily and in a singular place by simply modifying your Heroku environment variables for this application. This allows you to quickly switch between test/live mode keys or separate accounts entirely simply using heroku config:set ... - you won't need to update your static pages unless your application URL itself changes.

Running the demo

Under demo/ you can find an example static website to make charges via this backend server which uses Bootstrap and jQuery to make a neat bona-fide whiz-bang AJAX-ized donation form.

Once you've completed the steps above, you can get running with the demo by saying:

$ export
$ sed -i "s/$HEROKU_URL/g" demo/index.html demo/donate.js
$ cd demo && python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Now visit http://localhost:8000, and test out the donation button! It works with both Credit Card and Bitcoin, too. support

If you have an account with, you can configure extra environment variables to enable push notifications to be sent to your devices.

  • PUSHOVER_USER_KEY - Your user API key.
  • PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN - Your application token.
  • PUSHOVER_DEVICE - Specify a particular registered device by name; only this device will receive pushes.

You can also control when to send emails:

  • PUSH_ON_SUCCESS - Send push notifications on successful donations.
  • PUSH_ON_FAILURE - Send push notifications when an error occurs.

It's recommended you simply create a new application for your deployment (in the 'Apps & Plugins' section of the website) titled something like 'Stripe Donations', and use that application token for push notifications. support

If you have an account with, you can configure extra environment variables to send emails when errors occur.

  • MAILGUN_API_KEY - Your API key.
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN - The domain registered with mailgun, e.g.
  • MAILGUN_FROM_ADDR - The From: address, e.g.
  • MAILGUN_TO_ADDR - The To: address to send emails to.

You can also control when to send emails:

  • MAIL_ON_SUCCESS - Send mails on successful donations.
  • MAIL_ON_FAILURE - Send mails when an error occurs.

Join in

Be sure to read the contributing guidelines. File bugs in the GitHub issue tracker.

Master git repository:

  • git clone

There's also a BitBucket mirror:

  • git clone


See AUTHORS.txt.


MIT. See LICENSE.txt for terms of copyright and redistribution.


Simple Ruby server for Stripe Donations, designed for Heroku.







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