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Markov Automata with Multiple Objectives

This repository contains benchmark files for multi-objective model checking of Markov Automata

Multi-objective model checking with Storm

We have integrated multi-objective model checking of Markov Automata (MAs) and Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) into the model checker Storm. Please visit to obtain a recent version of Storm. For our experiments we considered Storm version 1.6.3.

When storm has been installed, it can be invoked via

path/to/storm/build/bin/storm (OPTIONS)

where (OPTIONS) is a list of options. For example,

cd models/ma/jobs/
path/to/storm/build/bin/ --prism --prop jobs1.csl --multiobjective:precision 0.01

checks the multi-objective query given in the file jobs1.csl on the Markov Automaton described in the file with a precision of \eta=0.01.

Markov Automata are specified in the PRISM Language, where probabilistic transitions are described with the standard syntax for PRISM commands:

[] guard -> prob_1 : update_1 + ... + prob_n : update_n;

while Markovian transitions are denoted as follows:

<> guard -> rate_1 : update_1 + ... + rate_n : update_n;

Below, we list the most relevant options for multi-objective model checking wit Storm.

  • --help displays the most important options for Storm
  • --help all displays all the options for Storm
  • --prism (FILE) sets the input model file in the PRISM input language.
  • --prop (PROPERTY) sets the considered property (i.e., multi-objecctive query). (PROPERTY) can either be a path to a file containing the property or the property itself, e.g., --prop 'multi(Pmin=? [F "fail"], Rmax=? [F "done"])'
  • -const (CONST) sets unspecified constants of the model, e.g., -const N=3,Q=2
  • -stats -tm displays additional statistics of the computation
  • --precision (EPSILON) sets the precision of the underlying value-iteration solver to (EPSILON)
  • --multiobjective:precision (ETA) sets the precision of the approximation of the Pareto curve to (ETA)
  • --multiobjective:maxsteps (i) limits the number of performed refinement steps to (i)
  • --multiobjective:exportplot (DIRECTORY) Saves various data for plotting the approximation of the Pareto curve. Only works if exactly two objectives are considered. The data is stored into files located at (DIRECTORY)*.csv

More information can be found on the website of Storm.

Benchmarking scripts

We provide a few scripts that can help with the execution of the benchmarks. Before running the scripts, it might be necessary to adapt the file to set, e.g., the path to the storm binary.

  • ./ invokes Storm in a way that it exports the resulting over- and under-approximation in .csv files. Afterwards, a simple python script is invoked to display the result.
  • ./ calls Storm for different MA case studies and objectives and stores the output into different log files.
  • only considers a small subset of the MA benchmarks.
  • ./ calls Storm and PRISM for the different case studies. For PRISM, we consider standard value iteration (see log files prism_*.log) and Gauss-Seidel value iteration (see log files Prism-gs_*.log).
  • ./ calls Storm and IMCA for the different case studies. We consider IMCA with and without enabling expected-time value iteration (see log files imca-val*.log and imca-*.log, respectively)

After enough benchmarks have been executed, the command python logs/ extracts relevant data and creates suitable .tex and .csv files.


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