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WApi: Web-Library for Python

PyPI version

Libraries used:


  • Routes
  • Serialization
  • Params
    • Auto-Complete
    • Unpaking


You can install the latest version with the command:

pip install whaox-wapi

• Routes

You can create paths as you like, splitting your client into modules

class WApi:
    service = Service()

class Service:

  def get(self): pass	

  def post(self): pass
wapi = WApi()
# eq

• Serialization

The library deserializes the received data according to the type that you specify in the _T parameter of the decorator.

NOTE: The specified type must be json serializable - these are the base types and classes marked with the @dataclass annotation

class Person:
	name: str

class WApi:

  @GET("/person", _T=Person)
  def person(self) -> Person: pass

  @GET("/people", _T=List[Person])
  def people(self) -> List[Person]: pass
api = WApi()
person = api.person()

>>> "John"

• Params

You can flexibly add parameters to the path using {}. The library uses formatting from the standard library.

class WApi:

  def route(self, name: str): pass

• • Auto-complete

If you want the parameters to be set automatically, you can switch the auto flag to True.

NOTE: if auto=True, you must pass named parameters so that they are added to the path.

class WApi:

  @GET("/path", auto=True) # eq /path?name={name}
  def route(self, name: str): pass

• • Unpacking

In order not to pass a lot of parameters, you can pass one by calling it body, it will automatically decompose into parameters, to do this, set the unpack flag to True.

NOTE: Nested non-standard type parameters are not decomposed.

class Person:
  name: str
  age: int  

class WApi:

  @GET("/path", auto=True, unpack=True) # eq /path?name={name}&age={age}
  def route(self, body: Person): pass