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Missing values warning with Adaptive Resampling #310

elephann opened this issue Nov 6, 2015 · 18 comments

Missing values warning with Adaptive Resampling #310

elephann opened this issue Nov 6, 2015 · 18 comments


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elephann commented Nov 6, 2015

I am dealing with a multiple class classification problem and constantly occur the following warning:
Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.

Because the real data are too big to upload, so I download data from the following link:
And runing it the same as to my real data, the warning is the same. Is this a bug or something else?
Besides avNNet seems not working well on mac with doMC.

glass        <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass        <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type   <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",
# Type  Categorical
# Type of glass (1: float processed building windows,
#                2: nonfloat processed building windows,
#                3: float processed vehicle windows,
#                4: nonfloat processed vehicle windows,
#                5: containers,
#                6: tableware,
#                7: headlamps)

glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
glass_test  <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)
registerDoParallel(cl)      #
Cctrl                <- trainControl(method          = "adaptive_cv",   repeats         = 5,
                                     classProbs      = TRUE,,
                                     returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
                                     summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
                                     adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
                                                            alpha    = 0.05,
                                                            method   = "BT",
                                                            complete = TRUE))

mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,
               method = "avNNet",
               preProc = c("center", "scale"),
               tuneLength = 10,
               trControl = Cctrl,
               metric     = "logLoss")


o 16 models were eliminated due to linear dependencies
Loading required namespace: BradleyTerry2
x parameter filtering failed
o 84 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed
o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed
o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed
o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed
o 100 eliminated;0 remains
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 11, decay = 0.00316, bag = FALSE on full training set
There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo,  ... :
  There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
3: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
4: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
5: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
6: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
7: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
8: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
9: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
10: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels,  ... :
  duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
11: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
12: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo,  ... :
  There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
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topepo commented Nov 6, 2015

I just committed some changes that probably fix the issue. One of the numerical checks was failing so I added some extra error trapping. Please test if you can to validate the changes

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elephann commented Nov 7, 2015

It seems not working, besides the previous warning, new error occured
"x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>
The following is the running results:

glass <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",

  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==2,"x2",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==3,"x3",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==4,"x4",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==5,"x5",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==6,"x6","x7")))))))

glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
glass_test <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1)

Cctrl <- trainControl(method = "adaptive_cv", repeats = 5,

  •                                  classProbs      = TRUE,
  •                                  returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
  •                                  summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
  •                                  adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
  •                                                         alpha    = 0.05,
  •                                                         method   = "BT",
  •                                                         complete = TRUE))

mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,

  •            method = "avNNet",
  •            preProc = c("center", "scale"),
  •            tuneLength = 10,
  •            trControl = Cctrl,
  •            metric     = "logLoss")
    o 16 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies
    x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
    [1] "try-error"
    <simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 84 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 15, decay = 0.0075, bag = FALSE on full training set
There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
3: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
4: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
5: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
6: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
7: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
8: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
9: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
10: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
11: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
12: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.

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elephann commented Nov 7, 2015

If change the Adaptive Resampling method with"method = "gls"", none new error showed. but the warning still occurs.
o no models eliminated; 3 remain
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 15, decay = 0.0178, bag = FALSE on full training set
Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.

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topepo commented Nov 9, 2015

I can't reproduce this with method = "BT"; it finished fine. That particular warning ("There were missing values in resampled performance measures.") isn't a problem. I"m using doMC and not doParallel but that's what I have available.

Plus, I don't think that this is exactly the code that you used. For example, the logging of what models are being run are not in your output such as

   + Fold10.Rep5: size=9, decay=0.01778, bag=FALSE

nor is the nnet convergence log such as:

  # weights:  150
  iter  10 value 130.246346
  iter  20 value 104.789492

A few other things:

  • the latest caret version on github makes this model a little more reproducible by setting the seed prior to the neural network
  • you might want to use the seeds argument to trainControl to make it more reproducible in parallel
  • both train and avNNet will both run in parallel. If you request a cluster with X workers, you might actually run with X^2 workers. You can pass allowParallel = FALSE through train to avNNet to have only train run in parallel.

Your code above works for me, but this might be better for testing:

seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
seeds <- lapply(seeds, function(x) 1:100)

Cctrl                <- trainControl(method          = "adaptive_cv",   repeats         = 5,
                                     classProbs      = TRUE,,
                                     returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
                                     summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
                                     seeds = seeds,
                                     adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
                                                            alpha    = 0.05,
                                                            method   = "BT",
                                                            complete = TRUE))

mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,
              method = "avNNet",
              preProc = c("center", "scale"),
              tuneLength = 10,
              trControl = Cctrl,
              trace = FALSE,
              maxit = 1000,
              allowParallel = FALSE,
              metric     = "logLoss")

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elephann commented Nov 9, 2015

Hi! Max,
The above results got from Windows10 OS. I test your code on MAC and the problem still as it was.
Here is the code and results:

glass <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",

  • ifelse(glass$Type==2,"x2",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==3,"x3",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==4,"x4",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==5,"x5",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==6,"x6","x7")))))))
    glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
    glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
    glass_test <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]

registerDoMC(cores = 7)

seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
seeds <- lapply(seeds, function(x) 1:100)

Cctrl <- trainControl(method = "adaptive_cv", repeats = 5,

  •                                  classProbs      = TRUE,,
  •                                  returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
  •                                  summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
  •                                  seeds = seeds,
  •                                  adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
  •                                                         alpha    = 0.05,
  •                                                         method   = "BT",
  •                                                         complete = TRUE))

mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,

  •           method = "avNNet",
  •           preProc = c("center", "scale"),
  •           tuneLength = 10,
  •           trControl = Cctrl,
  •           trace = FALSE,
  •           maxit = 1000,
  •           allowParallel = FALSE,
  •           metric     = "logLoss")
    o 26 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies
    o 1 model was skunked
    x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
    [1] "try-error"
    <simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 74 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 19, decay = 0.000237, bag = FALSE on full training set
There were 15 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
3: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
4: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
5: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
6: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
7: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
8: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
9: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
10: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
11: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
12: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
13: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
14: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
15: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
When switch to another resampleing methods, "gls", which is too slow for such a toy data,so I delete the "allowParallel = FALSE" and got the following results:
glass <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",

  • ifelse(glass$Type==2,"x2",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==3,"x3",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==4,"x4",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==5,"x5",
  • ifelse(glass$Type==6,"x6","x7")))))))
    glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
    glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
    glass_test <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]

registerDoMC(cores = 7)

seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
seeds <- lapply(seeds, function(x) 1:100)

Cctrl <- trainControl(method = "adaptive_cv", repeats = 5,

  •                                  classProbs      = TRUE,,
  •                                  returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
  •                                  summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
  •                                  seeds = seeds,
  •                                  adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
  •                                                         alpha    = 0.05,
  •                                                         method   = "gls",
  •                                                         complete = TRUE))

mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,

  •           method = "avNNet",
  •           preProc = c("center", "scale"),
  •           tuneLength = 10,
  •           trControl = Cctrl,
  •           trace = FALSE,
  •           maxit = 1000,
  •           metric     = "logLoss")
    o 20 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies
    o 8 eliminated;72 remain
    o 37 eliminated;35 remain
    o 16 eliminated;19 remain
    o 1 eliminated;18 remain
    o 1 eliminated;17 remain
    o 2 eliminated;15 remain
    o 3 eliminated;12 remain
    o no models eliminated; 12 remain
    o no models eliminated; 12 remain
    o no models eliminated; 12 remain
    o no models eliminated; 12 remain
    o 2 eliminated;10 remain
    o no models eliminated; 10 remain
    o 1 eliminated;9 remain
    o no models eliminated; 9 remain
    o 1 eliminated;8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o no models eliminated; 8 remain
    o 1 eliminated;7 remain
    o no models eliminated; 7 remain
    o 1 eliminated;6 remain
    o 1 eliminated;5 remain
    o no models eliminated; 5 remain
    Aggregating results
    Selecting tuning parameters
    Fitting size = 13, decay = 0.0075, bag = FALSE on full training set
    Warning messages:
    1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
    There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
    2: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
    There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
    All results got with the newest caret from github on my MAC, I really don't know why.

Copy link

topepo commented Nov 9, 2015

This still doesn't seem right. The error that you are seeing is what I specifically guarded against.

Can you

  1. install caret from github again in regular R (not RStudio)
  2. load caret
  3. send the results of sessionInfo()



Copy link

elephann commented Nov 9, 2015

Hi! Max!
Sorry for previous inconvenience. But your exact code still does't work!
What I did:
1 remove.packages("caret")
2 devtools::install_github('topepo/caret/pkg/caret')
3 load data
4 require(caret) and running
Here follows the code, results, warnings and sessionInfo:


glass <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",

  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==2,"x2",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==3,"x3",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==4,"x4",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==5,"x5",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==6,"x6","x7")))))))
    Loading required package: lattice
    Loading required package: ggplot2
    glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
    glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
    glass_test <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]

Loading required package: foreach
foreach: simple, scalable parallel programming from Revolution Analytics
Use Revolution R for scalability, fault tolerance and more.
Loading required package: iterators
Loading required package: parallel
registerDoMC(cores = 7)

seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
seeds <- lapply(seeds, function(x) 1:100)

Cctrl <- trainControl(method = "adaptive_cv", repeats = 5,

  •                                  classProbs      = TRUE,,
  •                                  returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
  •                                  summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
  •                                  seeds = seeds,
  •                                  adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
  •                                                         alpha    = 0.05,
  •                                                         method   = "BT",
  •                                                         complete = TRUE))
    mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,
  •           method = "avNNet",
  •           preProc = c("center", "scale"),
  •           tuneLength = 10,
  •           trControl = Cctrl,
  •           trace = FALSE,
  •           maxit = 1000,
  •           allowParallel = FALSE,
  •           metric     = "logLoss")
    Loading required package: nnet
    o 25 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies
    Loading required namespace: BradleyTerry2
    x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
    [1] "try-error"
    <simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 75 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 5, decay = 0.000562, bag = FALSE on full training set
There were 11 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
3: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
4: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
5: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
6: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
7: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
8: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
9: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
10: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
11: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] nnet_7.3-11 doMC_1.3.4 iterators_1.0.8 foreach_1.4.3 caret_6.0-60 ggplot2_1.0.1 lattice_0.20-33

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.1 magrittr_1.5 splines_3.2.2 MASS_7.3-44 munsell_0.4.2 colorspace_1.2-6 minqa_1.2.4
[8] stringr_1.0.0 car_2.1-0 plyr_1.8.3 tools_3.2.2 pbkrtest_0.4-2 grid_3.2.2 gtable_0.1.2
[15] nlme_3.1-122 mgcv_1.8-9 quantreg_5.19 e1071_1.6-7 gtools_3.5.0 class_7.3-14 MatrixModels_0.4-1
[22] lme4_1.1-10 digest_0.6.8 Matrix_1.2-2 nloptr_1.0.4 reshape2_1.4.1 codetools_0.2-14 stringi_1.0-1
[29] BradleyTerry2_1.0-6 compiler_3.2.2 pROC_1.8 scales_0.3.0 stats4_3.2.2 brglm_0.5-9 SparseM_1.7
[36] proto_0.3-10


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topepo commented Nov 10, 2015

Try running it sequentially.

Copy link

Hi! Max,
Still bad news!
Hers is the code and results of sequentially running:


glass <- read.csv("glass.csv", header = FALSE)
names(glass) <- c("id","RI","Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "K", "Ca","Ba", "Fe", "Type")
glass <- glass[,-1]
glass$Type <- factor(ifelse(glass$Type==1,"x1",

  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==2,"x2",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==3,"x3",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==4,"x4",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==5,"x5",
  •                    ifelse(glass$Type==6,"x6","x7")))))))

Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: ggplot2
glass_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(glass$Type, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
glass_train <- glass[glass_sampling_vector,]
glass_test <- glass[-glass_sampling_vector,]

#registerDoMC(cores = 7)

seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 51)
seeds <- lapply(seeds, function(x) 1:100)

Cctrl <- trainControl(method = "adaptive_cv", repeats = 5,

  •                                  classProbs      = TRUE,,
  •                                  returnResamp    = "final",         verboseIter     = TRUE,
  •                                  summaryFunction = multiClassSummary,
  •                                  seeds = seeds,
  •                                  adaptive        = list(min      = 5,
  •                                                         alpha    = 0.05,
  •                                                         method   = "BT",
  •                                                         complete = TRUE))
    mod1 <- train(Type ~ ., data = glass_train,
  •           method = "avNNet",
  •           preProc = c("center", "scale"),
  •           tuneLength = 10,
  •           trControl = Cctrl,
  •           trace = FALSE,
  •           maxit = 1000,
  •           allowParallel = FALSE,
  •           metric     = "logLoss")
    Loading required package: nnet
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
  • Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
    o 31 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies
    Loading required namespace: BradleyTerry2
    x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
    [1] "try-error"
    <simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 69 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat) : \n 'ref' must be an existing level\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError in relevel.factor(fac, model$refcat): 'ref' must be an existing level>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
x parameter filtering failed:[1] "Error : evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?\n"
[1] "try-error"
<simpleError: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?>

o 100 eliminated;0 remains
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting size = 9, decay = 0.00133, bag = FALSE on full training set
There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] nnet_7.3-11 caret_6.0-60 ggplot2_1.0.1 lattice_0.20-33

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.1 compiler_3.2.2 nloptr_1.0.4 plyr_1.8.3 iterators_1.0.8 class_7.3-14 tools_3.2.2
[8] digest_0.6.8 lme4_1.1-10 memoise_0.2.1 nlme_3.1-122 gtable_0.1.2 mgcv_1.8-9 Matrix_1.2-2
[15] foreach_1.4.3 curl_0.9.3 parallel_3.2.2 brglm_0.5-9 SparseM_1.7 proto_0.3-10 e1071_1.6-7
[22] BradleyTerry2_1.0-6 httr_1.0.0 stringr_1.0.0 gtools_3.5.0 pROC_1.8 MatrixModels_0.4-1 devtools_1.9.1
[29] stats4_3.2.2 grid_3.2.2 R6_2.1.1 minqa_1.2.4 reshape2_1.4.1 car_2.1-0 magrittr_1.5
[36] scales_0.3.0 codetools_0.2-14 MASS_7.3-44 splines_3.2.2 pbkrtest_0.4-2 colorspace_1.2-6 quantreg_5.19
[43] stringi_1.0-1 munsell_0.4.2

Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
3: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
4: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
5: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
6: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
7: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
8: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
9: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
10: In levels<-(*tmp*, value = if (nl == nL) as.character(labels) else paste0(labels, ... :
duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
11: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
12: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.

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topepo commented Nov 10, 2015

I finally figured it out. The issue is with the current version of BradleyTerry2. The model fits fine but the ability calculations fail and it looks like this was induced in the latest version. I've dropped a line to Heather with an example. In the meantime, you can downgrade that package to version 1.0-5 and it should work.

Copy link

Thank, Max! Great work, I do appreciate your help!

Copy link

topepo commented Nov 10, 2015

please verify that it works and I'll close this issue (and add comments when I hear back from Heather).



Copy link

Hi! max,
Sounds strange, but I can't find version 1.0-5, the oldest version on CRAN Archive is 2.27 and the following code does't work either.
packageurl <- ""

install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Duan/R/win-library/3.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Error in download.file(p, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open URL ''
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(p, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'

Copy link

topepo commented Nov 10, 2015

You can get it on the CRAN page (manually):

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 10:41 AM, elephann wrote:

Hi! max,
Sounds strange, but I can't find version 1.0-5, the oldest version on CRAN
Archive is 2.27 and the following code does't work either.
packageurl <- ""

install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Duan/R/win-library/3.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Error in download.file(p, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open URL ''
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(p, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#310 (comment).

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Hi, Max,
With BradleyTerry2 version 1.0-5 and gihub caret package, running sequentially, the test got results without break. But the warnings Still shows. This tests ran on my Windows10, I will run it on MAC later because it busy for now
the following is the results(code as the same above, omitted)

Loading required package: nnet

Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE o 29 models of 100 were eliminated due to linear dependencies Loading required namespace: BradleyTerry2 o 60 eliminated;11 remain
Fold06.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold07.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold08.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold09.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold10.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold01.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold02.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold03.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold04.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold05.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold06.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold07.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold08.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold09.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11 remain
Fold10.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o 1 eliminated;10 remain
Fold01.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold02.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold03.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold04.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold05.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold06.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold07.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold08.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold09.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold10.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep3: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold01.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold02.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold03.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold04.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold05.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold06.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold07.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold08.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold09.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold10.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep4: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold01.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold02.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 10 remain
Fold03.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o 7 eliminated;3 remain
Fold04.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 3 remain
Fold05.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 3 remain
Fold06.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 3 remain
Fold07.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep5: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o 1 eliminated;2 remain
Fold08.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 2 remain
Fold09.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 2 remain
Fold10.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep5: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep5: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 2 remain Aggregating results Selecting tuning parameters Fitting size = 17, decay = 0.0075, bag = FALSE on full training set There were 41 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

sessionInfo() R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200)
[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
[2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
[3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
[5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] nnet_7.3-11 caret_6.0-60 ggplot2_1.0.1 lattice_0.20-33

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.1 compiler_3.2.2 nloptr_1.0.4
[4] plyr_1.8.3 iterators_1.0.8 class_7.3-14
[7] tools_3.2.2 digest_0.6.8 lme4_1.1-10
[10] memoise_0.2.1 nlme_3.1-122 gtable_0.1.2
[13] mgcv_1.8-8 Matrix_1.2-2 foreach_1.4.3
[16] curl_0.9.3 parallel_3.2.2 brglm_0.5-9
[19] SparseM_1.7 proto_0.3-10 e1071_1.6-7
[22] BradleyTerry2_1.0-5 httr_1.0.0 stringr_1.0.0
[25] gtools_3.5.0 pROC_1.8 MatrixModels_0.4-1
[28] devtools_1.9.1 stats4_3.2.2 grid_3.2.2
[31] R6_2.1.1 minqa_1.2.4 reshape2_1.4.1
[34] car_2.1-0 magrittr_1.5 scales_0.3.0
[37] codetools_0.2-14 MASS_7.3-44 splines_3.2.2
[40] pbkrtest_0.4-2 colorspace_1.2-6 quantreg_5.19
[43] stringi_1.0-1 munsell_0.4.2

Warning messages:
1: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
2: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
3: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
4: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
5: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
6: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
7: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
8: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
9: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
10: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
11: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
12: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
13: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
14: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
15: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
16: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
17: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
18: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
19: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
20: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
21: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
22: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
23: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
24: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
25: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
26: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
27: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
28: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
29: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
30: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
31: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
32: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
33: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
34: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
35: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
36: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
37: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
38: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
39: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
40: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer counts in a binomial glm!
41: In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.

Copy link

topepo commented Nov 11, 2015

The warnings are not a problem. They only occur since you have parameter
values with the same accuracy results.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:31 PM, elephann wrote:

Hi, Max,
With BradleyTerry2 version 1.0-5 and gihub caret package, running
sequentially, the test got results without break. But the warnings Still
shows. This tests ran on my Windows10, I will run it on MAC later because
it busy for now
the following is the results(code as the same above, omitted)

Loading required package: nnet

Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.1000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0421697, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0177828, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0074989, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0031623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0013335, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0005623, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0002371, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep1: size=19, decay=0.0001000, bag=FALSE o 29 models of 100 were
eliminated due to linear dependencies Loading required namespace:
BradleyTerry2 o 60 eliminated;11 remain
Fold06.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold07.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold08.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold09.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold09.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold10.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold10.Rep1: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold01.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold01.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold02.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold02.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold03.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold03.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold04.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold04.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold05.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold05.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold06.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold06.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold07.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=13, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=15, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size=17, decay=0.007499, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 3, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 5, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 7, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE
Fold07.Rep2: size= 9, decay=0.003162, bag=FALSE o no models eliminated; 11
Fold08.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size= 1, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=11, decay=0.000000, bag=FALSE
Fold08.Rep2: size=13, de

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Hi, Max,
I have tested on my MAC and got almost the same results! If the warnings, such as
In adaptiveWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, ... :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures

not a problem, then I think you can close this issues now.

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topepo commented Nov 15, 2015

This should work for both versions now.

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