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Fortran Exception Handling

exception_handling is a library that aims to provide useful tools for exception handling in Fortran and tracing.

Table of contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Data types
  3. Minimal example (explained)
  4. Tips, recommendations and best practice
  5. Parallel programs
  6. Formatting report output


Imagine, you are developing a cool Fortran library that many other users and developers should incorporate into their projects. From time to time it might happen that in some of your procedures undesired things happen. This might be due to incorrect usage of your library, passing of invalid arguments to your procedures or simply due to errors in you're code your not aware of. We call all these (and other) undesired events exceptions.

Generally, you don't want the code to stop immediately once an exception occurs. Instead you want to keep track of all exceptions and your part of the code can leave without terminating the full program. Instead, you just want to tell the users of your library that one or more exceptions were occured during the execution of your code and let them decide how to deal with them. Maybe they want to proceed depending on the severity of the exception or they want to do some finalization first or save important things to files before the programs finally stops. This behaviour should be enabled with the help of this library. We say that your library should throw exceptions and the users of your library should catch them and react approbriately.

Data types


type(ExceptionClass) :: ec
ec = ExceptionClass( name [, report_units] )

This is is simple type. It just defines a class or type of exceptions by a name and a list of output units to which exceptions of this class will be reported.
There are the following globally predefined exception classes:

  • ERROR_CLASS for severe exceptions
  • WARNING_CLASS for mild exceptions or notifications and the special class NO_EXCEPTION_CLASS which represents no exceptions.


type(Exception) :: e
e = Exception( class [, code, message, ...] )

This type describes an instance of an exception. Each exception is of a specific exception class and comes with a custom exception code and report message. It might also contain additional data on where this exception occured (was thrown) and where it was dealt with (was caught).


type(ExceptionHandler) :: eh
eh = ExceptionHandler( name [, ...] )

An exception handler goes by a descriptive name and collects and keeps track of all exceptions. There can be multiple exception handlers for different code parts. Each exception handler can handle exceptions of the default classes ERROR_CLASS and WARNING_CLASS. But you can also add custom classes. This allows for different exceptions handlers to report exceptions of the same class to different output units. An exception handler can throw and catch exceptions.


type(ProcedureTrace) :: tr
tr = ProcedureTrace( trace )

A trace is basically a list of module and procedure names leading to a given place in the code. They allow to track where exceptions were thrown and caught and should help debugging.

For completenes, there is also the type ExceptionOutputConfiguration which is not that important. It's just a collection of settings to control how the exception report output is formatted.

Minimal example (explained)

module cool_library
  implicit none

  subroutine real_sqrt( a, b, eh )
    use exception_handling
    real, intent(in) :: a
    real, intent(out) :: b
    type(ExceptionHandler), intent(inout) :: eh

    call eh%add_to_trace( module='cool_library', procedure='real_sqrt' )

    if (a < 0.0) then
      call eh%throw( ERROR_CLASS, code=42, &
        message='Input parameter `a` must not be negative.', &
        info='Result may be undefined.' )
      b = sqrt( a )
    end if

    call eh%remove_from_trace( module='cool_library', procedure='real_sqrt' )
  end subroutine real_sqrt

end module cool_library

program minimal_example
  use exception_handling
  use cool_library, only : real_sqrt
  implicit none

  type(ExceptionHandler) :: eh
  type(Exception) :: e

  real :: a, b

  eh = ExceptionHandler( 'my exception handler' )
  call eh%add_to_trace( module='minimal_handling', procedure='(main program)' )

  write( *, '(a)', advance='no' ) 'Enter a real number: '
  read( *, * ) a
  call real_sqrt( a, b, eh )

  do while (eh%has_uncaught_exceptions())
    call eh%catch( e )
    call e%report
    if (e%class == ERROR_CLASS) error stop
  end do

  write( *, '(a,f10.6,a,f10.6)' ) 'The square root of', a, ' is', b

  call eh%remove_from_trace( module='minimal_handling', procedure='(main program)' )
end program minimal_example

The example above contains a module cool_library which contains subroutine real_sqrt that tries to compute the square root of a real input a and writes it to an output variable b. This subroutine allows for exception handling and also takes an ExceptionHandler as an argument.

In the main program minimal_example we read a number form the terminal and try to compute it's square root using real_sqrt. For an invalid (negative) input, real_sqrt does not stop the program but returns silently and added an exception to the ExceptionHandler that was created before. The exception is caught and reported in the main program.

For a negative input, the above code produces the following output:

Enter a real number: -1
ERROR [my exception handler]
  trace:    lv. 1 ┬ MINIMAL_HANDLING % (MAIN PROGRAM)
                2 └─ COOL_LIBRARY % REAL_SQRT
            caught on level 1 in "MINIMAL_HANDLING % (MAIN PROGRAM)"            
  code:     42
  message:  Input parameter `a` must not be negative.
            (Result may be undefined.)            

The exception report starts with the name of the exception class (ERROR) followed by the name of the exception handler that threw the exception ([my exception handler]). It follows a trace leading to the procedure in which the exception occured (COOL_LIBRARY % REAL_SQRT) given by the module and procedure name separated by the percent sign. The following line tells where the exception was caught (MINIMAL_HANDLING % (MAIN PROGRAM)). After this, the custom exception code and a message telling what happened follow.

Let's walk thorugh the most important steps and their explanation.
In the main program minimal_example, an exception handler object is created with

eh = ExceptionHandler( 'my exception handler' )

All constructors go by the same name as the types they construct. As an argument, we pass the name of our exception handler.
On the next line

call eh%add_to_trace( module='minimal_handling', procedure='(main program)' )

we register the current location in the trace bound to the exception handler, eh%trace. The subrutine add_to_trace typically takes the name of the module and the procedure we are currently in. Here, we slightly missuse the routine by passing the name of the main program as the module name and the info that we are in the main program as the procedure name, because we are not in a module here.
Then, we call the subroutine real_sqrt which allows for exception handling

call real_sqrt( a, b, eh )

Besides the necessary arguments a and b, we also pass the exception handler eh.
After the subroutine was executed, we check if it added any exceptions to the exception handler using the logical function eh%has_uncaught_exceptions(). If this is the case, we catch the exception via eh%catch. The catch subroutine returns the first exception of the exception stack into the variable e. Then, we report the exception by calling e%report. This will write the report to the output units speciefied for the exception class of the exception. The default unit for exceptions of class ERROR_CLASS is the standard error output error_unit from the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env. Lastly, we descide to stop the program if the exception is a severe error. Everything together, this looks like

do while (eh%has_uncaught_exceptions())
  call eh%catch( e )
  call e%report
  if (e%class == ERROR_CLASS) error stop
end do

Finally, we deregister the current location from the type bound trace by calling

call eh%remove_from_trace( module='minimal_handling', procedure='(main program)' )

In the subroutine real_sqrt, again, we start by registering the current location in the type bound trace.

call eh%add_to_trace( module='cool_library', procedure='real_sqrt' )

Then, the value of the input argument a is checked and an exception is thrown if a is negative

call eh%throw( ERROR_CLASS, code=42, &
  message='Input parameter `a` must not be negative.', &
  info='Result may be undefined.' )

The subroutine eh%throw takes the type of exception as an ExceptionClass object parameter. Here, we throw an exception of the class ERROR_CLASS which is predefined and publicly available from the module exception_handling. All other arguments are optional but recommended. We provide a custom exception code, a message and some additional information.
Lastly, we deregister the current location from the trace

call eh%remove_from_trace( module='cool_library', procedure='real_sqrt' )

Tips, recommendations and best practice

  1. Form a habit of defining module and procedure name constants immediately when creating a new module or procedure and use them when adding or removing a location to or from the trace.
    module cool_library
      ! uses
      implicit none
      character(len=*), private, parameter :: MODULE_NAME = 'cool_library'
      subroutine real_sqrt(...)
        ! uses and arguments
        character(len=*), parameter :: PROCEDURE_NAME = 'real_sqrt'
      end subroutine real_sqrt
    end module cool_library
  2. Always register location at very beginning of all procedures that allow for exception handling.
    subroutine any_procedure(...)
      ! uses, arguments and local variables
      call eh%add_to_trace( module=MODULE_NAME, procedure=PROCEDURE_NAME )
    end subroutine any_procedure
  3. Always deregister location as late as possible in all procedures that allow for exception handling.
    subroutine any_procedure(...)
      ! uses, arguments and local variables
      call eh%add_remove_from_trace( module=MODULE_NAME, procedure=PROCEDURE_NAME )
    end subroutine any_procedure

    ⚠️ WARNING
    Beware early return statements and remember to deregister before the procedure is left!

Parallel programs

Exception handling in parallel computing requires some extra care. The following notes are some recommendations for the incorporation of exception handling in parallel programs. They follow the basic principles

  1. You can throw exceptions in parallel regions.
  2. You must gather exceptions from all parallel execution units.
  3. It's recommended to catch and report exceptions in serial regions.

Distributed memory (MPI)

to be added

Shared memory (OpenMP)

The following example shows how to use exception_handling in a threaded parallel do loop using OpenMP.

! global exception handler
eh = ExceptionHandler( 'my exception handler' )
!$omp parallel default(shared) private(eh_local)
! thread local exception handler as copy of global handler with epmpty stack
eh_local = eh%empty_copy( thread=omp_get_thread_num() )

!$omp do
do i = 1, n
  call serial_subroutine( i, eh=eh_local )
end do
!$omp end do

!$omp critical
! merge exceptions of local handlers into global handler
call eh%merge_handler( eh_local )
!$omp end critical
!$omp end parallel
do while (eh%has_uncaught_exceptions())
  call eh%catch( e )
  call e%report
end do

There is a standard (global) exception handler eh. After opening a parallel region, we create a thread private local copy of the global exception handler with

eh_local = eh%empty_copy( thread=omp_get_thread_num() )

We additionally pass the thread index which will later be reported in the trace to also know on which thread an exception was thrown. The local copy is identical to the global handler but has an empty exception stack.
When using procedures that allow for exception handling inside the parallel region, we have to pass the thread local exception handler eh_local.

call serial_subroutine( i, eh=eh_local )

Before leaving the parallel region, we have to gather all the exceptions from the local copies. We do this by merging them into the global handler using

call eh%merge_handler( eh_local )

Note, that the merging has to happen in serial which we ensure with the !$omp critical region.
We catch and report exceptions from the global handler outside the parallel region. By this, we avoid parallel access to the report units which might mess up the output.

Formatting report output

The following parameters controll the report output. They all can either be set for all classes of an exception handler using

call eh%configure_output( parameter1=value1, parameter2=value2, ... )

of for a single class using one of

call eh%configure_output( class=ec, parameter1=value1, parameter2=value2, ... )
! or
call ec%configure_output( parameter1=value1, parameter2=value2, ... )

where the first one will effect the class copy of ec bound to the exception handler eh and the second one will effect the class ec directly but not the copy of ec bound to eh after the class has been added to the handler.

  • max_width: maximum number of columns to write to report units, negative numbers correspond to no width limitation (default)
  • max_trace_lines: maximum number of lines in trace report, negative numbers correspond to report of full trace (default)

The example example_recursive simulates a long nested trace and a long error message. The default report will look like

ERROR [my test handler]
  trace:    lv. 1 ┬ EXAMPLE % EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE
                2 └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(1)
                3  └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(2)
                4   └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(3)
                5    └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(4)
                6     └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(5)
                7      └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(6)
                8       └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(7)
                9        └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(8)
               10         └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(9)
               11          └─ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(10)
            caught on level 22 in "EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(20)" on a branch that left the branch above on level 6 in "EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(5)"            
  code:     10
  message:  Maximum value for `i` reached. 

Using max_width=80 and max_trace_lines=5 will result in

ERROR [my test handler]
  trace:    lv. 1 ┬ EXAMPLE % EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE
                2 └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(1)
               10         └┬ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(9)
               11          └─ EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(10)
            caught on level 22 in "EXAMPLE % RECURSIVE_SUBROUTINE(20)" on a
            branch that left the branch above on level 6 in "EXAMPLE %
  code:     10
  message:  Maximum value for `i` reached.


Tools for exception handling and tracing in Fortran






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