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Gateoverflow CLI 🎉

open / manage links with the question ids(which are right there, next to question title), create new lists of questions, update them etc. The codebase is heavily inspired by this fizzbuzz implementation.

Latest Release v0.5.3 ⚡

Available to install through pip (pypi).

Read full changelog

Table of Contents 📋


Scanning QR codes from the book is really inefficient, so is the Lists feature of Gateoverflow Website. With this tool, one can open / manage those links with the question ids(which are right there, next to question title), create new lists (called as tags here cause it's one too many letters shorter than lists) of questions.

But this wasn't really the motivation, since it can be just done with a simple script, if I wanted to. I just wanted to create this project to know how far I can push myself to do a real project, which involves developing AND distributing a python project. Hope I live up to this.

I think I'll write more about this later.

Installation 🚀

  1. Install python. You can skip this step if you already have python installed.

  2. Make sure you have pip installed by executing

$ python -m pip --version

If it says something like "Module not found: pip", then you should install it.

  1. Open Command Prompt / Terminal, and execute
$ pip install gateoverflow
  1. Done! Now you can use this tool by opening a Command Prompt / Terminal and running
$ gateoverflow

The supported commands and howto's are in usage section.

Preview Release

Note - Try this only if you know what you're doing.

If you want to install a super early alpha release, which will be on dev branch. You can do,

$ pip install git+

Requirements 🛠️

Don't worry about this unless you are going to develop.

  • python >= 3.6
  • sqlite3
  • python-dateutil
  • requests
  • tabulate
  • toml
  • setuptools >= 38.6.0
  • wheel >= 0.31.0
  • twine 1.11.0

Changelog 📝


  1. Added eta command to show note of ETA from config file.
  2. Added functionality to keep track of time spent by the user on this tool.
  3. Added countdown in days, with two config options show_eta_countdown and eta_date. If enabled, it shows days remaining until eta_date.
  4. create command was not implemented until now :)
  5. Added few aliases, bugfixes and polishing.


  1. Added option to hide the title block (the logo-ish box of text in green color that appears on the top.), by setting show_title to either true or false.
  2. Added sample_config.toml as package_data, which means, default config file is no longer read from a string constant. It's read from the default_config.toml file which will be included in the package.
  3. Refactoring, Polished UI and Bugfixes.

Read full changelog

Usage 🔥

Parser Commands

According to this comment, it is just convinient to use the commands as following.

  1. If the input command is a list of comma/space separated integers, they are treated as question ids, and will be opened in the browser.
  2. If the input command is # or tags, all created tags are listed.
  3. If input command is mix of tags and question ids, then all of the questions are added to respective tags. If some of the mentioned tags do not exist, then the user is interactively prompted to create them.
  4. If input command only contains tags, then list of questions with repective tags are shown.


Command Description Status
# Alias to tags. Show list of tags. Implemented
q Alias to quit. Exit the program normally. Implemented
h Alias to help. Shows available commands. Implemented
ls Alias to list. Implemented
quit Exit the program normally. Implemented
tags Show list of tags. Implemented
debug-toggle Enable/Disable debug output.(Default is disabled, unless the program is executed with -d or --debug) Implemented
crawler Update questions database(title and description). Implemented
help Shows available commands. Implemented
clear Clear output screen. Implemented

Usage Examples

Suppose the link to the question is, then the question ID in this case is 6969, wherever the word Question ID is mentioned in this context.

  • 2345,2323,4344, #important - would add questions 2345,2323,4344 to #important.
  • #wrongly-attempted - would list the questions in #wrongly-attempted, sorted with mostly visited.
  • tags would list all the available tags. #recent would be a default tag, which would store all opened questions.
  • Questions could even be added to multiple tags at the same time by doing something like 2424,23232,3234, #important, #good, #hard to add those questions to specified tags.
  • create would create a new tag. E.g. create #not-so-cool to create a tag named not-so-cool.


I'm planning to add the following features, assuming I overcome the biggest challenge of not abandoning this.

  • usage of arrow keys to select, make UX amazing.
  • a "sync" mechanism that will be used to upload the db file to web, and will be shared across somehow.
  • create a gui maybe a web app that starts a http browser locally and opens a link in browser, like expo does?
  • maybe firebase
  • add gifs of usage
  • allow users to have a configuration file that allows them to change defaults e.g. shell-prefix-symbol etc.
  • A documentation site.
  • Travis CI?
  • Currently PIP works, but create some standalone OS-specific releases?

Release Checklist ✏️

  1. Does it work?
  2. Are latest changes fetched from remote?
  3. Is updated with changes?
  4. Is updated with changes?
  5. Is Table Of Contents updated, if it is changed?
  6. make build succeeds without an error?
  7. Cool.