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This is a template for TypeScript related projects.


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Typescript Template

This is a template for TypeScript related projects. It is already delivered with some features, which are listed below. There will also be a short description how to remove single features from the repository.

Found some stuff to fix or improve? Please fork and create a pull request or simply create an issue.



This repository uses yarn as its package manager. It is just a personal flavour.

How to remove:

  • delete yarn.lock
  • run npm install
  • (Caution! There is a npm post install hook, that may only work with yarn or npm. Other package manager haven't been tested.)


ESLint is used as the linting tool to keep a good code style. It extends the rule set of AirBnB (airbnb-typescript/base) with some own rules.

How to remove:

  • delete .eslintrc.js and .eslintignore
  • delete "lint" and "lint:fix" in scripts section in package.json
  • delete dependencies:
yarn remove \
  eslint \
  @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \
  @typescript-eslint/parser \
  eslint-config-airbnb-typescript \
  eslint-import-resolver-typescript \
  eslint-plugin-import \
  eslint-plugin-prettier \


Jest is used as the test runner. It is not integrated via @types/jest so that TypeScript magically knows describe, it, etc. but it uses @jest/globals and imports the needed utilities from there.

How to remove:

  • delete jest.config.js
  • delete "test", "test:verbose" and "test:coverage" in scripts section in package.json
  • delete dependencies:
yarn remove jest @jest/globals ts-jest

Commit message proposal

There is a good commit convention created by Vue (Link), that has been adapted for this repository (see

Local workflow control with git hooks

There are two git hooks in place to control the local workflow. Both are installed with a npm post install hook. One just verifies the commit message to match the pattern from the Commit Convention. The other one runs before git push and avoids pushing directly to master. It also runs ESLint and Jest on none wip commits (work in progress). To know how it works in general, see bmacher/ts-git-hooks.

How to remove:

  • delete hook in scripts (git-commit-msg-hook.ts, git-pre-push-hook.ts)
  • if you don't need any hook
    • delete npm-post-install-hook.ts
    • delete "postinstall" in scripts section in package.json
    • delete dependencies:
yarn remove shelljs @types/shelljs chalk

Remote workflow control with github actions

There is a github workflow in place that runs ESLint and Jest on pull requests (see node-ci-yml). To make the master save from commits that fail on ESLint or/and Jest, go to: Settings (Repo) → Branch → Add rule and

  • add "master" in Branch name pattern
  • activate Require status checks to pass before merging
    • Activate lint-and-test (The action must have been executed once)
  • (activate Include administrators to be extra save)

There is also a badge that shows the status for the worklow (see line 1).

How to remove:

  • delete .github/workflows/node-ci-yml


Dependabot is used to keep dependencies automatically up to date. It creates a pull request for each bump and (should) resolve conflicts by itself. You could also add a workflow that comments with "@dependedabot merge" when the PR has no conflicts and can be merged.

How to remove:

  • delete .github/dependabot.yml

VS Code settings

There are some settings and recommendations of extensions to setup your VS Code properly for this repository.

How to remove:

  • delete .vscode


This is a template for TypeScript related projects.







No packages published


  • TypeScript 66.8%
  • JavaScript 33.2%