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Cluster-Based StyleBlit Demo (MATLAB)

Simple MATLAB test-implementation of StyleBlit [Sýkora et al. 2019].

The original work used grid-based approach to fit fully parallel operations on 3D rendering pipeline.

In this demo, I implemented cluster-based approach, which can be easily developed using MATLAB built-in functions. I just tested a single-scale StyleBlit process based on the cluster structures. However, overall quality seems good for processing animated sequences.



I tested the following 5 style images in styles.

Please see the core functions:

01 02 03 04 05
styles/01.png styles/02.png styles/03.png styles/04.png styles/05.png


I rendered 60 frames for target guide images (normal) input.

Please see the core functions:

001 015 030 045 060
input/golem.001.png input/golem.015.png input/golem.030.png input/golem.045.png input/golem.060.png


You can make StyleBlit results with the following quality.

01 02
results/styleblit_01.gif results/styleblit_02.gif


Base Layer Transfer

Following the original work, I implemented base layer transfer using Lit-Sphere.

Please see the core functions:


Cluster-Based Detail Layer Transfer

I replaced the original jittering grid-based approach with cluster-based approach. I simply clusters coupled (guide, position) feature to make near regular cluster regions.

Please see the core functions:



Before running demo programs, please run the following command once from the command window (or just run styleblit_setup.m).

  >> styleblit_setup

This command just adds core and demo directories to MATLAB path to run the example scripts in the root directory.

Note: This program was only tested on Windows 10 with MATLAB R2017b. Linux and Mac OS are not tested, CPU computation may work for the environments.


I used functions from the following toolboxes.

  • Image Processing Toolbox
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Example Codes

Cluster-Based StyleBlit Demo on Video Inputs: run_styleblit_video.m

You can test the main demo code in the following.

%% Cluster-Based StyleBlit Demo on Video Inputs

%% Parameter settings
sigma = 15;

k = 200;
density = 1.5;

%% Run Cluster-based StyleBlit demo on video inputs for each style_id ['01', ..., '05']
for id=1:5
    style_id = sprintf('%02d', id);
    styleblit_video_demo(style_id,sigma, k, density);

This code will generate video results for 60 target frames with 5 styles through the cluster-based StyleBlit process (it may take 30 min to complete the process).

Please see the demo functions:

Parameter Description
style_id style id ['01', ..., '05']
sigma Gaussian filter parameter for base/detail layer separation
k target number of clusters
density density of sampling exempler

Cluster-Based StyleBlit Demo: run_styleblit.m

You can test cluster-based styleblit function in the following way.

%% Cluster-Based StyleBlit Demo

%% Parameter settings
sigma = 15;
target_frame = 1;

k = 200;
density = 1.5;

%% Run Cluster-based StyleBlit demo for each style_id ['01', ..., '05']
for id=1:5
    style_id = sprintf('%02d', id);
    styleblit_demo(style_id, target_frame, sigma, k, density);

This code will generate StyleBlit results with 5 styles including base layer transfer and cluster-based detail layer transfer.

Please see the demo functions:

Parameter Description
style_id style id ['01', ..., '05']
target_frame target frame number [1, ..., 60]
sigma Gaussian filter parameter for base/detail layer separation
k target number of clusters
density density of sampling exempler

Base Layer Transfer Demo: run_base_transfer.m

You can test base layer transfer function in the following way.

%% Base Layer Transfer Demo

%% Parameter settings
sigma = 15;
target_frame = 1;

%% Run base layer transfer demo for each style_id ['01', ..., '05']
for id=1:5
    style_id = sprintf('%02d', id);
    base_transfer_demo(style_id,target_frame, sigma);

Please see the demo functions:

Parameter Description
style_id style id ['01', ..., '05']
target_frame target frame number [1, ..., 60]
sigma Gaussian filter parameter for base/detail layer separation


Process Computation time
base transfer 0.07 sec
detail transfer 1.60 sec
image IO 2.44
total 5.32 sec


Due to the unoptimized code, main drawback is its performance (it takes about 5 sec to process a single target image).

Quality might be also improved by multi-scale StyleBlit approach taken in the original work. I consider to extend the current single-scale clustering using a hierarchical manner.


The MIT License 2019 (c) tody