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Releases: torchgm/WpfModernWinver

The "I Felt Like I Needed to do Something" Update!

04 Apr 11:49
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Nothing of much note in this update I'm afraid. Apple Silicon is now detected correctly if running in a VM on an M1 Mac, there have been some tweaks to version detection (so 21H1 isn't recognised as 20H2, and vNext should only appear on legacy Insider builds), and a few other bugs have been fixed.

Furthermore, a hidden "Debug" tab has been added. There's nothing particularly useful for you people in there but you can access it by holding F1 and clicking the Windows logo. Note that if you use any of the settings in there and everything catches fire then I'm not being held responsible (seriously, they're intended for me and not you).

Lastly, logs are now generated at %localappdata%/winver.log so if you're filing an issue it's probably beneficial for you to include that.

The "Pretty Themes" Update

31 Jan 19:05
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With this update brings a new "Theme" tab that allows you to view your current wallpaper and primary accent, as well as change the normally-hidden secondary accent colour (the one that affects text highlighting and selection).

For now, changing the secondary accent colour requires you to sign out and in for it to take effect, but this might be fixed in the future. Resetting it to defaults can be achieved by shift+clicking the "Update" button. When changing the colour, Windows may hang or become laggy for a few seconds. I have absolutely no idea why this happens but it's non-destructive so just give it a second to catch up.

If you discover any horrendous bugs, feel free to create an issue for them. Also, some AVs still detect MWV as "anomalous" or otherwise potentially malicious. I can guarantee you it isn't the case and you're welcome to check the source, it's just related to how I acquire the values (which is done via the registry and the Windows Management Interface).

The "More Useful" Update

25 Jan 01:28
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ModernWinver now has a "System" page that details the basic specs of your machine as well as give you a quick preview of your CPU, RAM and storage usage. More of these pages will be added in the future. There's also now a refresh button to check everything's up-to-date (right now the config only updates weekly).

Seeing as this sorta works now, I guess I'll consider it "released".

Nevermind this build is broken, will release a patch later

nevermind again just commented out two lines to fix it

...also needed a try catch

The "Less Slow" Release

09 Dec 02:12
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Basically as the title suggests its less slow now and uses a config file located at %localappdata%/winver.json and thats about it

also if you set Month to -1 then it wont periodically attempt to update info so you can edit the config to say whatever you want i guess if you like that kinda thing

Initial release

08 Dec 04:38
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Initial release Pre-release

This isn't finished yet.

Right now a few things are still hardcoded, namely the fact that it always thinks its on Windows 10. This will also work on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Server versions of Windows, but it will refer to it as Windows 10. I'll fix this later.

Also, if you want to actually replace Winver with this, you'll have to do that yourself. This is just the executable. No installers or anything. Yet. Maybe a script in the future.

It also seems to take forever to open on one of my machines but it's 4AM so I'm not fixing this yet. There's a lot of optimisation to be done in actually getting the info, so that's probably it. Again, I'll do that soon. Also light mode isn't tested yet, text might just be unreadable. Who knows!?