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tisimst committed Feb 25, 2014
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions README
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``pyswarm``: Particle swarm optimization (PSO) with constraint support

The ``pyswarm`` package is a gradient-free optimization package for python
that supports design constraints.

What's New

This is the initial release, but it should work out of the box. The syntax is
similar to the other SciPy optimization routines (the ones like ``fmin_slsqp``).
Currently, only a single objective is supported, but with any number of
constraints (or none).


- NumPy

Installation and download

See the `package homepage`_ for helpful hints relating to downloading
and installing pyswarm.

Source Code

The latest, bleeding-edge, but working, `code
and `documentation source
<>`_ are
available `on GitHub <>`_.


Any feedback, questions, bug reports, or success stores should
be sent to the `author`_. I'd love to hear from you!


This package is provided under two licenses:

1. The *BSD License*
2. Any other that the author approves (just ask!)


- `Particle swarm optimization`_ on Wikipedia

.. _author:
.. _Particle swarm optimization:
.. _package homepage:
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pyswarm: Particl swarm optimization (PSO) with constraint support
Author: Abraham Lee
Copyright: 2013
# from __future__ import absolute_import

__author__ = 'Abraham Lee'
__version__ = '0.5'

from pyswarm.pso import *

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import numpy as np

def pso(func, lb, ub, ieqcons=[], f_ieqcons=None, args=(), kwargs={},
swarmsize=100, omega=0.5, phip=0.5, phig=0.5, maxiter=100,
minstep=1e-8, minfunc=1e-8, debug=False):
Perform a particle swarm optimization (PSO)
func : function
The function to be minimized
lb : array
The lower bounds of the design variable(s)
ub : array
The upper bounds of the design variable(s)
ieqcons : list
A list of functions of length n such that ieqcons[j](x,*args) >= 0.0 in
a successfully optimized problem (Default: [])
f_ieqcons : function
Returns a 1-D array in which each element must be greater or equal
to 0.0 in a successfully optimized problem. If f_ieqcons is specified,
ieqcons is ignored (Default: None)
args : tuple
Additional arguments passed to objective and constraint functions
(Default: empty tuple)
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments passed to objective and constraint
functions (Default: empty dict)
swarmsize : int
The number of particles in the swarm (Default: 100)
omega : scalar
Particle velocity scaling factor (Default: 0.5)
phip : scalar
Scaling factor to search away from the particle's best known position
(Default: 0.5)
phig : scalar
Scaling factor to search away from the swarm's best known position
(Default: 0.5)
maxiter : int
The maximum number of iterations for the swarm to search (Default: 100)
minstep : scalar
The minimum stepsize of swarm's best position (Default: 1e-8)
minfunc : scalar
The minimum change of swarm's best objective value (Default: 1e-8)
debug : boolean
If True, progress statements will be displayed every iteration
(Default: False)
g : The swarm's best known position (optimal design)

assert len(lb)==len(ub), 'Lower- and upper-bounds must be the same length'
assert hasattr(func, '__call__'), 'Invalid function handle'
lb = np.array(lb)
ub = np.array(ub)
assert np.all(ub>lb), 'All upper-bound values must be greater than lower-bound values'

vhigh = np.abs(ub - lb)
vlow = -vhigh

# Check for constraint function(s) #########################################
obj = lambda (x): func(x, *args, **kwargs)
if f_ieqcons is None:
if not len(ieqcons):
if debug:
print 'No constraints given.'
cons = lambda (x): np.array([0])
if debug:
print 'Converting ieqcons to a single constraint function'
cons = lambda (x): np.array([y(x, *args, **kwargs) for y in ieqcons])
if debug:
print 'Single constraint function given in f_ieqcons'
cons = lambda (x): np.array(f_ieqcons(x, *args, **kwargs))

def is_feasible(x):
check = np.all(cons(x)>=0)
return check

# Initialize the particle swarm ############################################
S = swarmsize
D = len(lb) # the number of dimensions each particle has
x = np.random.rand(S, D) # particle positions
v = np.zeros_like(x) # particle velocities
p = np.zeros_like(x) # best particle positions
fp = np.zeros(S) # best particle function values
g = [] # best swarm position
fg = 1e100 # artificial best swarm position starting value

for i in xrange(S):
# Initialize the particle's position
x[i, :] = lb + x[i, :]*(ub - lb)

# Initialize the particle's best known position
p[i, :] = x[i, :]

# Calculate the objective's value at the current particle's
fp[i] = obj(p[i, :])

# If the current particle's position is better than the swarm's,
# update the best swarm position
if fp[i]<fg and is_feasible(p[i, :]):
fg = fp[i]
g = p[i, :].copy()

# Initialize the particle's velocity
v[i, :] = vlow + np.random.rand(D)*(vhigh - vlow)

# Iterate until termination criterion met ##################################
it = 1
while it<=maxiter:
rp = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))
rg = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))
for i in xrange(S):

# Update the particle's velocity
v[i, :] = omega*v[i, :] + phip*rp[i, :]*(p[i, :] - x[i, :]) + \
phig*rg[i, :]*(g - x[i, :])

# Update the particle's position, correcting lower and upper bound
# violations, then update the objective function value
x[i, :] = x[i, :] + v[i, :]
mark1 = x[i, :]<lb
mark2 = x[i, :]>ub
x[i, mark1] = lb[mark1]
x[i, mark2] = ub[mark2]
fx = obj(x[i, :])

# Compare particle's best position (if constraints are satisfied)
if fx<fp[i] and is_feasible(x[i, :]):
p[i, :] = x[i, :].copy()
fp[i] = fx

# Compare swarm's best position to current particle's position
# (Can only get here if constraints are satisfied)
if fx<fg:
if debug:
print 'New best for swarm at iteration %d:'%it, x[i, :], fx

tmp = x[i, :].copy()
stepsize = np.sqrt(np.sum((g-tmp)**2))
if np.abs(fg - fx)<=minfunc:
print 'Stopping search: Swarm best objective change less than:', minfunc
return tmp, fx
elif stepsize<=minstep:
print 'Stopping search: Swarm best position change less than:', minstep
return tmp, fx
g = tmp.copy()
fg = fx

if debug:
print 'Best after iteration %d'%it, g, fg
it += 1

print 'Stopping search: maximum iterations reached -->', maxiter

if g is []:
print 'No feasible point found'
return g, fg

if __name__=='__main__':
print '*'*65
print 'Example minimization of 4th-order banana function (no constraints)'
def myfunc(x):
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
return x1**4 - 2*x2*x1**2 + x2**2 + x1**2 - 2*x1 + 5

lb = [-3, -1]
ub = [2, 6]

xopt1, fopt1 = pso(myfunc, lb, ub)

print 'The optimum is at:'
print ' ', xopt1
print 'Optimal function value:'
print ' myfunc: ', fopt1

print '*'*65
print 'Example minimization of 4th-order banana function (with constraint)'
def mycon(x):
x1 = x[0]
x2 = x[1]
return [-(x1 + 0.25)**2 + 0.75*x2]

xopt2, fopt2 = pso(myfunc, lb, ub, f_ieqcons=mycon)

print 'The optimum is at:'
print ' ', xopt2
print 'Optimal function value:'
print ' myfunc: ', fopt2
print ' mycon : ', mycon(xopt2)

print '*'*65
print 'Example minimization of twobar truss weight, subject to:'
print ' Yield Stress < 100 psi'
print ' Yield Stress < Buckling Stress'
print ' Deflection < 0.25 inches'
def weight(x, *args):
H, d, t = x
B, rho, E, P = args
return rho*2*np.pi*d*t*np.sqrt((B/2)**2 + H**2)

def stress(x, *args):
H, d, t = x
B, rho, E, P = args
return (P*np.sqrt((B/2)**2 + H**2))/(2*t*np.pi*d*H)

def buckling_stress(x, *args):
H, d, t = x
B, rho, E, P = args
return (np.pi**2*E*(d**2 + t**2))/(8*((B/2)**2 + H**2))

def deflection(x, *args):
H, d, t = x
B, rho, E, P = args
return (P*np.sqrt((B/2)**2 + H**2)**3)/(2*t*np.pi*d*H**2*E)

def mycons(x, *args):
strs = stress(x, *args)
buck = buckling_stress(x, *args)
defl = deflection(x, *args)
return [100 - strs, buck - strs, 0.25 - defl]

B = 60
rho = 0.3
E = 30000
P = 66
args = (B, rho, E, P)
lb = [10, 1, 0.01]
ub = [30, 3, 0.25]
xopt4, fopt4 = pso(weight, lb, ub, f_ieqcons=mycons, args=args)

print 'The optimum is at:'
print ' ', xopt4
print 'Optimal function value:'
print ' weight :', fopt4
print ' stress :', stress(xopt4, *args)
print ' buckling stress:', buckling_stress(xopt4, *args)
print ' deflection :', deflection(xopt4, *args)

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import os
from setuptools import setup

def read(fname):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read()

author='Abraham Lee',
description='Particle swarm optimization (PSO) with constraint support',
license='BSD License',
'particle swarm optimization',
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Intended Audience :: Education',
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Topic :: Education',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics',
'Topic :: Software Development',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
'Topic :: Utilities'

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