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A maven plugin for generating fluent builders for existing classes via reflection.


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Reflective Fluent Builders

This project provides a generator and a maven plugin for generating fluent builders for existing classes with the help of reflection. This can be useful in cases where it is not possible (or very hard) to change the sources of said classes to generate builders directly.

The artifact of the corresponding maven plugin is reflective-fluent-builders-maven-plugin.

Use cases and preferable alternatives

If you have full control of the sources for which you want to generate fluent builders, this project is probably not the best choice available. You might want to look at these well-maintained and stable alternatives:

If however one of these conditions applies to your situation, this maven plugin might be useful to you:

  • You want to generate builders for classes from a third-party library

  • You cannot use the alternatives mentioned above due to technical debt, constraints of your employer or the like

  • You want to generate builders for generated sources such as JAXB-annotated classes generated from an XML schema

  • You want to generate builders for your classes in test scope only

Generator usage

If you are only interested in using the maven plugin, skip to the corresponding section. However, if for some reaseon you want to use the generator directly in one of your projects, these are the steps you have to follow:

  1. Include the maven dependency:

         <version><!-- insert latest version --></version>
  2. Instantiate all JSR-330-annotated components from the package with a dependency injection framework of your choice.

  3. Manually add instances of the following classes as they are needed by some components:


    • java.time.Clock

    • java.lang.ClassLoader

  4. The relevant components to inject whereever you need them are BuilderMetadataService and JavaFileGenerator.

Maven Plugin usage

To use the maven plugin, all you need to do (at a minimum) is to tell it which packages and/or classes you want builders generated for. A small example might look like this:

    <version><!-- insert latest version --></version>

A caveat when using the plugin is that all classes for which you desire builders need to be compiled already as reflection is used for scanning packages and classes, so depending on your usecase you need to decide during which phase of the maven build to execute the plugin. Refer also to the default lifecycle. This will of course not be a problem if you are solely generating builders for classes from third party libraries.

If you want to generate builders in compile scope for classes whose sources are located within the same module, you could try an approach like this:

    <version><!-- insert latest version --></version>
        <!-- the default compilation -->
        <!-- compilation of the generated builders -->

It is also possible to specify exclusions. For instance, let us assume you use a logical rather than a functional naming convention within your application like so:
↳ Dog
↳ DogEntity
↳ DogService
↳ DogMapper
↳ DogRepository
↳ Cat
↳ CatEntity
↳ CatService
↳ CatMapper
↳ CatRepository

If you were going to generate builders for this application, you would probably want to exclude all the services, mappers and repositories. This could be achieved by doing the following:

    <version><!-- insert latest version --></version>

Full documentation of the maven plugin and its parameters can be found here.