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Google Ecommerce Analytics module

Google Ecommerce Analytics module allows you to use the newly launched feature of Google Analytics – Enhanced Ecommerce. You can track the user behavior across your e-commerce store starting from product views to thank you page.

Version History


  • Quick & Easy installation
  • Supports Enhanced Ecommerce tracking with Google Tag Manager
  • Measuring Product Impressions
  • Measuring Views of Product Details
  • Measuring Purchases


1.1.0 (August 2016)

  • Captures Add to Cart & Product Clicks events
  • Product Performance Report
  • Product List Performance Report
  • Captures Promo Views and Promo Clicks events
  • Internal Promotion Report


Setup and installation

1. Download Google Tag Manager Container File

Download the container JSON file.

2. Import JSON File into GTM

Log into your own Google Tag Manager container and head to the Admin section of the site. Under Container options, select Import Container.

3. Update With Your Own Tracking ID

Update the Variable named {{GA Property ID}} with your Google Analytics Tracking ID.

4. Preview & Publish

Use the Preview options to test this container on your own site. Try testing each of the events to make sure they’re working properly. If everything looks good, go ahead and publish!

5. Installing the module

6. Download Liquid snippet file

Download the snippet file vc-google-ecommerce-analytics.liquid and copy it to snippet folder \VirtoCommerce.Storefront\App_Data\Themes\{YourTheme}\snippets.

7. Include snippet into your themes

Paste this code {% include 'vc-google-ecommerce-analytics' %} into your themes so that it appears immediately after the opening <body> tag.


8. Settings

In VC Manager go to Browse -> STORES -> {YourStore} -> Ecommerce Google Analytics. Enable the plugin and insert your Google Tag Manager Id.


9. Finish

To verify the correct integration you can use the Chrome extension Tag Assistant from Google.


Copyright (c) Virtosoftware Ltd. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Virto Commerce Open Software License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.


Provides Google Analytics for Virto Commerce storefront








  • C# 67.4%
  • JavaScript 12.3%
  • Liquid 11.3%
  • HTML 9.0%