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Bitcoin Cash Wallet for Flutter

A wallet management library, that does all the basic necessary stuff:

  • generates one or multiple wallets (optionally password protected)
  • creates one or more account in each wallet
  • receive and send transactions
  • imports wallet from a backup
  • works with testnet and mainnet

Built on Bitbox for Flutter, which is built on's Bitbox API.

Getting Started

1) Depend on it

If you just want to get this from Dart's public package directory:

  bch_wallet: ^0.0.1

If you checked this out from Github, add a local dependency into the pubspec.yaml of your testing or development projet:

    path: <path to the directory>/

2) Import it

import 'package:bch_wallet/bch_wallet.dart';

3) Use it

await BchWallet.createWallet(
  defaultAccountName: "wallet's first account",
  name: "new wallet",
  password: "q7PWSLDQduXEvBE"

// get list of all locally stored wallets
List<Wallet> wallets = await BchWallet.getWalletList();

// when using only one wallet in the app, this method will suffice
Wallet newWallet = await BchWallet.getWallet();

// get all wallet's accounts
List<Account> accounts = await newWallet.accounts;

// one account is always created by default for each wallet.
// When using only one account per wallet, this method will suffice
Account firstAccount = await newWallet.getAccount();

// create a second account - password is necessary for password-protected wallets
// because accounts are hardened
newWallet.createAccount("second account", password: "q7PWSLDQduXEvBE");

// the newly created account will be added to the end of the list
Account secondAccount = await newWallet.getAccount(1);

// generate an empty address - if the address was used before (e.g. when the wallet
// is used in some other app, it will be saved with its balance and transactions
// and another one will be generated until an empty one is found)
Address address = await firstAccount.getReceivingAddress();

// Wait until a desired amount is received to the address.
// All functions in this library work with satoshi amounts
List<Transaction> transaction = await address.receive(BchWallet.toSatoshi(0.1));

// This is a getter for overall (balanced + unconfirmed) balance.
int addressBalance = address.balance;

// The library's local storage doesn't distinguish confirmed and unconfirmed balance.
// When you restart the app or retrieve this address in a new state even before the
// receiving tansaction is confirmed, the returned value will look as follows:
int confirmedBalance = address.confirmedBalance;     // 10000000
int unconfirmedBalance = address.unconfirmedBalance; // 0

// To get confirmed and unconfirmed balance state from the blockchain, do this:

// address (and thus account's) balance is always maintained locally for fast retrieval
int accountbalance = await firstAccount.getStoredBalance();

// however, to get account's confirmed and unconfirmed balance, or to check if the
// addresses have not been used in some other app, do this
Map updatedBalance = await firstAccount.getBalanceFromBlockchain();

// to send an amount from the account, first retrieve its utxos. Please store the utxos
// in your state so it doesn't need to be retrieved repeatedly to lower the API load
this.addrsUtxo = await firstAccount.getUtxos();

int amount = firstAccount.getMaxSpendable(this.addrsUtxo);

// when storing the utxos in the state, it is possible to synchronously calculate fee
// after every user's input.
double fee = BchWallet.fromSatoshi(firstAccount.calculateFee(amount, 1, addrsUtxo));

// ready to send
Transaction sendingTx = await firstAccount.send(
  [{"bitcoincash:qqy3au5nur3tn0n4v69xqxa3m72e5ve9rqht7pp0ee" : amount}], addrsUtxo);

// list of transactions (by default ordered from the newest)
List<Transaction> transactions = await firstAccount.getTransactions();


Stateful Bitcoin Cash wallet management library







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