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Tools to inspect Redis's dump.rdb file

RDB Tools is a set of tools to work with Redis dump files

rdb-tools lets you :

  1. Convert dump files into JSON
  2. Generate a Memory Report of your data across all databases and keys
  3. Compare two dump files using standard diff tools
  4. Efficiently parse and process rdb files

RDB Tools is implemented in Python.

Installing rdbtools

git checkout
cd redis-rdb-tools
sudo python install

Converting dump files to JSON

Parse the dump file and print the JSON on standard output

./rdb --command json /var/redis/6379/dump.rdb

Only process keys that match the regex

./rdb --command json --key "user.*" /var/redis/6379/dump.rdb

Only process hashes starting with "a", in database 2

./rdb --command json --db 2 --type hash --key "a.*" /var/redis/6379/dump.rdb

Generate Memory Report

Running with the -c memory generates a CSV report with the approximate memory used by that key.

./rdb -c memory /var/redis/6379/dump.rdb > memory.csv

The generated CSV has the following columns - Database Number, Data Type, Key, Memory Used in bytes and Encoding. Memory usage includes the key, the value and any other overheads.

Note that the memory usage is approximate. In general, the actual memory used will be slightly higher than what is reported.

You can filter the report on keys or database number or data type.

Comparing RDB files

First, use the --command diff option, and pipe the output to standard sort utility

./rdb --command diff /var/redis/6379/dump1.rdb | sort > dump1.txt
./rdb --command diff /var/redis/6379/dump2.rdb | sort > dump2.txt

Then, run your favourite diff program

kdiff3 dump1.txt dump2.txt

To limit the size of the files, you can filter on keys using the --key=regex option

Using the Parser

import sys
from rdbtools import RdbParser, RdbCallback

class MyCallback(RdbCallback) :
    ''' Simple example to show how callback works. 
        See RdbCallback for all available callback methods.
        See JsonCallback for a concrete example
    def set(self, key, value, expiry):
        print('%s = %s' % (str(key), str(value)))
    def hset(self, key, field, value):
        print('%s.%s = %s' % (str(key), str(field), str(value)))
    def sadd(self, key, member):
        print('%s has {%s}' % (str(key), str(member)))
    def rpush(self, key, value) :
        print('%s has [%s]' % (str(key), str(value)))
    def zadd(self, key, score, member):
        print('%s has {%s : %s}' % (str(key), str(member), str(score)))

callback = MyCallback()
parser = RdbParser(callback)

What can I do with this parser?

Several things

  1. Export redis into a relational database like MySQL
  2. Export redis into a full text search engine like lucene/solr, so that you can do (almost) real time searches
  3. Merge or split dump files. This is useful if you using several instances of Redis and shard your data
  4. Build a UI/Explorer for the data in Redis


Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON







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