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In The Rooms meetings database

I got locations from here.

Report on the full dataset.

I have a complete-enough database of the In The Rooms meetings for the continental United States. It also happens to include some meetings in Mexico and Canada. It's here.

The schema hasn't remarkably changed since when I explained it to Samir before. I think that Addicaid needs only to concern itself with the meeting view and the location table.


I accidentally deleted four of the meetings. If I run the job again (not hard), I would get them back, but I don't think it's worth it.

That leaves 83760 meetings, of which 28 are broken on the In The Rooms website, and 37293 locations, of which 5 are broken on the In The Rooms website. This database thus contains 83732 meetings and 37288 locations.


I haven't reviewed this resulting dataset as much as I would like. You could help with that by visiting the urls in these spreadsheets, checking that the data in those urls match the data in the spreadsheets, writing "yes" or "no" in the "Correct?" column and then sending the result back to me.

In case you're curious, those spreadsheets are random samples.

Tangential applications

I fixed some glaring errors in the In The Rooms information, so this database cleaner in some ways than the one powering In The Rooms. I wonder whether it could be helpful to In The Rooms.

Also, I'll probably eventually play with this dataset as I did with the New York data

Tell me if there are any particular theories of addiction recovery that I might be able to test or if there are any analyses that could be useful to you.


Tell me if you think meeting in person would help. Or call me whenever. I'm planning on going out of town this weekend and coming back about a week after, but that's flexible.

How to run

First, activate

. activate

Now, you can run any of the scripts.

sqlite3 intherooms.db < schema.sql
./ [url]
./ [url]
./ intherooms.db [coordinates] [page number]
./ intherooms.db [url]
./ intherooms.db [url]

I made scripts for batch processing of the location and meeting pages.

./ intherooms.db
./ intherooms.db
./ intherooms.db
./ intherooms.db

Some manual fixes to weird pages are included.

sqlite3 intherooms.db < manual_fixes.sql

Everything is wrapped up in one script.


Generate a spreadsheet.

sqlite3 -header -csv intherooms.db 'select * from meeting' > intherooms.csv

Or a geojson

./ intherooms.db > intherooms.json

Diagnose things

sqlite3 intherooms.db < todo.sql
sqlite3 intherooms.db < interesting.sql
sqlite3 intherooms.db 'SELECT page, count(*) FROM meeting_search GROUP BY page'

Temporary notes

I accidentally deleted these records on the run of the week of February 25. If I remove the done-parsing files and load the searches again, they will come back, without tabs.

[OrderedDict([(u'Meeting Title Link', u'/aa/ue\tpm0700-0800\tSpringfield-Study-Group\tSpringfield-\t/99181')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'Meeting Title Link', u'/alanon/\tOLD-TOWN-DAYTIME-AL-ANON/85924')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'Meeting Title Link', u'/na/Baja-Group--\t/85867')]),
 OrderedDict([(u'Meeting Title Link', u'/na/HOPE-II-\t/98904')])]


The robots.txt permits crawling of the whole site.

$ curl
User-agent: *
Allow: /

Here are my questions/considerations from when we first discussed this.

  1. Can we do without the additional meeting information for now (/oa, /na, &c. endpoints)? I think we need it, and Addicaid agrees.
  2. Do we need the additional location information for now (/locations endpoint)? Yes, mainly longitude and latitude.
  3. The MVP will automatically update itself from In The Rooms; rather, the meetings will be imported from In The Rooms once, and we'll decide later whether and how to apply further updates.
  4. Addicaid is fine with the resulting database being free and available to everyone in a convenient format?
  5. The search is weird. In particular, you only get 400 pages at once (easy to get around), and you need to specify a boundary on the location (annoying). It will be faster if we limit this to a few specific locations at first. Can we choose these?
  • Tom started with New York.
  • Then Tom did San Francisco for the demo.
  • Then Tom did the whole country.
  1. Tom may request Addicaid's help for writing test fixtures and for other less specialized tasks.
  2. Consider telling In The Rooms about the MVP as a way to convince them that it will be useful for them to provide Addicaid with the data. (Addicaid had already contacted In The Rooms about getting the data, but they didn't hear back or something.)

About In the Rooms

In the Rooms is run by Ken Pomerance ("Mr Clean") and RON "RT" TANNEBAUM (two interviews).

Here are some more links


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