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User Manual

Toni Škobić edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 8 revisions

1. Introduction

This manual consists of forms explanations of the "Alexandria" application. Through this manual, we will try to explain the functionality of the elements of each form and thus further facilitate the already quite intuitive use of the application interface.

2. Login

When starting the application, a form opens where we can enter our username and password, and then by pressing the "Log in" button, the application goes through input authentication and authorization. If the data is invalid, the "Login failed" pop-up window pops up.

Login Form

3. Homepage

Application homepage. By pressing the "Log out" button, the user returns to the login form. Pressing the remaining buttons opens the forms that are explained in the text below.

Homepage Form

4. Literatures

On this page of the application, we have records of all literature, options for adding new ones, withdrawing existing literature, records of all pickings, as well as the possibility of adding authors and categories (if we need them when adding new literature).

Literatures Form

5. Add literature

The form for adding new literature, where we enter the name, author and category. One picking in can have multiple picking in items, meaning we can add multiple literature to one picking in.

Picking In Form

6. Add author

On this form, we can add a new author.

Add Author Form

7. Add category

On this form, we can add a new literature category.

Add Category Form

8. Pickings

The form on which we can see all picking ins and their items, as well as all picking outs.

Pickings Form

9. Users

Form for editing users and memberships, where we also see all users and memberships in the form of a list. By pressing the buttons Activate/Deactivate and Delete user, we immediately see the changes, while Create membership and Create user open the appropriate forms.

Users Form

10. Create user

Form for creating a new user.

Create User Form

11. Create membership

In the drop-down menu, we select the user and by pressing Create, the membership for that user is added to the database for the duration of one year.

Create Membership Form

12. Loans

This form enables us to se a list of all loans and can create a new one, return an active one, display all late loans and see issued receipts.

Loans Form

13. New loan

Here we can loan literature to the member by selecting the literature and user from the list. Instead of selecting the member from the list, we can scan the QR code from his membership card.

New Loan Fomr

14. Late loans

Form which shows information about late loans and on which, by pressing the button Notify user, email is send to the selected user that he has unpaid late loan. Before being able to send an email, you need to provide your SMTP server and email credentials in the app config file.

Late Loans Form

15. Receipts

On this form, we can see all issued receipts, including the employee who issued the receipt, the user for whom the receipt is issued and the cost of his late literature return.

Receipts Form

16. Statistics

Graphic display of the number of loans per member, the number of loans per literature and the number of loans per author.

Statistics Form