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This is a repo meant to deal with the vast majority of handling cases for user work:

  • Creation
  • Login
  • Authentication after-the-fact
  • Forgotten passwords
  • One-Time Passwords
  • Etc

Installation Instructions

  1. Move api.php to target API directory
  2. Edit api.php as needed to fix paths
  3. Edit SAMPLE_CONFIG.php to suit your configuration, and re-save as CONFIG.php.
  4. Upload this whole directory to your webserver.
  5. Where you need access to any login functions or scripts, include path_to_dir/login.php.
    1. If you want to actually output the login screen, be sure to print the variable $login_output.
  6. Set handlers/temp as server-writeable.

Then you're set! I highly reccommend setting up Blackbox to secure your config file.


Libraries that may need minor tweaking to "play nice" have been included as subtrees, and those that should be used verbatim have been included as submodules.


  • otphp is a subtree in the totp/ directory. The relevant files are in totp/lib/OTPHP. It is a fork from Spomky Labs frozen at the 2.0.x branch, before it was made abstract. Updating this WILL break things.
  • base32 is a subtree in the base32/ directory. The relevant file is base32/src/Base32/Base32.php. The command to update this is git subtree pull --prefix base32 base32 master --squash
  • phpqrcode is a subtree in the qr/ directory. The relevant file is qr/qrlib.php. The command to update this is git subtree pull --prefix qr qr master --squash
  • twilio-php is a subtree in the twilio/ directory. The relevant file is twilio/Services/Twilio.php. The command to update this is git subtree pull --prefix twilio twilio master --squash
  • php-core is a subtree in the core/ directory. The relevant file is core/core.php. The command to update this is git subtree pull --prefix core core master --squash.
  • zxcvbn is a subtree in the js/zxcvbn directory. The relevant file is js/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js. The command to update this is git subtree pull --prefix js/zxcvbn zxcvbn master --squash.

Server configuration

The server is expected to have the basic number of columns and types listed in SAMPLE-CONFIG.php. If you change any of the default mappings, be sure to update the variables.


This loads a number of libraries asynchronously in js/loadJQuery.js. If you encounter issues, you may want to manually insert these libraries into your pages. In particular, it may have issues with pages that are served as XHTML.

Debugging odd behavior

The most likely reason for a misbehaving application is something else bound to the document onload handler. Anything you want to be handled on load insert into a function named lateJS(), and it will be called by the script.

If you have functions that redraw the screen, and want to force a user to use two-factor authentication, there may be issues. Check for the variable window.totpParams.tfaLock; it will be set as true when a lock is needed, and you can wrap any redrawing functions in there.