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March 10, 2018 Update

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@khamukkamu khamukkamu released this 10 Mar 14:26
· 1478 commits to master since this release

[h1]March 10, 2018 Update [/h1]

[b][u]Fixed Advanced Camp Theater Selection Behaviour[/u][/b]
[] They should now properly go to the theater where there are enemies.
] When a faction's advance camp is defeated, they retreat back to their home theater first, before selecting the next theater.
[*] Advance camps will not move to the next theater until all enemies in that theater, including enemy advance camps, are defeated.

[b][u]Weapon Type Commands + Shield Order Commands[/u][/b]
[] You can now order your troops to use a specific type of weapon during combat (Polearms, Two-Handers, Ranged, Side-Arms)
] You can cycle through them by pressing O
[] You can now also order your troops with shields to use their shields or put them away.
] You can cycle shield orders by pressing P.

[b][u]Refactor how Berserker Trait works [/u][/b]
[] Berserker trait no longer gives instant heal with key H.
] It now gives HP regen per [u]melee kill[/u], modified by STR

[b][u]Heroes & Villains of Middle-Earth[/u][/b]
[] The Heroes & Villains of Middle-Earth (Lords/Ladies) are now harder to defeat (by AI troops) in combat.
] They are Heroes & Villains for a reason. They shouldn't be downed by an errant arrow from an Orc / Gondor Levy.

[] New Beorn's House Scene + Siege Scene
] New Woodsmen Village Scene

[b][u]Assets / Others [/u][/b]
[] New Dwarf Armour Variants
] Added Normal + Specular Maps to Orc, Uruks, and Mordor troop assets + Used WB shaders. All that black should look better now.
[*] Added Faction Intros (thanks to jtlannister)

[] Fixes to some formations issues (flanking behaviour)
] Fixed some inconsistencies with Dwarf troop inventory
[] Fixed some bow stats
] Fixed spawn issue in Troll Cave
[] If player chooese to start the war later, then make sure siege requirements go with that
] Make sure war does not start earlier / later than specified.
[] Fixed Minas Morgul gatehouse collision mesh
] Small changes to how the AI Leader / Lord behaves in combat
[*] Replaced the odd sized cyprus bark texture