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Terraform module for AWS CodeBuild


  • Module tested for Terraform 1.0.1.
  • AWS provider version 3.74.
  • main branch: Provider versions not pinned to keep up with Terraform releases.
  • tags releases: Tags are pinned with versions (use ).


Option 1:

terrafrom init
terraform plan -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'
terraform apply -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'
terraform destroy -var='teamid=tryme' -var='prjid=project1'

Note: With this option please take care of remote state storage

Option 2:

Recommended method (stores remote state in S3 using prjid and teamid to create directory structure):
  • Create python 3.6+ virtual environment
python3 -m venv <venv name>
  • Install package:
pip install tfremote --upgrade
  • Set below environment variables:
export TF_AWS_BUCKET=<remote state bucket name>
export TF_AWS_BUCKET_REGION=us-west-2
export TF_AWS_PROFILE=<profile from ~/.ws/credentials>


  • Set below environment variables:
export TF_AWS_BUCKET=<remote state bucket name>
export TF_AWS_BUCKET_REGION=us-west-2
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws_access_key_id>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws_secret_access_key>
  • Updated examples directory with required values.

  • Run and verify the output before deploying:

tf -c=aws plan -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'
  • Run below to deploy:
tf -c=aws apply -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'
  • Run below to destroy:
tf -c=aws destroy -var='teamid=foo' -var='prjid=bar'

Note: Read more on tfremote


module "codebuild" {
  source = ""

  build_source_location   = ""
  source_credential_token = var.source_credential_token
  codebuild_role          = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/codebuild-role"
  environment_vars = [
      name  = "AWS_REGION",
      value = "us-east-2",
      type  = "PLAINTEXT"
  filter_group = [{
    filter = [{
      exclude_matched_pattern = false
      type                    = "EVENT"
      pattern                 = "PUSH"
        exclude_matched_pattern = false
        type                    = "HEAD_REF"
        pattern                 = "dev" # branch name

  # To configure schedule
  schedule            = "rate(1 minute)"
  deploy_event_rule   = true
  deploy_event_target = true
  # Note: Do not change teamid and prjid once set.
  teamid = var.teamid
  prjid  = var.prjid

Please refer to example directory link for references.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.1
aws ~> 3.74


Name Version
aws ~> 3.74


Name Source Version
cloudwatch v0.0.7
cloudwatch_event v0.0.4


Name Type
aws_codebuild_project.codebuild resource
aws_codebuild_source_credential.authorization resource
aws_codebuild_source_credential.source_credentials resource
aws_codebuild_webhook.codebuild_webook resource


Name Description Type Default Required
badge_enabled Generates a publicly-accessible URL for the projects build badge. Available as badge_url attribute when enabled bool false no
branch cloudwatch event branch string "main" no
build_artifact_type Build output artifact's type. Valid values: CODEPIPELINE, NO_ARTIFACTS, S3. string "NO_ARTIFACTS" no
build_container_image Docker image to use for this build project. Valid values include Docker images provided by CodeBuild (e.g aws/codebuild/standard:2.0). string "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0" no
build_source_location Information about the build output artifact location. If type is set to CODEPIPELINE or NO_ARTIFACTS, this value is ignored. If type is set to S3, this is the name of the output bucket. string null no
build_source_type Type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values: CODECOMMIT, CODEPIPELINE, GITHUB, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE, BITBUCKET or S3 string "GITHUB" no
build_timeout Number of minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), for AWS CodeBuild to wait until timing out any related build that does not get marked as completed. The default is 60 minutes. string "60" no
build_type The type of build this webhook will trigger. Valid values for this parameter are: BUILD, BUILD_BATCH. string "BUILD" no
buildspec_filepath Build specification to use for this build project's related builds. string "" no
cloudwatch_logs_status Current status of logs in CloudWatch Logs for a build project. Valid values: ENABLED, DISABLED. Defaults to ENABLED. string "ENABLED" no
cloudwatch_path Name of the log group string "/codebuild" no
codebuild_role Service role to be used by cicd string n/a yes
compute_type Information about the compute resources the build project will use. Valid values: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL, BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM, BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE, BUILD_GENERAL1_2XLARGE. BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL is only valid if type is set to LINUX_CONTAINER. When type is set to LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER, compute_type must be BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE. string "BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM" no
concurrent_build_limit Specify a maximum number of concurrent builds for the project. The value specified must be greater than 0 and less than the account concurrent running builds limit. number 1 no
container_type Type of build environment to use for related builds. Valid values: LINUX_CONTAINER, LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER, WINDOWS_CONTAINER (deprecated), WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CONTAINER, ARM_CONTAINER. For additional information, see the CodeBuild User Guide. string "LINUX_CONTAINER" no
custom_tags Custom extra tags any null no
deploy_event_rule Deploy cloudwatch event rule bool false no
deploy_event_target Deploy cloudwatch event trigger bool false no
description Short description of the project. string null no
environment_vars A list of maps, that contain both the key 'name' and the key 'value' to be used as additional environment variables for the build
name = string
value = string
type = string
"type": "PLAINTEXT",
"value": "TRUE"
filter_group nested block: NestingSet, min items: 0, max items: 0
filter = list(object(
exclude_matched_pattern = bool
pattern = string
type = string
[] no
git_clone_depth Truncate git history to this many commits. Use 0 for a Full checkout which you need to run commands like git branch --show-current. See AWS CodePipeline User Guide: Tutorial: Use full clone with a GitHub pipeline source for details. number 1 no
override_artifact_name Whether a name specified in the build specification overrides the artifact name. bool false no
private_repository Set to true to login into private repository with credentials supplied in source_credential variable. bool true no
privileged_mode Whether to enable running the Docker daemon inside a Docker container. Defaults to false. bool false no
prjid Name of the project/stack e.g: mystack, nifieks, demoaci. Should not be changed after running 'tf apply' string n/a yes
queued_timeout Number of minutes, from 5 to 480 (8 hours), a build is allowed to be queued before it times out. The default is 8 hours. string "30" no
schedule cloudwatch event schedule string null no
source_credential_auth_type The type of authentication used to connect to a GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket repository. string "PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" no
source_credential_server_type The source provider used for this project. string "GITHUB" no
source_credential_token For GitHub or GitHub Enterprise, this is the personal access token. For Bitbucket, this is the app password. string n/a yes
source_credential_user_name Bitbucket username when the authType is BASIC_AUTH. This parameter is not valid for other types of source providers or connections. string "" no
source_version A string that identifies the action type. string null no
teamid Name of the team/group e.g. devops, dataengineering. Should not be changed after running 'tf apply' string n/a yes
vpc_config Configuration for the builds to run inside a VPC. any {} no


Name Description
codebuild_project_arn The ARN of the CodeBuild project.
codebuild_project_name The name of the AWS codebuild.