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topolik edited this page Jul 12, 2012 · 21 revisions

FSRepo is a Liferay 6.1 Hook for mapping existing local file system into Liferay as a new Documents & Media repository


  • All files and folders are accessed / modified / saved with user rights of Liferay portal process owner!
  • Mounted file system folder must be available in all cluster nodes under the same location
  • Created and distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, please be careful and test it before use, licensed under LGPL.


My Wishlist

  • Align with Liferay Sync
  • Full indexing of files for Search

Version x (Released: TBD)

  • Simple Search capabilities (by file name)
  • File check-in and check-out
  • Tested for the Windows Environment

Version 1.2 (Released: 12.07.2012)

Version 1.1 (Released: 08.04.2012)

  • Implemented simple Portal permissions for folders and files (on top of the default file system permissions)
  • Performance upgrade - switched from Portal Preferences to Expando to save file absolute path
  • Fixed bug: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ix_9bdcf489" and others related to the PortalPreferences
  • Bug #2: Packet for query is too large
  • Improvement #1: Permissions in FSRepo

Version 1.0 (Released: 25.02.2012)

  • Mount files and folders from the file system directory as part of the portal Documents & Media
  • Manipulate with files and folders (create/upload, edit, move, delete)
  • Tested on the Linux Environment

Installation of version 1.2

Put fsrepo-hook-${version}.war into deploy directory.

Upgrade instructions

1.1 -> 1.2

  • Install new version
  • Reboot Liferay portal or remove all repositories

1.0 -> 1.1, 1.2

  • Remove old plugin - delete tomcat/webapps/fsrepo-1.0-hook folder
  • Install new version
  • Reboot Liferay portal or remove all repositories

Portal configuration

  1. Add new repository inside Documents & Media section of Control Panel.
  2. As a repository type choose: File System Repository
  3. Define Root Folder which you want to publish into portal
  4. Optionally change default permissions for Guest and Site Member (by default Guest=all access, Site Member=all access). Permissions for all new files/folders are then ALWAYS copied from the repository permissions.


Configuration Document Library folder Public page