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implementation of RB32I in verilog

RISC-V 32bit single-stroke processor with i32 extension with support of hardware and software interrupts and DMA module for peripheral devices (in Verilog)


Processor has 32 bit ALU and standard triple-ported register file with 32 general purpuse 32-bit registers ans x0 register always zero. It can execute basic binary code compiled from RISC-V assembly language. Processor uses Harvard architecture, so instructions are stored in instruction memory and program data is stored in main memory


Processor has builtin main memory (inside the processor itself). Memory size is 0.5 kiB or 512 bytes or 128 32-bit words. Memory size can be increased up to 2^32 32-bit words or 16 GiB Processor has no protection in memory so, it is possible to overwrite existing intructions in RAM.

General Interface

processor has 2 input wires:

  • 1 bit clock
  • 1 bit negative reset signal



After start (or reset) processor loads instsructions from constant memory to RAM and sets its program counter to 0 address and starts to execute instructions


Processor supports multilevel software and hardware interruptions with control status regissters manipulations. Processor supports two types of interrupts:

  • hardware interrupts (caused by external devices)
  • software interrupts (caused by ecall/ebreak instruction) Interrupt bus has no synchronization or any arbiter

Control Status Registers

Processor has control status registers to keep information about interrupts. Interrupts can be disabled using interrupt mask stored in mie register. When interrupt occurs its cause is written to CSR mcause register. After interrupt program counter is set to value inside mtvec register added to cause of interrupt (mcause register value). Current program counter is saved to mepc register. Current context is saved on stack. Stack pointer is placed in mscratch register. Registers mie, mtvec, mscratch are should be set by user after processor started.

External devices

Repository has a few builtin external devices

  • Flash memory with same interface as builtin memory. Flash memory size is 8 32-bit words or 256 bytes. Flash memory size can be increased up to 2^32 bytes or 2 GiB.
  • Keyboard implementation with 256 keys and interrupt support for pressed buttons.
  • Interrupt controller as external module.

Memory interface

Processor communicates with builtin main memory using control 3 bit bus and thee 32 bit data/address busses. Control bus has 5 states to select width and signedness of word in memory:

  • 0b000 - signed 8 bit
  • 0b001 - signed 16 bit
  • 0b010 - 32 bit value
  • 0b100 - unsigned 8 bit
  • 0b101 - unsigned 16 bit Every access to memory is completed in one clock (as well as any other instruction)

Supported instructions

Instr Type Opcode funct3 funct7 Explain
lui U 0110111 - - load upper immidiate
auipc U 0010111 - - add upper immidiate to pc
jal J 1101111 - - jump and link
jalr I ^ 000 - jump and link register
beq B 1100011 - - brench if equal
bne B ^ - - branch if not equal
blt B ^ - - branch if less than
bge B ^ - - branch if greater or equal
bltu B ^ - - branch if less than (unsigned)
bgeu B ^ - - branch if greater or equal (unsigned)
lb I 0000011 000 - load byte
lh I ^ 001 - load half
lw I ^ 010 - load word
lbu I ^ 100 - load byte (unsigned)
lhu I ^ 101 - load half (unsigned)
sb S 0100011 000 - store byte
sh S ^ 001 - store half
sw S ^ 010 - store word
addi I 0010011 000 - add immidiate
slti I ^ 010 - set less than immidiate
sltiu I ^ 011 - set less than immidiate (unsigned)
xori I ^ 100 - bit xor with immidiate
ori I ^ 110 - bit or with immidiate
andi I ^ 111 - bit and with immidiate
slli R 0010011 001 0x0 shift left logical to immidiate
srli R ^ 101 0x0 shift right logical to immidiate
srai R ^ 101 0x20 shift right arithmetic to immidiate
add R 0110011 000 0x0 add
sub R ^ 000 0x20 substruct
sll R ^ 001 0x0 shift left logical
slt R ^ 010 0x0 set less than
sltu R ^ 011 0x0 set less than (unsigned)
xor R ^ 100 0x0 bit xor
srl R ^ 101 0x0 shift right logical
sra R ^ 101 0x20 shift right arithmetic
or R ^ 110 0x0 bit or
and R ^ 111 0x0 bit and
fence I 0001111 000 0x0 memory fence
fenceI I ^ 001 0x0 memory fence
ecall I 1110011 000 0x0 enviroment call
ebreak I ^ 000 0x1 enviroment break
csrrw I ^ 001 csr control status register read/write
csrrs I ^ 010 csr control status register set bits
csrrc I ^ 011 csr control status register clear bits
csrrwi I ^ 101 csr control status register write immidiate
csrrsi I ^ 110 csr control status register set immidiate
csrrci I ^ 111 csr control status register clear immidiate
mret I ^ 000 0x302 return from interrupt
  • fence and fenceI instructions are interpreted as NOP due to sequential consistency of processor
  • ecall and ebreak instructions are raises interruption
  • func7value of the mret instruction is need to be zero extended and set to imm[11:0] field


RISC-V CPU implementation







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