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Minx, a statically, structurally typed language without classical OOP

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Minx (Programming language)

NB: Minx is currently under development, i.e. not working. Currently Minx can be parsed, but not validated or run.


  • Maintainability (quick to refactor, hard to accidentally break)
  • Readable but opinionated (good code easy to read, bad code hard)
  • Dependency injection built in
  • Ease/Speed of Learning (i.e. planning for high language turnover)
  • Ease of refactoring
  • No runtime exceptions (bar out of memory etc)


  • OOP without classes, inheritance, exceptions, events...
  • Encourage functional approach, permit imperative approach
  • Opt-out immutability and referential transparency
  • Declarative subset (Minx Scope/Object Notation?)
  • Static, Structural typing
  • Algebraic data types, hopefully made accessible
  • Minimalism in constructs
  • Case insensitive

Quick Reference:


# Scopes
# The fundamental data structure in Minx is the scope - a free-form version
# of the "map" or "data structure" or "object" concepts in other languages.
# A scope can be declared as
# 1) comma separated name declarations/assignments, delimited by braces

person = {firstName, surname}
me = {firstName = "Tom", surname = "Carver"}

# 2) an indented block after "=" or ":"

another_person = 

me_again =
    firstName = "Tom"
    surname = "Carver"

# 3) or a source-file like this one! To this point, a scope of type
# {me, person, me_again, another_person} has been declared.

# The "type" of a scope is also a scope (person and another_person are valid
# types for both me_again and me). In fact any scope can be used as a type, 
# with any values being used as defaults. The "as" keyword allows you to 
# define a new expression chained to the preceding scope (hiding any names 
# not specified), which can be used for prototypical inheritance - and it's 
# also just sugar for function application.

a_to_e = {a = 1, b = 2, f = 4} as {a,b, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5}
a_and_e = a_to_e as {a,e}

# note the first value for b is "hidden":
a_b_c = {a = 1, b = 4} as {a, b =2, c = 3}

# Declarations can specify types, but most of the time it shouldn't be
# necessary - the compiler should just work it out.

me_once_more person =
    firstName String = "Tom"
    surname String = "Carver"

# Names bind "greedily" - as early as possible according to their context.
# The easiest way to demonstrate this is with code: in the following 
# snippet, "bound_value" takes the value 1; the other values for the name "order" would normally bind in the order they are numbered.

order = 5
scope = 
    order = 4
    scope = ({order = 2} as {order = 1, bound_value = order}) {order=3}

# Case / Union data types
# All other values are "atoms" - e.g. the strings we saw above.
# The names of these types (e.g. "Int", "Symbol", "String") are also atoms.
# "Symbols" are used to specify semantic data:

reasonForFailure = `file_not_found

# Minx also has union data types that allow for a given symbol to contain
# multiple different types of data, while still ensuring type safety.

list = `empty_list
     | {hd, tl list}

# The above line defines a recursive type that is either an "empty list"
# symbol or a scope defining a head and a tail.
# We work with this data structure using a case expression. Here's a 
# function for getting the item at an index in our list data structure:

item = case list
       | {hd, tl} : case index
                    | 0: hd 
                    | else: item ({old_idx = index} as {list = tl, index = old_idx - 1})
       | else : `invalid_index

5thItem = item {list = someList, index = 4}

# This example will raise lots of questions to do with the way we just 
# defined that function that I'll get onto soon.
# The essentials to concentrate on are:
# 1) The parameter "list" had multiple valid types, so we used a case
#    expression to "pattern-match" the type we were interested in.
# 2) In the first clause of the case, we have another case expression,
#    this time on the "index" parameter, where we match the value only.
# 3) Both "case" expressions specify an "else" to be used if none of the
#    other clauses match. If "else" is omitted and pattern-matching is
#    not exhaustive, the initial expression is returned instead (i.e. the
     symbol `empty_list would be returned instead of `invalid_index)

# This example also shows well how symbols and union types are used to 
# communicate failure of operations rather than exceptions.

# The plan is to introduce a meta system where you can specify your own 
# types as patterns for matching tokens. Then (e.g.) ints, floats,
# imaginary numbers can be implemented via regexes matching "2", "2.0"
# and "1.5_2.0i" respectively.

# Functions
# Functions are just data structures with un-met dependencies. By default 
# functions cannot interact with the outside world and values cannot be 
# modified once set. Consequently functions have no "side effects" - a 
# function called with the same arguments will always produce the same 
# result, and the result is the only consequence of running the function. 
# This makes these functions predictable and less error-prone in general.

# However, in the real world there are many situations where the ability to
# change values ("mutation") and interact with the outside world are pretty
# damn handy; for these Minx provides opt-in mutability and side-effects in
# functions with the "!" and "~" modifers, respectively

readFileLines~ =
    contents = readFile~ fileDetails
    lines = splitToLines contents

[ insert good example with mutability here ]

# In functions without side effects, the order that statements are executed 
# in does not affect the result; however as soon as mutability and IO are
# introduced, order becomes very significant. Functions with side effects 
# are therefore fundamentally different from those without.

# Note it has not been necessary to specify the parameters a function takes
# because these vary depending on the way a function is being used. For 
# example we have so far used the following symbols:
#   0,1,2,3,4, String, -
# In most other languages, these would be hard-coded dependencies. Not in
# Minx - they are all parameters that need to be bound separately.

# In practise no-one will lose any sleep over the "hard-coding" in these 
# examples; but OOP has a big problem with this more generally. We are 
# encouraged to start by grouping functionality into classes first, and so
# off the bat we decide what data will be a field, what will be a 
# parameter, what will be static etc. When these decisions are re-made, a 
# lot of code needs to be re-written as a result.

# Here is the much more flexible Minx equivalent:

interface =
  function3 = function1

functionSet = 
  function1 = ...
  function2 = ...

fields = 
  field3 = "default"

instance = (functionSet
  ({field1 = "mmm", field2 = ""} as fields))
  as interface

# Operators
# To implement infix operators, we start with the Haskell system:
# A function whose name consists solely of special characters is an
# infix operator. The operands are supplied as the names "lhs" and "rhs":

+ = case lhs
    | {hd, tl} : {old_tl= tl} as {tl = old_tl + rhs} as lhs
    | else : rhs

plus = +

using_op = [1,2,3] + [4,5,6]
not_using_op = plus {lhs= [1,2,3], rhs= [4,5,6]}

# Operator precedence is a messy issue. Can't live with it, can't live 
# without it. To keep things simple, all operators in Minx are 
# left-associative, and precedence is determined purely on the characters
# making up the operator, with shorter operators having greater precedence
# over longer ones (+ higher than ++). Function application 
# (right-associative) is last. In decreasing precedence: ^*/%+-:><=&| 

# equals 4:
would_equal_10_in_C = 5 + 4 - 2 + 3

equals_2 = 10 - 2 ^ 5 / 4 * 8 + 7


  • Meta
  • A theory of overloading - non-deterministic values?
  • implement chained scopes in an implicit scope (line1, line2, as, line3...)


= assignment (mutable or immutable) (or as part of infix operators)
: control flow (case) (or as part of infix operators)
| divide case clauses/ union type clauses (or as part of infix operators)
, list/scope dividers
{} scope delimiters
[] list delimiters
() grouping
" strings delimiters
' compile expression delimiters (meta)
! mutability
~ side effects on execution (results = function~ params)
` symbol
@ member-access (person@name)
# comments
$ the current scope

_a-zA-Z0-9?.  valid non-operator name characters
^*/%+-:><=&|   valid operator characters

£;\           currently unused


comment = "#", read-to-end-of-line

source-file = whole-file-scope
expression = group | meta | name | explicit-scope | list-value | "$" | case
       | function-application | operator-application | member-access | chain

group = "(", union, ")"
meta = "'", expression-to-compile, "'"
union = expression, { "|", expression }

name = operator-name | non-operator-name
operator-name = block of ^*/%+-:><=&|
non-operator-name = block of _a-zA-Z0-9?.!~

string = """, any-sequence-other-than\", """   # {name} groups => function

explicit-scope =   "{", [assign-or-declare, {"," , assign-or-declare}], "}"
implicit-scope =   indent, assign-or-declare, {new-line assign-or-declare}, unindent
whole-file-scope = file-start, assign-or-declare, {new-line assign-or-declare}, file-end

assign-or-declare = single-assign-or-declare | multiple-assign
multiple-assign = explicit-scope, "=", scope-valued-expression
single-assign-or-declare = declaration, ["=", (implict-scope | union)]
declaration = name | typed-declaration
typed-declaration = name, union

list-value = "[" [union , { "," , union }] "]" # sugar for {hd, tl}

case = "case", expression, { "|", pattern, ":", (implicit-scope | expression) }
pattern = explicit-scope | typed-declaration | atom-valued-name | "else"

function-application = function-valued-expression, scope-valued-expression
operator-application = expression, operator-name, expression

member-access = scope-valued-expression, "@", name

# either of these acceptable as the last line of an indented scope
chain = expression, "as", expression


Minx, a statically, structurally typed language without classical OOP






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