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Data Format

larson reever edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 16 revisions

A small description of app/data/bern. Below the examples contain JavaScript comments for explanation, your JSON files should not contain those comments (valid JS, invalid JSON).

Meta data meta.json

    "meta": {
        "hierarchy": ["Direktion", "Dienststelle", "Produktegruppe", "Produkt"], // used for labels in table, determined by node depth in tree
        "page_title": "Budget Bern...", // page title
        "description": "", // meta description
        "h1": "Stadt Bern", // sidebar h1
        "h2": "Produktegruppen-Budget 2013", // sidebar h2
        "data_link": "", // data source url
        "data_title": "Offizielles Budget-PDF", // data source link text
        "uservoice": "VsqIUopbNuYMz7cW5ucG1A", // uservoice id (optional)
        "html_class": "blue", // html css class for theming (optional)
        "gross_cost_label": "Bruttokosten", // label for costs (right side)
        "revenue_label": "Erlöse", // label for revenue (right side)
        "data_url": "/data/bern/data.json", // raw data source (used when cache_url is not specified or to generate cache)
        "cache_url": "/data/bern/cache.json" // cached data (optional)

About data_url and cache_url:

  • absolute url
    • JSON will be loaded from it directly by the browser
    • needs CORS support (windows IE9 does not have it with D3.js)
  • relative path
    • /data/:id/(cache|data).json is served through a proxy backed by carrierwave (S3, filesystem & more)
    • alternatively us another relative path and put your file in public

Data data.json

    [/* array of node data objects */]

A node

        /* this is node data */ 
        "id": "1000",
        "name": "Gemeinde und Beh\u00f6rden",
        "acronym": "GuB", // acronym (optional, nice to have, currently not used)
        "gross_cost": {
            "budgets": { // budgets || accounts
                "2013": 865673.21, // year
                "2012": 909687.25 // year - 1
        "revenue": {
            "budgets": { // budgets || accounts
                "2013": 0, // year
                "2012": 0 // year - 1
        "children": [/* array of node data objects */]

revenue and gross_cost is hard coded, budgets and the years can be changed in scripts/nodes.js:41

    var valuesAccessorForNodeType = {
        'revenue': valuesAccessor('revenue', 'budgets', '2013', '2012'),
        'gross_cost': valuesAccessor('gross_cost', 'budgets', '2013', '2012')

Cache cache.json

For production you can create a cache with pre-processed values and without arbitrary data. Call OpenBudget.nodes.createCache() via your browser console and save the output to your data directory as cache.json. Cache is used whenever cache_url is specified in meta.json.


  • clean up
  • better docu
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