This is an implementation of the "new" variant of the cryptographic multilinear maps over the Integers.
This variant is described in the following article:
[1] J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint, M. Tibouchi, "New Multilinear Maps over the Integers". Available on
and build upon the following article:
[2] J.-S. Coron, T. Lepoint, M. Tibouchi, "Practical Multilinear Maps over the Integers". Available at
This C++ proof-of-concept requires:
- fplll (to generate parameters)
First, modify the Makefile accordingly.
$ make generate_pp
$ ./generate_pp -l 52 -k 6 -n 540 -r 52 -e 420
Explaination of the parameters: -l is the expected security level (lambda), -k is the multilinearity level (kappa), -n is the number of primes used, -r is the noise size (rho), -e is the size of the factors in the primes (etap). By default, running without argument yields the values of above.
This creates a directory lambda52-kappa6 with all the public parameters of the multilinear map.
Note that all the arguments must be chosen to ensure sufficient security according to [1] and [2]. This is not performed by our implementation.
$ make key_generation
$ ./key_generation -l 52 -k 6
This requires the multilinear maps public parameters (created by generate_pp) to be stored in a lambda52-kappa6/ directory. By default, running without argument yields the values of above.
Explaination of the parameters: -l is the expected security level (lambda), -k is the multilinearity level (kappa).
Note that there is a branch with-small-parameters containing small parameters to allow testing without running generate_pp.