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Thomas Prouvot edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

Use Sf Inspector with a connected app

If you enabled "API client whitelisting", Sf Inspector may not work anymore. To secure the extension usage, you can use a auth flow to get an access token linked to a connected app.

  1. Create a connected app.
  2. Set permissions and callback url(s).

Warning Don't forget to replace "extensionId" and "mysandboxHost" with you current extension id and org domain

  • for Chrome : (chrome-extension://extensionId/data-export.html?host=mysandboxHost&)
  • for firefox : (moz-extension://extensionId/data-export.html?host=mysandboxHost&)

⚠️ Mozilla Firefox extension id is unique for each user, so you'll have to configure one callback per firefox user.

Connected App
  1. Get Consumer Key and save it in the export page
Client Id
  1. Refresh page and generate new token
Generate Token