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Releases: tidelabs/tidechain

Tidechain v0.7.0-rc5

06 Sep 10:02
Choose a tag to compare
Tidechain v0.7.0-rc5 Pre-release

This release contains the changes from refs/tags/v0.7.0-rc5 to HEAD.

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [T] ✅ trivial #373 Low - Issue356 - updated oracle pallet swap validation and fund re…

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.67.1 (d5a82bbd2 2023-02-07)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.69.0-nightly (7281249a1 2023-02-27)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.26 and rustc 1.68.0 (2c8cc3432 2023-03-06).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           930.77 KB (953104 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.45%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x7b9bdd3e68695357f8d6e43e4da03742bcaecc5ff83c9d2c6a5e456c301014d9
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x3821cbf4867454c5608c6a9b2e5aa2b6e056af0e433dde1f938f7dfec19e0037
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0xf2eea919b141dd9f7562f0ea34daf9e3ef4e332e7a0737345a4afa3416195463
📦 IPFS:                   QmcTbW6bTcYS1M2EDTKbvp2F5NHnKBF63iz5qDYVCEBTzd


🏋️ Runtime Size:           932.71 KB (955095 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.44%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xdd66fa0fb6b2b00b189956e8e8e770d9134d7f6403931134fb8469132b6d0995
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xcb46c07e4d77afcfa31ad3c8eefb4f260bec18e8c0e6ce4243699dfabefd08b5
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0xb23f2daa8dcd103fd7b33e6fd2ca6706062ef2f87d7c436ec482e20536b0f5c1
📦 IPFS:                   QmVSxhLsQ5GmJnh9Rqc3ACYvkVfUMhFDieCBKvAytQur5Z



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate




  • [T] ✅ audited #318 - Bump wasmtime from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2
  • [T] ✅ trivial #362 - Issue-356 validate swap price with its slippage based on mar…
  • [T] ✅ trivial #373 Low - Issue356 - updated oracle pallet swap validation and fund re…

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.7.0-rc3

21 Aug 09:48
Choose a tag to compare
Tidechain v0.7.0-rc3 Pre-release

This release contains the changes from refs/tags/v0.7.0-rc3 to HEAD.

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [T] ✅ trivial #373 Low - Issue356 - updated oracle pallet swap validation and fund re…

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.67.1 (d5a82bbd2 2023-02-07)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.69.0-nightly (7281249a1 2023-02-27)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.26 and rustc 1.68.0 (2c8cc3432 2023-03-06).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           930.74 KB (953080 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.45%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xba1d0be20899802c76fdcf46734abcd773989df0cdd83a73a4937bdb83523424
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb2c179ca1595c0b563f27fbce581df98a2cfd5acf594abdf7b35e54d9d75c4d7
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x00f92b39d666a440f23b547baff9f9e21b526d47243bcd65d42247a3ae7ee890
📦 IPFS:                   QmPHKb5Nr9kj923pKbpdZswxeasPnDn7xM55gqsHpoKcRX


🏋️ Runtime Size:           932.71 KB (955091 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.44%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xc1f8ccbd0bf72f32d9a58feacec9fdd142169274a7b9fb4e9a87b3176c7fe937
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xec4ca2a6a48b8bbdd07536114eea1abfbda0a54dea8c8f42d867c597413bf8aa
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x8a1a2d97454e3303785beaf97c486fb0ae5d1a3e10a379d4d2507fc1885ceea1
📦 IPFS:                   QmdRWNJFY34pNzJPkodhbFjiJwidJmSanCHv7QwxdtzZ6C



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate




  • [T] ✅ audited #318 - Bump wasmtime from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2
  • [T] ✅ trivial #362 - Issue-356 validate swap price with its slippage based on mar…
  • [T] ✅ trivial #373 Low - Issue356 - updated oracle pallet swap validation and fund re…

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.7.0-rc1

27 Jun 14:32
Choose a tag to compare
Tidechain v0.7.0-rc1 Pre-release
⚠️ This is a pre-release

Release candidates are pre-releases may not be final.
Although they are reasonably tested, there may be additional changes or issues
before an official release is tagged. Use at your own discretion, and consider
only using published releases on critical production infrastructure.

This pre-release contains the changes from refs/tags/v0.6.4 to HEAD.

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [S] ✅ trivial #13018 Low - Allow stakingadmin to set min_commission
  • [S] ✅ audited #13214 Low - [fix] countedmap::set now takes counter into account
  • [S] ✅ audited #12568 Low - Referendum proposal's metadata
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13451 Low - Revert "abstracts elections-phragmen pallet to use npossolve…
  • [T] ✅ audited #319 Low - Handled transfer errors during confirm swaps
  • [T] ✅ audited #321 Low - Fixed fee calculations in tests and stop release immediately if amount is 0
  • [T] ✅ audited #318 Low - Bump wasmtime from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.67.1 (d5a82bbd2 2023-02-07)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.69.0-nightly (7281249a1 2023-02-27)


  • [S] #13127 - Stop keeping track of epoch changes for the sync gap
  • [T] ✅ audited #273 - Bump substrate


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.26 and rustc 1.68.0 (2c8cc3432 2023-03-06).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           923.54 kB (945707 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.54%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xd449fe28b825638c9c12113d17715a0c891e537f3df310a72f8741e13c9fe78c
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xa94712b38b24e95c9fb47b44f22d16cbea3c670079c37c68ae1ec85f6c364fa9
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7316e7ceb0741cb9cc179a158030f1dd6b7495e41d0ca6a932b2beeeb350e241
📦 IPFS:                   QmcAR2UiPkqQ2qe7PkqWnm1e6qUVJkL76DnMVFrqj3BPGT


🏋️ Runtime Size:           922.47 kB (944611 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           [object]
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.62%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x12b806ca91560def84b2df9a43db941cd8c3de54363725de4bebc421bcb2f545
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xed1b40d895b4c3ed1a0c351deaca919889ee7deae8248d5660d7709b88fc8937
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x060b2826156b52b7db90ca3fff246897e7549162e6ee24a4439c7eb933d99651
📦 IPFS:                   QmW2RMPnyM2dbbnXowrJAGTFtK2mVzSZiT6WGDCkkK8Dtv



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate




There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

Other misc. changes
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13065 - Allow duplicate topics in smart contract events
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13105 - Scheduler is already at v4
  • [S] #13127 - Stop keeping track of epoch changes for the sync gap
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13152 - [client/network] add support for /wss addresses
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13154 - Fix the storage_size/state_getstoragesize rpc call
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13185 - Sc-network: ensure private addresses are disabled if request…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #12924 - New proc-macro-based benchmarking syntax
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13208 - Rename *-private-ipv4 to *-private-ip cli args
  • [S] ✅ audited #13214 Low - [fix] countedmap::set now takes counter into account
  • [S] ✅ audited #13204 - Contracts: deprecate random interface
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13240 - Add task type label to task metrics
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13110 - Add weighttofee and lengthtofee impls to transaction-payment…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13194 - Correct arithmetical semantic of perdispatchclass
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11637 - Add proof size to weight output
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13235 - Migrate new benchmarking syntax from `frame_support::benchma…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13216 - Remove uncles related code
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13146 - Benchmark's successful origin api update
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #13232 - Implemented contains_prefix for storagedoublemap and stora…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13361 - Sc-client-db: fix pruningmode::archivecanonical
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13366 - [feature] introduce storage_alias for countedstoragemap
  • [S] ✅ audited #13158 - [nfts] offchain mint
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13346 - Pallet-timestamp: remove validattimestamp error variant
  • [S] ✅ trivial #12761 - Add warp to target block for parachains
  • [S] ✅ audited #13268 - Contracts: use proof_size from benchmarks
  • [S] #13369 - Contracts: don't rely on reserved balances keeping an accoun…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #12896 - try-runtime::fast-forward
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13255 - blockid removal: runtime-api refactor
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13119 - Staking and nomination pools runtime api improvements
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13423 - Add defensive_assert! macro
  • [S] ✅ trivial #12833 - Glutton pallet
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13410 - Introduce ensureorigin to democracy.propose
  • [S] ✅ audited #12608 - Permissionless bond_extra in nomination pools
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13224 - Generation of real benchmark functions for benchmarking v2
  • [S] ✅ audited #12588 - Abstracts elections-phragmen pallet to use npossolver
  • [S] ✅ audited #13349 - Nfts attribute read interface
  • [S] ✅ trivial #12520 - Wasm-executor: support growing the memory
  • [S] ✅ audited #13424 - Yieldable queues for pallet messagequeue
  • [S] ✅ audited #13468 - pallet-treasury: ensure we respect max_amount for spend …
  • [S] ✅ trivial #13477 - Adjust the ratio of the in-peers/out-peers
  • [T] ✅ audited #273 - Bump substrate
  • [T] ✅ audited #319 Low - Handled transfer errors during confirm swaps
  • [T] ✅ audited #321 - Fixed fee calculations in tests and stop release funds immed…
  • [T] ✅ audited #318 - Bump wasmtime from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.6.4

02 Mar 12:50
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.67.1 (d5a82bbd2 2023-02-07)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.69.0-nightly (7281249a1 2023-02-27)


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           949.68 KB (972469 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-6040 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.94%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xc9e8a6ebf04a50b98462485e51c2fdb3d6a9a8cd4bb61734e2ac2da7743f07fa
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xfa78289df2211224aff5d332506e588903e01c4e542ba238626d9cee8d9ae581
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x2e4d844bb043e037fcdd181d67662ffecc7000a2b367afda8fe4d726ddf75c9e
📦 IPFS:                   QmdGKnhE8cwWCyoSTuR5NtyYnHB2iwhfQnL452AddvMnCN


🏋️ Runtime Size:           950.15 KB (972957 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-6040 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.93%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x5db4cf36b6c17a5e7dd0609af9af7bb8717f9a06467e44791f47d1a328a1f8ec
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x115fa51c67f629382055f1e4f84ef5c0a3d3bfae3965df4220dfa8d3dd41bf79
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x9dd361414b5eb3fcf50920158ec962d5fdffdc7cc36c7bd13e09d4bcdbaeead0
📦 IPFS:                   QmT2JtMzjVWUMGi7RggZriSE7vBArsj6iz4isjiT2oAvr7



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ audited #278 - Refactor rewards compound for tidefi staking
  • [T] ✅ audited #265 - Leverage validate_slippage from primitives
  • [T] ✅ audited #259 - Allow sunrise claim of past eras
  • [T] ✅ audited #284 - Migrate: fees and tidefi-staking to v2
  • [T] ✅ audited #286 - Shorten cooldown for sunrise in lagoon

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.6.3

30 Jan 13:53
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.67.0-nightly (a00f8ba7f 2022-11-15)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           936.89 KB (959377 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-6030 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.86%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x8b0c9595818ab789983c8ca992ee595fdde91bb4eac2b6b3bf922932a0928b3a
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xf48810a984c4c6c40b9404549abefdccf2bb6795233ca1c8453e6e6ad21f05b9
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7c26d9402b98287bdfd54936f0692ae4c3368f88beedec953a377fc1c0ac658f
📦 IPFS:                   QmVxBRyLgutLfWobNq2w6Cz9SEAn26pXBFqngsJ4TF6DrE


🏋️ Runtime Size:           934.67 KB (957098 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-6030 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.91%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x809b514f9c9bb02e3463392ed4700eb4c91b0d97b47565e4b9bc7c932b7715d6
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb58fbf93e60da6c4a7b5e9a7a495d1f302750999fd4523334e9ecdba05603576
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x9fbe774f40854f7fe18643d8e99c3e238f672d8a50022da993fc1fabb00c0626
📦 IPFS:                   QmbGSjLNkQdAedeg5BdwE2RN7o7MCqLopjs6UfuXMEgsbc



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ audited #262 - Bump primitives (new asset)

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.6.2

21 Nov 14:19
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.63.0-nightly (7466d5492 2022-06-08)


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           936.83 KB (959310 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-6020 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.86%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x4cff7bb1c54ba20a10f1e1de07d80e0d09eb18c056afaee6798ea9daac2689c0
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x7905ec596182bd5a0c0d6cad6f1d3b3114388597259b290be132cbf517cb3b4a
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x5f7d2d005bd5cf41c27c33cc51e38e497a5e4146adadd1dbe99f9a4177a82893
📦 IPFS:                   QmVWnBZ8xCATRUY8xpPVepHgRt5t8nhijqb72CBMfZaXz3


🏋️ Runtime Size:           935.05 KB (957488 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-6020 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.91%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xce3d41daabbc9036b1e61586ca6c5acc39ca7d96eead34c0c5de774ef4a1aaba
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x5bca15c0f453654270a05d30cd31cf6a0a9abffc3b774427fa4f9cf7099ed7d3
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x658d9f05e6e0f231672d59a294938fc0442e8b0a6723b06ea43f82e137eee144
📦 IPFS:                   QmZfiZk8xJKXA8HRHLvCNQsa4Evdyba6icKK5uQ2QEzyfK



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ audited #239 - Prevent slippage overflow on swap
  • [T] ✅ audited #243 - Allow transfer of all funds (skip keep-alive)

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.6.1

04 Oct 14:30
Choose a tag to compare
Tidechain v0.6.1 Pre-release

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.63.0-nightly (7466d5492 2022-06-08)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           937.82 KB (960329 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-6010 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.84%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x813577e82990dab2a00dbc56296165bc39d962e05ac8ca25168f972c1a76a665
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xd476042fec397655d0d2bf78a0320259135f79c588e4e7b18eb2831af5656bff
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x814c31e6971df914d2807bdff1137cc314af0749f080a8dbf818ccb3ee7c17d1
📦 IPFS:                   Qmc1YdJJWx7UjidwDye7vwvW6db7cZLMjUoEezvJsJDnR9


🏋️ Runtime Size:           935.19 KB (957630 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-6010 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.91%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x5f542a31257c045998a848014f59ff2297979ea792d1b2caa5fe3e42b47f1e49
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xaf70b03077375be1df6f5b01d7c4efdfdb1924d10d14b95e14afc23aaeae789b
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7c0cb14d6f495c13433b464c6468ffa8bf131634d8f8824d4b96b2257ff132be
📦 IPFS:                   QmNd5uwM6c5ma1hjqmjMokaECutiS1xWGcPMtoNjtiXcqR



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ audited #233 - Restart lagoon

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.6.0

16 Sep 00:30
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

‼️ HIGH: This is a high priority release and you must upgrade as as soon as possible.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [T] ✅ trivial #181 ‼️ HIGH - Implement fasttrackvotingperiod

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.63.0-nightly (7466d5492 2022-06-08)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           937.89 KB (960403 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-6000 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.84%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x4b3f94b7acc16df7b554fad882f318d454264c35c87c2a7c30579c91a68186f1
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x024c2fee61896d1507e22e6bc78e50a5fbeb233088e5675e80e9bd2c2211b51c
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x2c9e739ac26da63f223aa3e598792d1220c6424c56a9fc4f5f180c4fb628db69
📦 IPFS:                   QmSoGWh9bCmDAzKkBy26thjvHUS91wfu1HB6g7Lx4rXrbv


🏋️ Runtime Size:           933.94 KB (956358 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-6000 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.93%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x325d87ffd1b294a05c7f13bc4d926777f005e2370e317033e300ca9a0b480d37
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xc5a615d11c9c5aeed5535d6194a092052d011018ebc1acc733bc5d31e2ed0511
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0xf92e22d2353b1c0f667db2d2a678f60137f1edab2d01f9b96f15877ac2d5a638
📦 IPFS:                   QmbTEWLBqwYP19d8ei6Vd6tymnER4judcXFrAeTJ1huQJ9



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ trivial #175 ‼️ HIGH - Refactor sunrise pool
  • [T] ✅ audited #180 - Implement sunrise pool leftover
  • [T] ✅ trivial #181 ‼️ HIGH - Implement fasttrackvotingperiod
  • [T] ✅ audited #184 - Add stakestatus to accountstakes
  • [T] ✅ audited #205 - Add sudo to tidechain runtime for initial launch
  • [T] #204 Low - Update the stakingpool balance on unstake

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.5.1

13 Jul 14:45
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

‼️ HIGH: This is a high priority release and you must upgrade as as soon as possible.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [T] ✅ audited #168 ‼️ HIGH - Migrate bagslist

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.63.0-nightly (7466d5492 2022-06-08)



The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           875.33 KB (896338 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-5010 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.97%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x1a8f4a923499f13eb96c37855ae0a9a12ba0186b5a2de74886718365e3c82676
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x8958e8ec7568b1a4fc4bab569cc7123f3c446ab8c3c4d00f44f6d4b4d0b3568e
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x2778060019ffff99cdd75e0269865fd13aeb0e3c18b1a4f5cc9ab11234202381
📦 IPFS:                   QmNPBCG84cr8182X5Jn5M8UyWA3L62WKA5y1xiic1P4ZfE


🏋️ Runtime Size:           869.82 KB (890697 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-5010 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.79%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x6a8bd38a79fa7249e2bd224d4b81c04bc9d54283bfb4675beb871f0771ccc067
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xa158623b34e6ea0b67621ddd8008f0fa4a08356f033b21b158e1baa143759b1e
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0xb96076208a5a66a0e09c373636f1f1d539d43eee5dbea267f14a43809c32bec9
📦 IPFS:                   QmeTNuYWQXa3KsmTL5zJ9YdBEGLFzHJfCUczfLZCrw9kYg



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [T] ✅ audited #168 ‼️ HIGH - Migrate bagslist

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest

Tidechain v0.5.0

28 Jun 17:30
Choose a tag to compare

Global Priority

Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

The changes motivating this priority level are:

  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11490 Low - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11590 Low - Remove #[pallet::without_storage_info] for pallet-remark
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11591 Low - Remove without_storage_info for membership pallet
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11584 Low - Implement maxencodedlen on pallet-beefy
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11694 Low - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime p…
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11490 Low - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal

Host functions

⚠️ The runtimes in this release contain one new host function.

⚠️ It is critical that you update your client before the chain switches to the new runtimes.

Rust compiler versions

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.63.0-nightly (7466d5492 2022-06-08)


  • [S] ✅ audited #11357 - Add score to bags list


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20-rc1 and rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           875.09 KB (896089 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           lagoon-5000 (lagoon-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.97%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x6fd276c26e585430a42d36b36a8228defe1dc9885f89a0f5bb243b0c927c01bf
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x14eb626b6fa7fdcd6f157c14439f6ed5fdcb17f9e7e3c6708bdd3e4d28027c3a
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x3b1f49200b3c72077adecb5798aab74b8438c58ee20eb9fbd4eb6cb47d34f0ca
📦 IPFS:                   QmXC3jwHQfy4tk1X7gg8ct2hDy4rZQicmrAUqKvz9YfLMc


🏋️ Runtime Size:           870.13 KB (891009 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           tidechain-5000 (tidechain-0.tx1.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.78%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x01d23927524749d81de8d670cbbd3614a20ac0691b39ff8b63f43fd090ee6d35
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb183e61baaa05f65b5c201988e54df24c3584b123506969b8478fa394ab7cdba
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash:        0x41d54945684473ba17b4e961260a52a9bdb7c31e6ba89fc7e58153bd8b30ffdb
📦 IPFS:                   QmUYofMZWRaZ1r7E2SzaHcBDe6iG7fFda8C3YFNJQnewdh



  • [T] Tidechain
  • [S] Substrate


  • [S] ✅ trivial #11232 - Switch to pooling copy-on-write instantiation strategy for w…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11694 Low - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime p…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11406 - Pallet-beefy-mmr: add api for beefy authority sets


  • [T] ✅ audited #156 - Update substrate & benchmarks

There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

Other misc. changes
  • [S] ✅ trivial #10719 - Explicitly note that existing accountidconversion is trunc…
  • [S] ✅ audited #11441 - Allow to set the max supply for collection
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11451 - Contracts: add set_code root dispatchable
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11232 - Switch to pooling copy-on-write instantiation strategy for w…
  • [S] ✅ audited #11357 - Add score to bags list
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11486 - [contracts] stabilize seal_ecdsa_recover and `seal_ecdsa_t…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11381 - Introduce #[pallet::call_index] attribute to dispatchables
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11493 - Create script to run all benchmarks
  • [S] ✅ audited #11431 - Storage layer for all frame extrinsics
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11490 Low - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal
  • [S] ✅ audited #11124 - Several tweaks needed for governance 2.0
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11578 - Reduce call size of referenda pallet
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11112 - Pallet alliance
  • [S] ✅ audited #11426 - Allow nomination pools to chill + fix dismantle scenario
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11537 - Make it possible to disable rocksdb completely
  • [S] ⏳ pending non-critical audit #11618 - Add event to pallet transaction payment
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11631 - Mel: origin, referenda, convictionvoting
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11694 Low - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime p…
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11696 - Contracts: reduce size of deletion queue depth
  • [S] ✅ trivial #11406 - Pallet-beefy-mmr: add api for beefy authority sets

Docker images

The docker image for this release can be found in Docker hub.

You may also pull it with:

docker pull tidelabs/tidechain:latest