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Working with JUNG Algorithms

okram edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 10 revisions

Gremlin comes with a connector to the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (JUNG) that allows you to make use of the JUNG algorithms package on Gremlin property graphs. Below is a description of the JUNG algorithms package.

The current distribution of JUNG includes implementations of a number of algorithms from graph theory, data mining, and social network analysis, such as routines for clustering, decomposition, optimization, random graph generation, statistical analysis, and calculation of network distances, flows, and importance measures (centrality, PageRank, HITS, etc.). — JUNG development team

JUNG is intended, for the most part, for single-relational graphs — that is, graphs that do not contain edge labels. However, given the extensible nature of JUNG, it is possible to apply the JUNG libraries to multi-relational graphs like the property graphs used by Gremlin.

The following is a collection of Gremlin functions provided in the jung namespace.

  1. JUNG Functions
    • map jung:pagerank(graph?, map?)
    • list jung:dijkstra(graph?, vertex, vertex, map?)

JUNG Functions

PageRank map jung:pagerank(graph?, map?)

PageRank is an algorithm used to determine which vertices in a graph are most central/important. This algorithm returns a probability distribution created by a random walker moving from vertex to vertex. However, in order to ensure a strongly connected graph, an ‘teleportation’ probability (alpha) is included to allow the walker to randomly teleport from any vertex to any other vertex.

The function to execute PageRank takes a graph and a map of configuration parameters. Below is the parameters that can be provided.1

  • alpha: teleportation probability (defaults to 0.15) [number]
  • labels: labels to allow or disallow (defaults to null) [list]
  • filter: whether to allow or disallow the provided labels (defaults to false) [boolean]
  • weight-key: an edge property key denoting a weight (defaults to null) [string]
  • normalize: if a weight key is used, should outgoing edge weights be normalized to form a probability distribution (defaults to false) [boolean]

The function returns a ranking that maps a vertex to a number, where the number is the PageRank score for the vertex. Here are some examples of map jung:pagerank(graph?, map?) in action.

gremlin> $_g := tg:open()
gremlin> g:load('data/graph-example-1.xml')
gremlin> jung:pagerank() 
gremlin> jung:pagerank(g:map('alpha', 1.0))
gremlin> jung:pagerank(g:map('labels', g:list('knows')))
gremlin> jung:pagerank(g:map('labels', g:list('knows'),'filter',true()))

Dijkstra’s Shortest Path list jung:dijkstra(graph?, vertex, vertex, map?)

Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm finds the shortest path between two vertices. This algorithm can be used on weighted graphs where the higher the weight denotes a larger distance between the two vertices connected by the edge. Note that Dijkstra’s algorithm does not allow for negative edge weights.

The function to execute Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm takes a graph, a source vertex (start), a target vertex (end), and a map of configuration parameters. Below is the parameters that can be provided.1

  • labels: labels to allow or disallow (defaults to null) [list]
  • filter: whether to allow or disallow the provided labels (defaults to false) [boolean]
  • weight-key: an edge property key denoting a weight (defaults to null) [string]
  • invert: if higher weights denote “closeness”, then inverting them will denote a shortest distance (defaults to false) [boolean]

The function returns an ordered list of edges denoting the path from the source vertex to the target vertex.

gremlin> $_g := tg:open()
gremlin> g:load('data/graph-example-1.xml')
gremlin> jung:dijkstra(g:id('1'),g:id('5'))
gremlin> jung:dijkstra(g:id('1'),g:id('3'))

1 A future release of this connector will allow for path definitions to be used. That is, instead of only allowing or disallowing an edge based on label, it will be possible to make use of a path definitions to define an edge on the fly. See the following articles for more information on this technique.

Rodriguez M.A., Shinavier, J., Exposing Multi-Relational Networks to Single-Relational Network Analysis Algorithms, Journal of Informetrics, volume 4, number 1, pages 29-41, ISSN:1751-1577, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.joi.2009.06.004, LA-UR-08-03931, 2009.

Rodriguez, M.A., Grammar-Based Random Walkers in Semantic Networks, Knowledge-Based Systems, volume 21, issue 7, pages 727-739, ISSN:0950-7051, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2008.03.030, LA-UR-06-7791, October 2008.