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This is a proof of concept project which demonstrates:

1. A basic implementation pattern of MVVM with Clean Architecture extension.

It has:

  • Repository (Logic)
  • UseCase (Logic)
  • Builder (UI)
  • Wireframe (UI)
  • Presenter (UI)

It doesn't have:

  • DataStore (merged into Repository)

Clean Architecture is basically extension of MVVM, so I only chose couple of components to fit my needs for current (and potentially future) state of this project.

2. Micro framework architecture

There are number of frameworks:

  • AbceedCore: Common types and extensions (non-UI)
  • AbceedLogic: Core Business Logic (ViewModel)
  • AbceedUI: Common UI Components (View, ViewController, Wireframe and Builder)

It's still proof of concept, but feels okay to me.

  • Logic depends on Core
  • UI depends on both Core and Logic

Frameworks are linked statically, so there's no runtime overhead compared to monolithic app target.

Other notes on code separation are:

  • UseCase's interface is in Core, UseCase's impl is in Logic. This way for example UILibrary target technically doesn't require Logic target.

3. Mock data driven UI development

All UI components are separated from main target, which means I can run app target without actual network or database I/O.
This allows to show interested View or ViewController independently.
This boosts up the UI development iteration cycle especially when project gets very large.

  • UILibrary: Runs UI with mock data. Could have been a Xcode Playground too.

And of-course this makes it easy to test presentation layer using UITesting or snapshot testing etc..


Xcode Version

  • Xcode 11.4



Unit Test

make test-all




No releases published


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