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doc why julia sometimes can't save inference results #40

bjarthur opened this issue Dec 1, 2019 · 22 comments · Fixed by #59

doc why julia sometimes can't save inference results #40

bjarthur opened this issue Dec 1, 2019 · 22 comments · Fixed by #59


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bjarthur commented Dec 1, 2019

despite Plots.jl's recent 2x reduction in first-time-to-plot using SnoopCompile, for Gadfly i can only achieve a 25% speedup. i presume this is because "there are some significant constraints that sometimes prevent Julia from saving even the inference results". would be nice to know ways Gadfly's source code could be refactored instead. is it worth itemizing in the SnoopCompile docs the specific cases for which julia can't save the inference results? or are things too much in flux now with the ongoing efforts to improve the compiler??

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timholy commented Dec 1, 2019

It might be worth documenting, but I think no one besides Jameson and Jeff understand the full story here. My own understanding extends to JuliaLang/julia#32705 and that's pretty much it.

In the case of failure on Gadfly, what does @snoopi show after adding the precompiles? That's the direct way to find out what did and didn't work, and might give further insight into how to fix things.

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hah, indeed, running @snoopi after adding the precompiles is very informative. i'm shocked that there are methods for which inference takes 10s of seconds! what on earth is the compiler doing? i think i might just cross my fingers and hope julia 1.4 fixes this.

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timholy commented Dec 13, 2019

That is a long time. For those methods with long inference times, it maybe worth digging deeper. What are the inference times of the methods it calls? Can you break it up in a way that allows more caching? Does adding precompile statements to packages it uses help? For example, if calls, maybe adding a precompile(bar, (T,)) to package B will help.

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timholy commented Dec 13, 2019

i think i might just cross my fingers and hope julia 1.4 fixes this.

With the feature-freeze happening in a few days, you could check and find out. My assessment is it's not likely to be as rapid as any of us hope; it's a multifaceted problem.

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time to first plot is exactly the same with 1.4. i suppose i should be happy it isn't slower.

i don't even know where to begin to " break it up in a way that allows more caching" as i don't understand at all how things work underneath the hood.

at least there is a very simple and quick test:

using SnoopCompile, Gadfly
data = @snoopi render(plot(y=[1,2,3]))


 (1.5066230297088623, MethodInstance for render_prepared(::Plot, ::Gadfly.Coord.Cartesian, ::Gadfly.Aesthetics, ::Array{Gadfly.Aesthetics,1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.StatisticElement,1},1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.Aesthetics,1},1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.Data,1},1}, ::Dict{Symbol,Gadfly.ScaleElement}, ::Array{Gadfly.GuideElement,1}))
 (1.5084519386291504, MethodInstance for #render_prepared#105(::Bool, ::Bool, ::typeof(Gadfly.render_prepared), ::Plot, ::Gadfly.Coord.Cartesian, ::Gadfly.Aesthetics, ::Array{Gadfly.Aesthetics,1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.StatisticElement,1},1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.Aesthetics,1},1}, ::Array{Array{Gadfly.Data,1},1}, ::Dict{Symbol,Gadfly.ScaleElement}, ::Array{Gadfly.GuideElement,1}))
 (9.799691915512085, MethodInstance for render(::Plot))

the function for which inference takes the longest is render. it has 42 methods, yet precisely one has a single argument. how could render(::Plot) possibly then take 10s to figure out which one to call? there is only one choice! or is it the case that the inference times reported by SnoopCompile are cumulative? and so the 10s for render includes the time it takes to infer all the functions which it calls?

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timholy commented Dec 14, 2019

how could render(::Plot) possibly then take 10s to figure out which one to call?

It doesn't. As soon as it knows which method you're calling (which it figures out within ~microseconds), it looks up the code for the method and then starts inferring the type of every variable. If it successfully figures out the types of all the arguments to the first function call, it then recurses into that function and figures everything out about it, including the return type. This is fully recursive: every single method that it can determine in advance will be fully inferred, all the way to the bottom of the call chain. Only if inference fails does this terminate early. And all that means is that when it executes the method, it will run up until the point of faillure, then use run-time dispatch to figure out what methods get called, and that will then trigger inference on all their dependent functions. So eventually you'll have to infer everything anyway.

So that 10s is "only" for the call to render (not the preceding items in the list), but it's also inferring every function that render calls.

I haven't had time to poke at Gadfly, but I should have mentioned one other strategy: adding @nospecialize to arguments for which optimization is not important. This will allow Julia to compile a given method once for a generic object rather than specializing it for a potentially-large zoo of types. Specialization is important for performance-sensitive operations, but many things are not performance-sensitive.

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fverdugo commented Jan 2, 2020

I have a related problem.

I have a package which does not include any precompile directive yet. When I run

inf_timing = @snoopi tmin=0.01 include("snoopfile.jl")

for some "snoopfile.jl" that exercises the package, I can see that I have few methods for which inference is between 5s and 10s.

The bad news are that these methods do not appear in any precompile directive when I parcel the inf_timing, and thus, they will not get precompiled if I add the directives to my package....

I have run the logger (as indicated here), and the reason they are skipped is "skipping due to evail failure". I can see that this message is printed in this line:

@debug "Module $mod: skipping $tt due to eval failure"

but I am unable to figure out how to work-around this.

Any Idea on how to fix the "evail failure" so that these methods can be eventually precompiled?


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timholy commented Jan 2, 2020

The most common explanation is also described in that section; most likely the "ownership" of signature tt cannot be reduced to a single package. If so, a possible workaround is to create a "master package" that incorporates all the components you want to precompile. (In that example, create package C that has using A, B in it.)

Of course, it's also possible that SnoopCompile's algorithm for determining ownership needs improvement. You can test this for yourself by loading the requisite packages and calling Core.eval(mod, tt) and see what the error message is.

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fverdugo commented Jan 2, 2020

The methods that are skipped are defined in sub-modules of my package (and not exported in the main module of the package). Can this be the reason why Core.eval(mod, tt) fails?

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timholy commented Jan 2, 2020

That seems likely to be a bug. Can you post a simple reproducer? That is a situation that SnoopCompile should be able to handle, with proper scoping.

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fverdugo commented Jan 2, 2020

Yes of course!

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fverdugo commented Jan 2, 2020

I have the MWE,

consider this folder tree:

├── MyPackage
│   ├── snoopfile.jl
│   └── src
│       └── MyPackage.jl
└── snoop.jl

And these files:

# MyPackage.jl
module MyPackage

module ModuleA
export Foo
struct Foo end
end # module

module ModuleB
using MyPackage.ModuleA
export hello
hello(::Foo) = "hello"
end # module

end # module
# snoopfile.jl
using MyPackage.ModuleA
using MyPackage.ModuleB

foo = Foo()
# snoop.jl
using SnoopCompile
using Base.CoreLogging

logger = SimpleLogger(stderr, CoreLogging.Debug);

inf_timing = @snoopi include("MyPackage/snoopfile.jl")

pc = with_logger(logger) do

SnoopCompile.write("precompile", pc)

Now, develop MyPackage and add SnoopCompile to your environment. Then, in the REPL:

julia> include("snoop.jl")
┌ Debug: Module MyPackage: skipping Tuple{Type{Foo}} due to eval failure
└ @ SnoopCompile /home/fverdugo/.julia/packages/SnoopCompile/qyn6g/src/parcel_snoopi.jl:151
┌ Debug: Module MyPackage: skipping Tuple{typeof(hello),Foo} due to eval failure
└ @ SnoopCompile /home/fverdugo/.julia/packages/SnoopCompile/qyn6g/src/parcel_snoopi.jl:151

Moreover, no precompile statement was generated.

Something to do with sub-modules, and names defined in different sub-modules?

More info:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.3.1
Commit 2d5741174c (2019-12-30 21:36 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
  JULIAROOT = /home/fverdugo/Apps/julia/julia-1.3.1

(snoopi_mwe) pkg> st
    Status `~/Code/jl/test/snoopi_mwe/Project.toml`
  [6c4e32b7] MyPackage v0.0.0 [`MyPackage`]
  [aa65fe97] SnoopCompile v1.1.0

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fverdugo commented Jan 2, 2020

The most common explanation is also described in that section; most likely the "ownership" of signature tt cannot be reduced to a single package.

In my example, the ownership can be reduced to a single package, but not to a single module, since there are two sub-modules involved. Is this the problem?

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fverdugo commented Jan 3, 2020

Is it the intended behavior in SnoopCompile to skip the method hello(::Foo) in my MWE?
Does julia save inference results in this case?

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timholy commented Jan 3, 2020

Very interesting. If you change snoopfile.jl to this:

import MyPackage

foo = MyPackage.ModuleA.Foo()

then everything works:

shell> cat precompile/precompile_MyPackage.jl
function _precompile_()
    ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 || return nothing

This is basically a consequence of the following difference in printing (ref JuliaLang/julia#23806):

tim@diva:/tmp/sc$ julia -q
julia> using MyPackage

julia> MyPackage.ModuleA.Foo()

julia> exit()
tim@diva:/tmp/sc$ julia -q
julia> using MyPackage.ModuleA

julia> Foo()

Fortunately, this proves to be easily fixable with repr(T; context=:module=>nothing). PR coming.

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fverdugo commented Jan 3, 2020


With your trick, I get the precompiles for my real package.

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timholy commented Jan 3, 2020

Glad it helps. One request: next time, please open a fresh issue, as your issue was quite different from the OP. #59 will close this, but I am not certain that the OP's request has been fully satisfied. (But I'm not sure what to do about it, which is why I'm allowing it to close this issue.)

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fverdugo commented Jan 3, 2020

One request: next time, please open a fresh issue, as your issue was quite different from the OP.

Alright! Sorry for the inconvenience...

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bjarthur commented Jan 4, 2020

gadfly has submodules too, and #59 helps a bit. thanks. sadly, i still don't see much of an improvement in time-to-first-plot with additional precompile directives.

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timholy commented Jan 4, 2020

(EDITED) Are you also adding the precompiles to Gadfly's dependencies? I am not sure what happens if the inference result for the caller is kept but discarded from the callee; it seems possible to me that this would confuse inference and it would just decide to re-infer everything from scratch. So you might have to make sure you work your way up from the bottom.

One thing I notice about Gadfly's design is that it has a lot of types: I count 87 instances of struct in the code base. I think adding @nospecialize or reducing the number of types might be a more effective strategy.

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bjarthur commented Jan 5, 2020

indeed, Gadfly has a lot of structs, and uses them to fully embrace multiple dispatch.

i've boiled down one use of a struct to a minimum example which does not precompile:

module Foo

struct FooType

foofunction(::FooType) = true


end # module

when i @snoopi twice on the module above, once with no precompile file, and the second time with the precompile file generated the first time around in a fresh session, i get identical results:

using SnoopCompile, Foo
data = @snoopi Foo.foofunction(Foo.FooType())
parcel = SnoopCompile.parcel(data)
SnoopCompile.write("/tmp/precompileFoo", parcel)

this is output both times:

function _precompile_()
    ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 || return nothing

it is all in one module, no reference to anything in another module is made, there are no submodules, how could there possibly be any ambiguity about the types of the input arguments or return value?

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timholy commented Jan 6, 2020

That might be an important observation, but also might not. I've noticed that coverage misses such lines sometimes too. What if you have a more complicated function that calls foofunction, does that successfully precompile? It's certainly a bug, but if it only affects things that are so "tiny" they always get inlined, it might not be a problem that actually matters. (Or it might be. I'm just not sure.)

Also beware the interpreter, which can run code without inferring it first; it's safest to put your "snoop script" in a file (@snoopi include("snoopscript.jl")) as that seems to force Julia to run in compiled mode.

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