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By Tim Henderson (


An attribute grammar fuzzer. It generates new tests cases from an s-attributed grammar.

Is it good?

I think you are asking the wrong questions.

How do I use it?

I will get back to you when there is something to use?

Attribute Grammars

A context sensitive version of the context free grammar. They were invented by Don Knuth in 1968 to enable exact specification of the semantics of programming langauges. The semantics are difficult to specify with syntax alone even when using a Type 1 or Type 0 grammar in the Chompsky heirarchy. Diffcult in the sense the descriptions are long, formal, uninformatative and tedious to specify. Attribute grammars solve this by adding actions and conditions to each production.

A simple example. (Use before declaration)

Consider the following grammar:

Stmts -> Stmts Stmt
      | Stmt

      | PRINT NAME

VAR = "var", PRINT = "print", EQUAL = "=", NAME = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*",
NUMBER = "[0-9]+"

This grammar defines a language which looks something like this:

var foo = 12
print foo

According to the syntax defined in the above CFG the following string is in the language:

print baz
var baz = 12

However, this string violates the semantics of this simple language -- variables must be declared before they can be used. To restrict the strings allowed in the language to those in which variables are declared and not used we use the following attributed grammar. An attribute grammar expands context free grammars to include attributes, actions and conditions. Attributes, variables attached to grammar symbols hold values assigned by actions. Conditions only allow a grammar rule to apply if the condition evaluates to true. Conditions generally make use of the values of attributes which were assigned by previous actions.

Stmts -> Stmts Stmt
            with Action {
              if (Stmt.decl is not None) {
                Stmts{1}.names = Stmts{2}.names | { stmt.decl }
              else {
                Stmts{1}.names = Stmts{2}.names
            with Condition {
              (Stmt.uses is not None && Stmt.uses in Stmts{2}.names) ||
              (Stmt.decl is not None && Stmt.decl not in Stmts{2}.names)
          | Stmt
            with Action {
              Stmts{1}.names = { stmt.decl }
            with Condition {
              Stmt.uses is None

        with Action {
          Stmt.decl = NAME.value
          Stmt.uses = None
      | PRINT NAME
        with Action {
          Stmt.decl = None
          Stmt.uses = NAME.value

Learning More

There is an excellent free book available called Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages. Chapter 3 Attribute Grammars is a great introduction to the subject. Ullman et. all (in the illustrious "Dragon Book") provide an overview of the practical use of attribute grammars in syntax directed translation. While a good background, does not provide as much insight as Syntax and Semantics does.

Fuzzing with Attributes

Why Fuzz With Attribute Grammars

Why use attribute grammars to specify the grammar? Aren't context free grammars or "block structured" grammars sufficient? For simple languages, a context free grammar may be suffiecient however many languages have context sensitive elements. Consider the language defined in the "Attribute Grammars" section, it demonstrates the "Declare Before Use" constraint on variable names. These constraints are semantic in nature not syntactic. Real-world protocols often have similar constraints (for instance length fields, and hash fields). Attribute grammars allow us to model such constraints with accuracy.

Mechanics of the Fuzzing Process

TODO :-)


An Attribute Grammar Fuzzer






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