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tlubitz committed Apr 26, 2018
1 parent bbb90f8 commit 8b0b41a
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Showing 14 changed files with 13,380 additions and 0 deletions.
928 changes: 928 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/bioinfo.cls

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8,363 changes: 8,363 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/figures/scenarios.eps

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794 changes: 794 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/figures/workflow.eps

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1,288 changes: 1,288 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/natbib.bst

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803 changes: 803 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/natbib.sty

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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/parameter_balancing_app_note.aux
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Results and Implementation}{1}}
\bibcite{ashyraliyev2009systems}{{1}{2009}{{Ashyraliyev {\em et~al.}}}{{Ashyraliyev, Fomekong-Nanfack, Kaandorp, and Blom}}}
\bibcite{dhss:08}{{2}{2008}{{Dr\"ager {\em et~al.}}}{{Dr\"ager, Hassis, Supper, Schr\"oder, and Zell}}}
\bibcite{flamholz2011equilibrator}{{3}{2011}{{Flamholz {\em et~al.}}}{{Flamholz, Noor, Bar-Even, and Milo}}}
\bibcite{hucka2003systems}{{5}{2003}{{Hucka {\em et~al.}}}{{Hucka, Finney, Sauro, Bolouri, Doyle, Kitano, Arkin, Bornstein, Bray, Cornish-Bowden, {\em et~al.}}}}
\bibcite{likl:06a}{{6}{2006a}{{Liebermeister and Klipp}}{{Liebermeister and Klipp}}}
\bibcite{liebermeister2006bringing}{{7}{2006b}{{Liebermeister and Klipp}}{{Liebermeister and Klipp}}}
\bibcite{liebermeister2010modular}{{8}{2010}{{Liebermeister {\em et~al.}}}{{Liebermeister, Uhlendorf, and Klipp}}}
\bibcite{lubitz2010parameter}{{9}{2010}{{Lubitz {\em et~al.}}}{{Lubitz, Schulz, Klipp, and Liebermeister}}}
\bibcite{lubitz2016sbtab}{{10}{2016}{{Lubitz {\em et~al.}}}{{Lubitz, Hahn, Bergmann, Noor, Klipp, and Liebermeister}}}
\bibcite{scheer2010brenda}{{11}{2010}{{Scheer {\em et~al.}}}{{Scheer, Grote, Chang, Schomburg, Munaretto, Rother, S{\"o}hngen, Stelzer, Thiele, and Schomburg}}}
\bibcite{stanford2013systematic}{{12}{2013}{{Stanford {\em et~al.}}}{{Stanford, Lubitz, Smallbone, Klipp, Mendes, and Liebermeister}}}
\bibcite{wittig2011sabio}{{13}{2011}{{Wittig {\em et~al.}}}{{Wittig, Kania, Golebiewski, Rey, Shi, Jong, Algaa, Weidemann, Sauer-Danzwith, Mir, {\em et~al.}}}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Parameter balancing}}{2}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Conclusion}{2}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Acknowledgements}{2}}
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/parameter_balancing_app_note.bbl
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\bibitem[Ashyraliyev {\em et~al.}(2009)Ashyraliyev, Fomekong-Nanfack, Kaandorp,
and Blom]{ashyraliyev2009systems}
Ashyraliyev, M., Fomekong-Nanfack, Y., Kaandorp, J.~A., and Blom, J.~G. (2009).
\newblock Systems biology: parameter estimation for biochemical models.
\newblock {\em FEBS Journal\/}, {\bf 276}(4), 886--902.

\bibitem[Dr\"ager {\em et~al.}(2008)Dr\"ager, Hassis, Supper, Schr\"oder, and
Dr\"ager, A., Hassis, N., Supper, J., Schr\"oder, A., and Zell, A. (2008).
\newblock {SBMLsqueezer: a CellDesigner} plug-in to generate kinetic rate
equations for biochemical networks.
\newblock {\em BMC Systems Biology\/}, {\bf 2:39}.

\bibitem[Flamholz {\em et~al.}(2011)Flamholz, Noor, Bar-Even, and
Flamholz, A., Noor, E., Bar-Even, A., and Milo, R. (2011).
\newblock e{Q}uilibrator - the biochemical thermodynamics calculator.
\newblock {\em Nucleic acids research\/}, page gkr874.

Haldane, J. (1930).
\newblock {\em Enzymes\/}.
\newblock Longmans, Green and Co., London. (republished in 1965 by MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA).

\bibitem[Hucka {\em et~al.}(2003)Hucka, Finney, Sauro, Bolouri, Doyle, Kitano,
Arkin, Bornstein, Bray, Cornish-Bowden, {\em et~al.}]{hucka2003systems}
Hucka, M., Finney, A., Sauro, H.~M., Bolouri, H., Doyle, J.~C., Kitano, H.,
Arkin, A.~P., Bornstein, B.~J., Bray, D., Cornish-Bowden, A., {\em et~al.}
\newblock The systems biology markup language ({SBML}): a medium for
representation and exchange of biochemical network models.
\newblock {\em Bioinformatics\/}, {\bf 19}(4), 524--531.

\bibitem[Liebermeister and Klipp(2006a)Liebermeister and Klipp]{likl:06a}
Liebermeister, W. and Klipp, E. (2006a).
\newblock Bringing metabolic networks to life: convenience rate law and
thermodynamic constraints.
\newblock {\em Theor.~Biol.~Med.~Mod.}, {\bf 3:41}.

\bibitem[Liebermeister and Klipp(2006b)Liebermeister and
Liebermeister, W. and Klipp, E. (2006b).
\newblock Bringing metabolic networks to life: integration of kinetic,
metabolic, and proteomic data.
\newblock {\em Theor.~Biol.~Med.~Mod.}, {\bf 3:42}.

\bibitem[Liebermeister {\em et~al.}(2010)Liebermeister, Uhlendorf, and
Liebermeister, W., Uhlendorf, J., and Klipp, E. (2010).
\newblock Modular rate laws for enzymatic reactions: thermodynamics,
elasticities, and implementation.
\newblock {\em Bioinformatics\/}, {\bf 26}(12), 1528--1534.

\bibitem[Lubitz {\em et~al.}(2010)Lubitz, Schulz, Klipp, and
Lubitz, T., Schulz, M., Klipp, E., and Liebermeister, W. (2010).
\newblock Parameter balancing in kinetic models of cell metabolism†.
\newblock {\em The Journal of Physical Chemistry B\/}, {\bf 114}(49),

\bibitem[Lubitz {\em et~al.}(2016)Lubitz, Hahn, Bergmann, Noor, Klipp, and
Lubitz, T., Hahn, J., Bergmann, F., Noor, E., Klipp, E., and Liebermeister, W.
\newblock {SBtab}: A flexible table format for data exchange in systems
\newblock {\em Bioinformatics\/}, {\bf 32}(16), 2559–2561.

\bibitem[Scheer {\em et~al.}(2010)Scheer, Grote, Chang, Schomburg, Munaretto,
Rother, S{\"o}hngen, Stelzer, Thiele, and Schomburg]{scheer2010brenda}
Scheer, M., Grote, A., Chang, A., Schomburg, I., Munaretto, C., Rother, M.,
S{\"o}hngen, C., Stelzer, M., Thiele, J., and Schomburg, D. (2010).
\newblock Brenda, the enzyme information system in 2011.
\newblock {\em Nucleic acids research\/}, page gkq1089.

\bibitem[Stanford {\em et~al.}(2013)Stanford, Lubitz, Smallbone, Klipp, Mendes,
and Liebermeister]{stanford2013systematic}
Stanford, N.~J., Lubitz, T., Smallbone, K., Klipp, E., Mendes, P., and
Liebermeister, W. (2013).
\newblock Systematic construction of kinetic models from genome-scale metabolic
\newblock {\em PLoS One\/}, {\bf 8}(11).

\bibitem[Wittig {\em et~al.}(2011)Wittig, Kania, Golebiewski, Rey, Shi, Jong,
Algaa, Weidemann, Sauer-Danzwith, Mir, {\em et~al.}]{wittig2011sabio}
Wittig, U., Kania, R., Golebiewski, M., Rey, M., Shi, L., Jong, L., Algaa, E.,
Weidemann, A., Sauer-Danzwith, H., Mir, S., {\em et~al.} (2011).
\newblock {SABIO-RK} -- database for biochemical reaction kinetics.
\newblock {\em Nucleic acids research\/}, {\bf 40}(D1), D790--D796.

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions applications_note/parameter_balancing_app_note.blg
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