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The Chosen: At Night's End (Remastered)

This is a short ZORK-like text-adventure I (re-)wrote. The original python version can be found here.

Your objective is to find a pair of legendary swords and kill an evil king with them.

How to install

macOS (with Homebrew)

  1. Tap my homebrew tap: brew tap

  2. Install with brew install the-chosen-remastered

Note: The standard macOS terminal does not seem to work natively with the ncurses version provided by homebrew. If you have problems playing the game, try using some other terminal emulator (for example iTerm2) or compile from source with the native macOS ncurses installation.

Windows, macOS, Linux

You can download the ZIP archive or tarball from the latest release and build/install directly with meson.

  1. Download and install a compiler toolchain and meson. To do that you can follow this guide.

  2. Extract the ZIP archive or tarball and navigate to the extracted folder in your terminal.

  3. Compile with

    $ meson setup build
    $ cd build
    $ meson compile
  4. Install with meson install

How to play

As soon as you start the game, the copyright notice and the game version will appear. To continue, press the ENTER key. You are now presented with an intro to the game. Type in your name and press ENTER again. Now the game really starts and you can see the description of the starting location.

You are in a damp cellar. It's cold, the walls are all made of grey rock, and it's generally rather unpleasant
here. The only light is coming from a torch mounted to the north wall. You can also see the decaying body of
a long dead ... thing? (it is definitely not human) chained to the east wall. That must be where the
unbearable stench is coming from.
Beside the rotting corpse you notice a sword, placed just where the reach of the chained thing must have ended
when it was still alive. Quite cruel, if you think about it.
There is a ladder leading up.

Whenever you see the prompt (>), the game is waiting for you to type in your instructions. When you have finished typing in your instructions, press the RETURN key. The game will respond and the the prompt (>) will reappear.

Next to the prompt (>), try to type the following:

take the sword

and press the ENTER key. The game responds with this:


You may respond to the game by typing:

examine the sword

and press the ENTER key. The game cooperates and tells you:

You notice that the sword is glowing faintly, indicating that a spell has been cast on it.

Now continue your quest, find the Swords of Dusk and Dawn and use them to destroy the Demon King. Good luck, Adventurer!