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Thesis codebase for running scalable high-dimensional Gaussian Processes on Economic Models

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Scalable Gaussian Processes for Economic Models

This repository includes the code for my master thesis entitled "Scalable Gaussian Processes for Economic Models".

There are three ways to dig into the repository:

  • A Demo Notebook: which illustrates how to run an experiment locally or on a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment and how to aggregate and inspect those results afterwards.

    There is also a Google Colab variant of the notebook. This provides free access to a GPU enabled environment and automates the setup of the code base.

  • A Results Notebook: to inspect and reproduce results and plots from the thesis. All experiments on which the thesis is based is stored in a publicly accessible MongoDB database from which this notebook ensembles the figures and tables.

  • The thesis: which describes the model and results.

Note: we strong recommend using the Table of Content Jupyter notebook extension to navigate the files.


There are roughly three steps to executing an experiment.

  • Define a experiments as a JSON serializable Python dictionary which specifies the model and environment.
      'tag': 'demo',
      'obj_func': {'name': 'Sinc'},
      'model': {'name': 'GPModel',
                'kwargs': {'learning_rate': 0.1}},
  • The experiment is executed on a HPC environment and collected in a centralized MongoDB database.
  • Inspect the results on the MongoDB database in a notebook as a Pandas DataFrame.
    get_df(**{'config.tag': 'demo'})

Code Outline

The code (i.e. everything in src/) is roughly divided into four parts:

  • Experiment: This is where most of the thesis specific code resides. It includes a Runner which defines how test and training data is drawn and what plots to generate.
  • Models: Various models that fits to particular training example and then predict based on this. Most are probabilistic and yields a predictive mean and variance for test locations.
  • Environments: The environment from which the models should train and test on. This can either be synthetic functions for which the ground truth is known, simulations where a point evaluation is generated on the fly, and data set with fixed evaluation locations.


The following provides a high-level overview of the available environments:

  • Non-stationary: Sinusoidals with varying amplitude and length-scale.
  • Discontinous: Step functions and kinks.
  • Financial/Economic: simulated models such as the growth model and option pricing as well as a cleaned stock marked data sets.
  • UCI: Various (normalized) machine learning data ported from
  • Natural Sound and Precipitation: Datasets of low dimensions with many observations ported from
  • Genz 1984: For integrands scalable to arbitrary dimensionality.
  • Optimization benchmarks: Synthetic functions such as Branin and Rosenbrock ported from GPyOpt.
  • Helpers: For automatically normalizing and creating embeddings.


Note: Because is a big file (~2 GB) you will need to install Git LFS to clone the repository.

conda create -n sgp python=3.6
source activate sgp
conda env update -f environment.yml
echo "MONGO_DB_PASSWORD = None" > src/

(Note: We create the environment before populating it because of a conda bug where Python 3.6 is otherwise not accessible during installation.)

There are two additional requirements for the thesis-related experiments:

  • To record an experiment in the MongoDB you need to populate src/ with:
    (replace None with the admin password to enable write permission as well.)
  • For Sparse Grid requirements see further down.

Optional installations

  • Notebook requirements:

    conda -y install notebook
    pip install ipywidgets
    jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
    pip install addict
    pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
    jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
    pip install jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
    jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user

    We recommend enabling the table of content plugin from jupyter_contrib_nbextensions to navigate the included notebooks.

  • Adaptive Sparse Grid installation

    cd SparseGridCode/TasmanianSparseGrids
    cd ../pyipopt
    echo " IPOPT and PYIPOPT is installed "

    Note: We replaced basestring with str in SparseGridCode/TasmanianSparseGrids/InterfacePython/ to make the library python3 compatible.

  • For LocalLengthScaleGPModel

    git clone
    cd gp_extras
    python install 
  • Pytorch On GPU enabled linux machine:

    source $HOME/miniconda/bin/activate
    conda install -y pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

Server setup

To setup on the cluster:

  • Run either 1) make push for EPFL, or 2) make sync-dtu for DTU.
  • ssh and install the Anaconda environment as described in Installation.
  • Remember to specify the MongoDB password also described in Installation.

Growth Model

The growth model has its own workflow since its requirements and output is so different. It is a value iteration scheme that usually runs for several days and can for that reason be restarted at a previous iteration.

To install the additional requirements:

source activate sgp

To run the model modify and as needed. Then execute the script on the server with:

make run-growth


To view the MongoDB records of the experiments in a browser interface run the following:

npm install -g omniboard
omniboard -m localhost:27017:lions
omniboard --mu "mongodb+srv://admin:<password>"
PASS=$(python -c 'from src import env; print(env.MONGO_DB_PASSWORD)'); omniboard --mu "mongodb+srv://admin:${PASS}"

Remember to replace <password>.

If MongoDB is living on a firewalled server (not currently the case):

ssh -fN -l root -i path/to/id_rsa -L 9999:localhost:27017
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8889:localhost:7000 user@server

Jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook

HPC environments

Currently we support EPFL and DTUs.


It requires to have simba configured in ~/.ssh/config.

Host simba simba-fe
     User <username>
     ForwardAgent yes
     ForwardX11 yes
     ForwardX11Timeout 596h
     DynamicForward 3333
Host simba-compute-01 simba-compute-02 simba-compute-03 simba-compute-04 simba-compute-05 simba-compute-06 simba-compute-07 simba-compute-08 simba-compute-09 simba-compute-10 simba-compute-11 simba-compute-12 simba-compute-13 simba-compute-14 simba-compute-15 simba-compute-16 simba-compute-17 simba-compute-18 simba-compute-gpu-1 simba-compute-gpu-2 simba-compute-gpu-3
    User <username>
    ForwardAgent yes
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardX11Timeout 596h
    DynamicForward 3333
    ServerAliveInterval    60
    TCPKeepAlive           yes
    ProxyJump              simba
Host *
    XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth

Remember to replace <username>.

For debugging purposes you can submit a no-op script directly from the server:

ssh simba
sbatch path/to/ 'python' '' 'print_config' 'with' 'obj_func={"name": "Sinc"}'


ssh <username>

Available commands:

  • bqueues list available server queues.
  • bstat list jobs.
  • qrsh run interactive job server.

Trick to view plots on the server:

ssh -Y <username>
eog path/to/file.png

Profiling notes

To plot the memory use:

pip install memory_profiler
sudo mprof run --include-children python
mprof plot --backend TkAgg

To print memory use pr. object type (Note that this requires modifying the source code):

pip install pympler
from pympler import muppy, summary
all_objects = muppy.get_objects()
sum1 = summary.summarize(all_objects)


Thanks to Simon Scheidegger for providing most of the code for the heston based option pricing and the growth model.


Thesis codebase for running scalable high-dimensional Gaussian Processes on Economic Models







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