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Merge 30e7b96 into bed6655
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tpapp committed Aug 25, 2018
2 parents bed6655 + 30e7b96 commit 7e246c4
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Showing 16 changed files with 260 additions and 220 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ notifications:
email: false
- julia: 1.0 # FIXME remove when MCMCDiagnostics catches up
- julia: nightly
# uncomment the following lines for debugging Documenter.jl
# env:
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
name = "DynamicHMC"
uuid = "bbc10e6e-7c05-544b-b16e-64fede858acb"
authors = ["Tamas K. Papp <>"]
version = "0.1.0"

ArgCheck = "dce04be8-c92d-5529-be00-80e4d2c0e197"
DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
DiffResults = "163ba53b-c6d8-5494-b064-1a9d43ac40c5"
DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Parameters = "d96e819e-fc66-5662-9728-84c9c7592b0a"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsFuns = "4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c"

Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
MCMCDiagnostics = "6e857e4b-079a-58c4-aeab-bc2670384359"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
Suppressor = "fd094767-a336-5f1f-9728-57cf17d0bbfb"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Distributions", "Documenter", "ForwardDiff", "MCMCDiagnostics", "StatsBase", "Suppressor", "Test"]
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions REQUIRE

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/DynamicHMC.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module DynamicHMC

import Base: rand, length, show
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ phasepoint_in(H::Hamiltonian, q, p) = PhasePoint(q, p, H.ℓ(q))
Extend a position `q` to a phasepoint with a random momentum according to the
kinetic energy of `H`.
rand_phasepoint(rng, H, q) = phasepoint_in(H, q, rand(rng, H.κ))
rand_phasepoint(rng::AbstractRNG, H, q) = phasepoint_in(H, q, rand(rng, H.κ))

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75 changes: 72 additions & 3 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,75 @@
using DynamicHMC

using DynamicHMC:
# Hamiltonian
GaussianKE, Hamiltonian, PhasePoint, neg_energy, phasepoint_in,
rand_phasepoint, leapfrog, move, is_valid_ℓq,
# building blocks
rand_bool, TurnStatistic, combine_turnstats, Proposal,
combined_logprob_logweight, combine_proposals,
DivergenceStatistic, combine_divstats, divergence_statistic, isdivergent,
get_acceptance_rate, isturning, adjacent_tree, sample_trajectory,
# stepsize
InitialStepsizeSearch, find_initial_stepsize,
# transitions and tuning
NUTS_transition, NUTS_init, StepsizeTuner, StepsizeCovTuner, tune,
TunerSequence, bracketed_doubling_tuner

using Test

using ArgCheck: @argcheck
using DataStructures
import DiffResults
using DiffResults: MutableDiffResult
using Distributions
using DocStringExtensions: SIGNATURES
import ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra
using MCMCDiagnostics: effective_sample_size, potential_scale_reduction
using Parameters
import Random
using Random: randn, rand
using StatsBase: mean_and_cov, mean_and_std
using StatsFuns: logaddexp
using Statistics: mean, quantile
using Suppressor

# general test environment

const RNG = Random.GLOBAL_RNG # shorthand
Random.seed!(RNG, UInt32[0x23ef614d, 0x8332e05c, 0x3c574111, 0x121aa2f4])

"Tolerant testing in a CI environment."
const RELAX = (k = "CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION"; haskey(ENV, k) && ENV[k] == "true")

Random positive definite matrix of size `n` x `n` (for testing).
function rand_Σ(::Type{Symmetric}, n)
A = randn(n, n)
Symmetric(A'*A .+ 0.01)

rand_Σ(::Type{Diagonal}, n) = Diagonal(randn(n).^2 .+ 0.01)

rand_Σ(n::Int) = rand_Σ(Symmetric, n)

## use MvNormal as a test distribution
(ℓ::MvNormal)(p) = DiffResults.DiffResult(logpdf(ℓ, p), (gradlogpdf(ℓ, p), ))

"Random Hamiltonian `H` with phasepoint `z`, with dimension `K`."
function rand_Hz(K)
μ = randn(K)
Σ = rand_Σ(K)
κ = GaussianKE(inv(rand_Σ(Diagonal, K)))
H = Hamiltonian(MvNormal(μ, Matrix(Σ)), κ)
z = rand_phasepoint(RNG, H, μ)
H, z

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132 changes: 0 additions & 132 deletions test/setup-and-utilities.jl

This file was deleted.

70 changes: 60 additions & 10 deletions test/test-Hamiltonian-leapfrog.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,71 @@
import DynamicHMC:
GaussianKE, Hamiltonian, PhasePoint, neg_energy, phasepoint_in,
rand_phasepoint, leapfrog, move, is_valid_ℓq, InitialStepsizeSearch,

# utility functions

import DiffResults: MutableDiffResult
"Test `loggradient` vs autodiff `neg_energy`."
function test_loggradient(ℓ, x)
= DynamicHMC.loggradient(ℓ, x)
∇_AD = ForwardDiff.gradient(x->neg_energy(ℓ,x), x)
@test ∇_AD

Return a reasonable estimate for the largest stable stepsize (which may not be
stable, but is a good starting point for finding that).
`q` is assumed to be normal with variance `Σ`. `κ` is the kinetic energy.
Using the transformation ``p̃ = W⁻¹ p``, the kinetic energy is
``p'M⁻¹p = p'W⁻¹'W⁻¹p/2=p̃'p̃/2``
Transforming to ``q̃=W'q``, the variance of which becomes ``W' Σ W``. Return the
square root of its smallest eigenvalue, following Neal (2011, p 136).
When ``Σ⁻¹=M=WW'``, this the variance of `q̃` is ``W' Σ W=W' W'⁻¹W⁻¹W=I``, and
thus decorrelates the density perfectly.
find_stable_ϵ::GaussianKE, Σ) = eigmin.W'*Σ*κ.W)

function find_stable_ϵ(H::Hamiltonian{Tℓ, Tκ}) where
{Tℓ <: Distribution{Multivariate,Continuous}, Tκ}
find_stable_ϵ(H.κ, cov(H.ℓ))

Simulated mean and covariance of `N` values from `f()`.
function simulated_meancov(f, N)
s = f()
K = length(s)
x = similar(s, (N, K))
for i in 1:N
x[i, :] = f()
m, C = mean_and_cov(x, 1)
vec(m), C

@testset "simulated meancov" begin
d = MvNormal([2,2], [2.0,1.0])
m, C = simulated_meancov(()->rand(d), 10000)
@test m mean(d) atol = 0.05 rtol = 0.1
@test C cov(d) atol = 0.05 rtol = 0.1

# Hamiltonian and leapfrog

# testsets

@testset "Gaussian KE full" begin
for _ in 1:100
K = rand(2:10)
Σ = rand_Σ(Symmetric, K)
κ = GaussianKE(inv(Σ))
@test κ.Minv * κ.W * κ.W' Diagonal(ones(K))
m, C = simulated_meancov(()->rand(RNG, κ), 10000)
m, C = simulated_meancov(()->rand(κ), 10000)
@test Matrix(Σ) C rtol = 0.1
test_loggradient(κ, randn(K))
Expand All @@ -28,7 +78,7 @@ end
κ = GaussianKE(inv(Σ))
# FIXME workaround for
@test κ.Minv * Matrix.W) * Matrix.W') Diagonal(ones(K))
m, C = simulated_meancov(()->rand(RNG, κ), 10000)
m, C = simulated_meancov(()->rand(κ), 10000)
@test Matrix(Σ) C rtol = 0.1
test_loggradient(κ, randn(K))
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions test/test-basics.jl

This file was deleted.

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