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Translation of text, files, markup and BeautifulSoup.


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A wrapper around the translators package, providing a simpler interface for the translation of text, files, markup and BeautifulSoup.


Perform a quick install with pip:

pip install tranzlate


Ensure you have beautifulsoup4 installed if you want to translate markup or BeautifulSoup. Run pip install beautifulsoup4 in your terminal.

Create a translator

The Translator class is the main interface for the package. It can be used to translate text, bytes, files, markup and BeautifulSoup. To create an instance of the Translator class, simply import the tranzlate package and instantiate a Translator:

import tranzlate

translator = tranzlate.Translator()

Use a custom translation engine

By default, the Translator class uses Bing Translator as its translation engine. Based on test results, Bing is the most reliable translation engine. However, you can use any translation engine that is supported by the translators package by passing the name of the engine to the Translator class on instantiation:

In this example, we will use Google Translate as our translation engine:

import tranzlate

google = tranzlate.Translator('google')

To get a list of all supported translation engines:

import tranzlate


# Output:
# ['bing', 'google', 'yandex', 'baidu', 'sogou', 'tencent', 'deepl', 'alibaba', ...]

Detect language

import tranzlate

text = 'Good Morning!'
language = tranzlate.Translator.detect_language(text)

# Output: en

Translate text, bytes, markup and BeautifulSoup

Translate text, markup or a soup using the translate method of the Translator class. The translate method is a general purpose method that can be used to translate text, bytes and markup.

Translate text/bytes

import tranzlate

bing = tranzlate.Translator("bing")
text = 'Good Morning!'
translation = bing.translate(text, target_lang='yo')

# Output: Eku ojumo!

Translate markup

import tranzlate

bing = tranzlate.Translator("bing")

markup = '<p>Good Morning!</p>'
translated_markup = bing.translate(markup, target_lang='yo', is_markup=True)

# Output: <p>Eku ojumo!</p>

Translate BeautifulSoup

import tranzlate
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

baidu = tranzlate.Translator("baidu")
markup = '<p>Good Morning!</p>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(markup, 'html.parser')
translated_soup = baidu.translate_soup(soup, target_lang='fr')

However, there are specialized methods for translating text, markup and BeautifulSoup objects. These methods are translate_text, translate_markup and translate_soup respectively.

Translate files

To translate files, we use the translate_file method.

import tranzlate

bing = tranzlate.Translator() # Bing is used by default
translated_file = bing.translate_file('path/to/file.txt', src_lang="en", target_lang='yo')

It is advisable to specify the source language when performing translations as it helps the translation engine to provide more accurate translations.

Use a proxy

To use a proxy, simply pass your proxies on translation:

import tranzlate

deepl = tranzlate.Translator("deepl")
text = 'Good Morning!'
translation = deepl.translate(text, target_lang='yo', proxies={'https': 'https://<proxy>:<port>'})

Other methods

import tranzlate

google = tranzlate.Translator("google")
bing = tranzlate.Translator("bing")

Get supported languages

Get a list of all supported (source) languages by the translator's engine:


Check if a language is supported

Check if a (source) language is supported by the translator's engine:

is_supported = google.supports_language('yo')

# Output: True

Check if a language pair is supported

Check if a language pair is supported by the translator's engine:

is_supported = bing.supports_pair(src_lang='en', target_lang='yo')

# Output: True

Get a list of supported target languages for a source language

Get a list of supported target languages for a source language:

supported_target_languages = bing.get_supported_target_languages('en')


To run tests, simply run the following command in the root directory of your cloned repository:

python -m unittest discover tests "test_*.py"


Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or submit a pull request.