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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 22, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Standalone Usage

  1. lein figwheel
  2. (In another window) node target\js\compiled\cljs_version_notify.js ...

Production Builds

  1. lein cljsbuild once prod
  2. node index.js ...

Production Deploy

  1. Build production code

  2. Prepare sam-template.yml file

$ cp sample-speech.yml.sample sam-template.yml
# if you need
$ aws s3 mb s3://{your-own-bucket-name} --region {your-region}

Set your S3 bucket name on sam-template.yml.

  1. Package
$ zip index.js

$ aws cloudformation package \
  --template-file sam-template.yml \
  --output-template-file sam-template-output.yml \
  --s3-bucket {bucket_name}
  1. Deploy
$ aws cloudformation deploy \
  --template-file sam-template-output.yml \
  --stack-name {my-stack-name} \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Rewrite your own s3-bucket

REPL Usage (Emacs)

Use cider!

REPL Usage (Vim)

You can now connect to Figwheel's REPL through Piggieback using vim-fireplace:

  1. lein repl
  2. (fig-start)
  3. (cljs-repl)
  4. (In another window) node target\js\compiled\cljs_version_notify.js ...
  5. (In Vim) :Piggieback (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/repl-env)

Standard vim-fireplace commands will now work in the context of the Figwheel process:

  • cqp to send a command from Vim to the REPL
  • cpa... to evaluate a form without saving or reloading the file
  • etc.