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fb-tom-introduction-of-jpms Build Status Experimental branch to introduce JPMS to the project

When to use this bot

You want to invest in cryptocurrencies long term. You want to buy them and hold them for a long time because you believe their price will grow in time. You still want to mitigate effects of bad market timing, hence you want to buy periodically a smaller amount of cryptocurrency for the current price over a longer period. For this purpose you can use this bot.

How is the bot triggered

The bot is periodically executed. For the execution we can use crontab or anacron(tab).

Disclaimer: The crontab and anacron(tab) configurations were tested on a single machine using Linux Mint 20.1.


Use crontab -e to configure an execution of the bot in your user specific crontab (stored in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/).

# minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week command
* */1 * * * cd <project_home> && git pull && ./gradlew clean build run --args='--baseCurrency EUR --quoteCurrency BTC --volumeInBaseCurrencyToInvestPerRun 50 --tradingPlatformName kraken --tradingPlatformApiKey "<your_trading_platform_api_key>" --tradingPlatformApiSecret "<your_trading_platform_api_secret>" --minOffsetFromOpenDateTimeOfLastBuyOrderInHours 48 --slackWebhookUrl "<your_slack_webhook_url_to_be_notified>"'<java_11_or_later_home>

The configuration above executes the bot on every Wednesday and Saturday at 08: 15 PM assuming that the machine having this crontab configured is running. If the machine is not running on Wednesday at 08:15 PM, the Wednesday execution is skipped. The crontab will not execute the bot until Saturday again.


From man page:

For each job, Anacron checks whether this job has been executed in the last n days, where n is the period specified for that job. If not, Anacron runs the job's shell command, after waiting for the number of minutes speci‐ fied as the delay parameter.

Modify /etc/anacrontab to configure Anacron for the bot.

# period-in-days delay-in-minutes job-identifier command
@daily 5 crypto-bot cd <project_home> && git pull && ./gradlew clean build run --args='--baseCurrency EUR --quoteCurrency BTC --volumeInBaseCurrencyToInvestPerRun 50 --tradingPlatformName kraken --tradingPlatformApiKey "<your_trading_platform_api_key>" --tradingPlatformApiSecret "<your_trading_platform_api_secret>" --minOffsetFromOpenDateTimeOfLastBuyOrderInHours 48 --slackWebhookUrl "<your_slack_webhook_url_to_be_notified>"'<java_11_or_later_home> 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -i

The configuration above executes the bot every 3 days. The delay of 5 minutes is configured to prevent Anacron from executing the bot immediately at boot time.

The redirect of the stdout and stderr to /usr/bin/logger makes sure the application logs will not get lost, but land in the syslog. For more details how I configured user specific Anacron, see

Input parameters

  • baseCurrency ... Currency to sell, to buy quoted currency
  • quoteCurrency ... Currency to buy
  • volumeInBaseCurrencyToInvestPerRun ... How much of the base currency will be intended to be invested into the market currency per run of this bot
  • volumeMultipliers ... Volume multipliers based on purchase price. Simple way how to buy more when price is lower and vice versa. String containing semicolon (;) separated pairs. Each pair is in a format <upper_bound_price>:< multiplier_of_volume> and pairs are sorted in ascending order by the upper bound price. The multiplier of volume is always mandatory. The upper bound price is mandatory for all pairs except the last one. The last upper bound price must not be provided. It means that the last multiplier is for all purchase prices greater than the upper bound price of the pair before the last pair. Usage: the value of input parameter 'volumeInBaseCurrencyToInvestPerRun' is multiplied by a multiplier associated with least upper bound price being greater the purchase price. There must be always a multiplier for each purchase price. Example: '18000:1.4;20000:1.1;100000:1;:0.7'. If purchase price < 18000, the volume is multiplied by 1.4. We want to by 40% more than by default. If 18000 <= purchase price < 20000, the volume is multiplied by 1.1. We want to by 10% more than by default. If 20000 <= purchase price < 100000, the volume stays unchanged. If 100000 <= purchase price, the volume is reduced by 30%. Default value is ':1'.
  • tradingPlatformName ... Name of trading platform. Currently supported platforms: kraken
  • tradingPlatformApiKey ... Key for private part of trading platform API
  • tradingPlatformApiSecret ... Secret for private part of trading platform API
  • offsetRatioOfLimitPriceToBidPriceInDecimal ... Offset ratio of limit price to the bid price. In Decimal. Sample value: 0.01 (= limit price 1% below the bid price)
  • minOffsetFromOpenDateTimeOfLastBuyOrderInHours ... Minimal offset from the open date-time of last BUY order. The offset is an integer number of hours. Default value is 24. It means the bot can be executed often and the offset parameter enforces the frequency of order placing.
  • slackWebhookUrl ... Slack Webhook to notify the user about placing of orders, open and closed orders, etc.

How the bot works

During each execution the bot performs the following steps in the given order:

  1. Checks if there is enough currency available which should be sold. If there is enough currency which should be sold, continues with the step 2. If there is less currency than required (see input parameters), reports the situation to the user and continues with the step 3.

  2. Retrieves the current bid price of the configured cryptocurrency pair to be able to create a limit buy order with a slightly lower bid price and hence to pay market maker fees. If the bot bought for the current ask price, the user would need to pay market taker fees which are typically higher that market maker fees.

  3. Reports orders open on the given trading platform to the user. This helps among others to inform the user about details of orders placed in the preceding steps as well as older orders (assuming that the orders were not closed right away).

  4. Reports orders closed in the last 72 hours on the given trading platform to the user so that the user has an overview how the last placed orders were executed.


Supported trading platforms

Kraken. ID of the trading platform is passed to the bot as an argument. See input parameters.

Supported reporting tools

Slack. Slack Webhook URL is passed to the bot as an argument. See input parameters.


The program is divided into 4 tiers:

  • application ...
    • contains the point where the program starts (the main method),
    • parses input arguments,
    • orchestrates the whole program which means all other tiers are instantiated and initialized,
    • contains the rough skeleton of what the bot should do and
    • delegates the execution of each skeleton steps to the business logic tier.
  • business logic ...
    • contains the core of the program, i.e. what the bot should buy, how much of it, for which price, under which conditions,
    • places orders on the given trading platform via "connector facades",
    • decides which data needs to be retrieved from the given trading platform and asks the "connector facades" for them,
    • decides when the user should be notified via Slack and sends them a message via "connector facades" and
    • does not work with domain models specific to trading platforms (classes with suffix Dto).
  • connector facades ...
    • takes requests represented in business logic domain model (classes with suffix Bo) from "business logic", converts the requests to domain models specific to particular trading platforms (classes with suffix Dto) and passes the converted requests to "connectors". Similarly for responses. This helps to decouple the common business logic and trading platform specifics.
    • has no low-level knowledge about issuing of requests to (resp. receiving of responses from) trading platforms.
  • connectors ...
    • knows APIs of trading platforms and uses them,
    • does not work with business logic domain model (classes with suffix Bo).


The program is written without any dependency injection solution to keep the source code understandable for the broader audience.

The code is buildable with and runnable on the currently latest JDK available on Travis CI. See

Coding conventions

var used only when contributing to code readability

The reserved type name var is allowed to be used only in situations when its usage contributes to the code readability, or at least not decrease code readability. It is unwanted to create a situation that the developer would need to track down what type a variable is of.

Therefore, use var only

  1. when there is an instance creation on the right side of the expression, nothing else (e.g. var message = "success";, var count = 3;, var user = new User("Tomas", "Skalicky", MaritalStatusEnum.MARRIED);).
  2. when there is a String concatenation on the right side of the expression, nothing else (e.g. var orderPlacedMessage = priceOrderType.getLabel() + " order to " + orderType.getLabel();) .
  3. when there is a factory method invoked, containing no nested factory method invocation, followed by no other method invoked on the factory method result, on the right side of the expression ( e.g. var dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 4, 26, 11, 30);, var amount = BigDecimal.valueOf(4988);, var facade = mock(TradingPlatformPublicApiFacade.class);, var marketName = Collections.singletonMap("pair", "XBTEUR");)
  4. when there is an enum value on the right side of the expression, nothing else (e.g. var orderType = OrderTypeBoEnum.BUY;)
  5. when there is a static final variable (aka constant) on the right side of the expression, nothing else (e.g. var volume = BigDecimal.ZERO;)
  6. when the entire right side of the expression is casted to a certain type ( e.g. var askArray = (List<String>) inputEntry.getValue().get("a");)

Do NOT use var in any other context, like in the following ones:

  • StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("user is ").append(user ); (violates the rule 3)
  • var orderFlags = ImmutableList.<String>builder().build(); (violates the rule 3)
  • Collections.unmodifiableMap(Map.of("trades", String.valueOf(trades), "start", String.valueOf(from))); (violates the rule 3)

Never-ending TODOs:

  1. Upgrade to the latest JDK available on Travis CI. See
  2. Upgrade to the latest Gradle version available. See
  3. Upgrade to the latest versions of used libraries. Use gw dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release to see potential updates.


  1. Change gradle dependency management. Ignore those dependencies managed by BOMs.
  2. Integrate in the build process
  3. Add coverage badge on github


A program to automatically trade cryptocurrencies.







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