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RSS Aggregator In Golang (Follow of FCC Golang Tutorial)


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Free Code Camp's Intro To Go Course With Lane Wagner RSS Aggregator Project

These files are simply a following along of Free Code Camp's Intro To Go Course with Lane Wager.

You can find the project files here.

Setting Up Environment Variables

go get

Which just installs the dependency godotenv, which allows for the reading of the .env file.

Additionally, after installation, he invokes:

go mod vendor

Which creates a vendor directory which keeps track of the installed dependencies.

go mod tidy

Cleans up imports so that they are seen by our editor/project. You may need to run vendor again after running tidy:

go mod vendor

Setting Up The Router

Install a commonly used go router package called chi:

go get

And also the cors package from the same repo maintainer:

go get

Setting Up The Postgres Database

You'll need to install sqlc as well as goose. Although Lane simply uses go to install these, we'll use our native package managers to do so:

doas pacman -S sqlc && paru goose


Goose is sets up migrations using .sql files. You'll need to create a database in your local postgres instance called rssagg:


Once created, within the sql/schema directory, create a 001_users.sql file and insert the following:

-- +goose Up

        id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
        created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
        updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
        name TEXT NOT NULL

-- +goose Down


Within your env sample file insert your credentials for your local postgres database (see env.sample).

Using this DB_URL, you can now migrate your database up from within the sql/schema directory run:

goose postgres $DB_URL up

Within psql or pgcli clients, you can now view your created table from within the rssagg database like so:

use rssagg;
\d users;

You can also run the following to clean up your database.

goose postgres $DB_URL down


Now that you have goose and sqlc installed, you can use sqlc to generate your queries. sqlc requires a configuration yaml file in the root of your project . Here's what we have in ours:

version: "2"
  - schema: "sql/schema"
    queries: "sql/queries"
    engine: "postgresql"
        out: "internal/database"

We now create our Queries within the sql/queries directory, creating .sql files, here is our users.sql file:

-- name: CreateUser :one

INSERT INTO users (id, created_at, updated_at, name)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *;

Note the comments at the top, these are required and basically create an sql function called CreateUser that is called once. Ther est of the sql statement should be somewhat familiar to you.

You'll need to run the sqlc command from the root of your project (where your sqlc.yaml file is) like so:

sqlc generate

It then utilizes the sqlc yaml file to generate the sql queries you needed by reading the passed files (in this case the schema/001_users.sql file and the queries/user.sql file). It will then generate a series of go files in the internal/database directory.

We'll now adjust our DB_URL env variable to disable sslmode (and remove the rssagg db specification) giving us something like this:


You'll also need to import a driver called pq from github, even though it is never called, this allows the line:

type apiConfig struct {
	DB *database.Queries

To work. Install it using go get:

go get

And in your main.go file, import it:

import (
    _ ""

You'll also need to point the database to the sqlc generated files by importing them into your main.go file:


Building And Running The Server

go build && ./rssagg

Quering The DB From pgcli:

use rssagg;
select * from users;

Using Postman to Test The API

From Postman, you can test the API by sending a GET request to the users route. Navigate to the users route in Postman and send a GET/POST request. For POST, you can navigate to localhost:$PORT/v1/users and within the Body, select 'raw' and paste standard JSON such as:

{ "name": "Lane" }

Testing API Key endpoint

We set up a GET request for /users that requires Auth Headers to be sent. After creating a new user in Postman using the previous section's method, grab the ApiKey field's value and use it to authenticate against the GET /users route. In the Authorization tab, under Key, set "Authorization" and in value, set it to "ApiKey $COPIED_API_KEY". Send it to test.


RSS Aggregator In Golang (Follow of FCC Golang Tutorial)







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