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Reference Configurations

Jermaul edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 65 revisions

This page offers reference configurations for several printers as well as tips and tricks to make your installation as seamless as possible. If you notice mistakes or have suggestions for additional information to be added onto this page feel free to post on the Facebook P2PP Community Help Page

Make sure to carefully review the configurations before applying them to your setup. Some settings on one printer may not have the same result on your printer. All material on this page is provided as is with no warranty nor responsibility from out side.

General information

Basic Printer Configuration

Make sure the printer is properly setup to printing single color before trying to move to multi-color printing.

  • Set the Correct bed shape and size
  • Calibrate your extruder
  • Level bed and calibrate first layer
  • Before printing assign colors to the extruders
  • Don't forget to set the purge lengths - they are reset when you close the PrusaSlicer - this has nothing to do with P2PP.

These settings will be NEEDED for all printers. Below are the basic needed settings.

Start by loading your printer default profile in Prusa Slicer.

Go to the Configuration Menu. Then MODE > and click EXPERT This will set Prusa Slicer to expert mode so some of the below settings can be enter.

Start with the Printer Settings Tab in Prusa Slicer

General > Capabilities > Extruders Change to 8 and check box for Single Extruder Multi Material

P2PP Configurations

The following codes will go in Prusa Slicer "Printer Setting tab" (the far right tab) > Custom G-code > Start G-code

PALETTE Model specific configuration

; No additional specification is needed for PALETTE 2 or PALETTE 2 PRO

Add this line if you have a PALETTE 3 PRO printer (8 color version)


Add this line if you have a PALETTE 3 printer (4 color version)


For PALETTE 3 there is an option to pre-heat the extruder when PALETTE starts generating filament. It is can be turned on as follows


For Palette 3 Uploading from prusaslicer to P3 local memory

  • Uploading files to P3 / P3Pro is available for version 8.0.28 of P2PP and above.
  • Files cannot exceed 1GB in size
  • Enable the file uploading and online interface in the P3 setup menu

To activate P3 upload in prusaslicer enter the following

;P2PP P3_HOSTNAME=[hostname or IP address of P3]

e.g. P3_HOSTNAME= or P3_HOSTNAME=0PLM-P3P.local

Additional upload settings

Optionally you can also add the following line


P3_ShowPrinterPage parameter will add a pop up window after the file has been successfully uploaded to your palette 3. This window will display the P3 local print menu. You will be able to start your print from here.

The P3_ROTATEINTERFACE parameter only applies if you are operating the P3 in a rotated screen configuration (upside down)

Printer Profile. This will create a profile on your Palette for the your printer. Use the code format below

;P2PP PRINTERPROFILE=<enter your printerprofile id here>

P2 is 16 character profile ID

P3 is 32 character profile ID

You can enter a random 16 or 32 character number. Or use the one below or generate one from the link below []

If you have multiply printers that you will be used with a single Palette.

Each printer setup will need its own ID.

e.g. P2 ID

;P2PP PRINTERPROFILE=b166923b074bce66

e.g P3

;P2PP PRINTERPROFILE=56a564b6077fa7bb84ea1c9097193a28

Linear Ping

By default pings are generated at increasing intervals in the print. The first ping is around 350mm into the print, next one will be 3% longer and so on. Linear ping disable this increase so all pings will happen at a fixed distance from the previous. The advantage is that the Palette hardware is more frequently provided with correction data. The minimal value for the Linear Ping = 300mm


Splice settings

Splice off set is a percent of the splice, when the new color should come in a splice. This number is normally between 30 and 40.

Minimum start splice and minimum splice. This settings is used to display a warning if your sliced file has short splices. Short splices will cause the Palette 2/3 to NOT join a splice together, due to it not being long enough. The length of splices that can be generated by the Palette 2 is physically limited to 100mm for the first splice and 80mm for consecutive splices. The Palette 3 is 130mm for the first and 90mm for each consecutive splice. For Palette 2 these values are 100mm for the first splice and 80mm for any consecutive splice.



This setting puts the printer in absolute extrusion mode. This is need to calculate the correct amount for filament to correctly add in the splices


Splice Tuning information input

This is where you add in the information you found from splice tuning. A default splice has 3 numbers you can tune the settings for your material. The first number is for heat, second compression, and third for cooling. Material default is used for all material combination that are not explicitly defined.

You can defined your FROM filament to your TO filament with the format below

;P2PP MATERIAL_Filament From_Filament to_Heat_Compression_Cooling



Extra end filament.

This is to set how much extra filament to create at the end of the print. Normally a setting for bowden printers, but all can use it. extraendfilament=length in mm. The i.e is what i use for my prusa mk3



If you would like P2PP to connect to the internet and check for the newest version of P2PP each time it is ran add this code


These settings go under the layer change window

Before Layer Change G-code

G92 E0.0

After Layer Change G-code

;LAYER [layer_num]
;LAYERHEIGHT [layer_z]

Preview Image (P3)

Under Printer Settings / General / Firmware you will find a setting G-Code thumbnails Enter the value


This will include a preview image for a Palette 3 MCFC generated file to be displayed on the palette LCD.

Print Settings Print Settings Tab - Output option

Output filename format

P2 will use an extension of .mcf.gcode

P3 will use extension of .mcfx

e.g P2


e.g P3


Post-processing script

P2pp should be extracted to your C: drive for simplicity


  • Be sure to Save all other your profile within Prusa Slicer. Best to name them Palette This will keep everything organized. e.g.
Palette Pro 3 MK3 Printer
Palette Pro 3 MK3 PLA
Palette Pro 3 MK3 Print setting

Tips and Tricks

Sample Configuration from members

Prusa Research

MK3(S) - direct drive

Config provided by Marc Siegel

Bed Size

Rectangular Origin-(0,0)  Size-(250,210)

Startup G-code

This code should be added at the end of the Prusa Slicer Printer Settings Tab, under Custom G-code / Startup G-Code

;P2PP PRINTERPROFILE=<enter your printerprofile id here>




Mini(+) - bowden

Bed Size

Startup G-code

Tips and Tricks

This code should be added at the end of the Prusa Slicer Printer Settings Tab, under Custom G-code / Startup G-Code


Ender 3

Bed Size

Startup G-code

Tips and Tricks

Ender 5

Bed Size

Startup G-code

Tips and Tricks


Mosaic Setup Video for the Palette 2

Watch the mosaic setup video for the CR-10S here

Bed Size

Startup G-code

Tips and Tricks


Aquila (Ender E3V2 Clone)

Config provided by Casey Eberle Extruder: Bowden (490mm)

Bed Size

Rectangular Origin-(0,0)  Size-(220,220)

Startup G-code

; Remove the next 2 lines if you want have a PALETTE 2

;P2PP PRINTERPROFILE=<enter your printerprofile id here>
; Adapt to the length of your bowden tube

Tips and Tricks