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dbplyr 1.2.0

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@hadley hadley released this 03 Jan 14:53

New top-level translations

  • New translations for

  • dbplyr now supplies appropriate translations for the RMariaDB and
    RPostgres packages (#3154). We generally recommend using these packages
    in favour of the older RMySQL and RPostgreSQL packages as they are
    fully DBI compliant and tested with DBItest.

New features

  • copy_to() can now "copy" tbl_sql in the same src, providing another
    way to cache a query into a temporary table (#3064). You can also
    copy_to tbl_sqls from another source, and copy_to() will automatically
    collect then copy.

  • Initial support for stringr functions: str_length(), str_to_upper(),
    str_to_lower(), str_replace_all(), str_detect(), str_trim().
    Regular expression support varies from database to database, but most
    simple regular expressions should be ok.

Tools for developers

  • db_compute() gains an analyze argument to match db_copy_to().

  • New remote_name(), remote_con(), remote_src(), remote_query() and
    remote_query_plan() provide a standard API for get metadata about a
    remote tbl (#3130, #2923, #2824).

  • New sql_expr() is a more convenient building block for low-level SQL
    translation (#3169).

  • New sql_aggregate() and win_aggregate() for generating SQL and windowed
    SQL functions for aggregates. These take one argument, x, and warn if
    na.rm is not TRUE (#3155). win_recycled() is equivalent to
    win_aggregate() and has been soft-deprecated.

  • db_write_table now needs to return the table name

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Multiple head() calls in a row now collapse to a single call. This avoids
    a printing problem with MS SQL (#3084).

  • escape() now works with integer64 values from the bit64 package (#3230)

  • if, ifelse(), and if_else() now correctly scope the false condition
    so that it only applies to non-NULL conditions (#3157)

  • ident() and ident_q() handle 0-length inputs better, and should
    be easier to use with S3 (#3212)

  • in_schema() should now work in more places, particularly in copy_to()
    (#3013, @baileych)

  • SQL generation for joins no longer gets stuck in a endless loop if you
    request an empty suffix (#3220).

  • mutate() has better logic for splitting a single mutate into multiple
    subqueries (#3095).

  • Improved paste() and paste0() support in MySQL, PostgreSQL (#3168),
    and RSQLite (#3176). MySQL and PostgreSQL gain support for str_flatten()
    which behaves like paste(x, collapse = "-") (but for technical reasons
    can't be implemented as a straightforward translation of paste()).

  • same_src.tbl_sql() now performs correct comparison instead of always
    returning TRUE. This means that copy = TRUE once again allows you to
    perform cross-database joins (#3002).

  • select() queries no longer alias column names unnecessarily
    (#2968, @DavisVaughan).

  • select() and rename() are now powered by tidyselect,
    fixing a few renaming bugs (#3132, #2943, #2860).

  • summarise() once again performs partial evaluation before database
    submission (#3148).

  • test_src() makes it easier to access a single test source.

Database specific improvements

  • MS SQL

    • Better support for temporary tables (@Hong-Revo)

    • Different translations for filter/mutate contexts for: NULL evaluation
      (, is.null()), logical operators (!, &, &&, |, ||),
      and comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, >=, <=)

  • MySQL: copy_to() (via db_write_table()) correctly translates logical
    variables to integers (#3151).

  • odbc: improved n() translation in windowed context.

  • SQLite: improved na_if translation (@cwarden)

  • PostgreSQL: translation for grepl() added (@zozlak)